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Sinead Anderson Mar 2011
Eyes glazed with a sleepy despondency
Imploding into nothingness
Waiting for you to fall back into my life
You're my angel with the bleeding wings
Fallen from grace
Cross my fingers
Picture myself inside your kiss
Breathe in
I am alive
Sinead Anderson Mar 2011
It's been so long since I've slept
My mind shattered and disfigured by the hurt
Impaired by my sadness, I can't function
Oppressed, trapped, by something much larger than me
I can't help but feel distraught and empty
So I'll take it out on myself
The fine art of self-destruction
Sinead Anderson Feb 2011
The strongest winds,
The harshest currents,
Couldn't sweep away all the memories we've made
There is no one else
That could make me feel the way i do when I'm with you
No matter how hard I try,
You're always on my mind
Invading the darkest corners of my head
Plaguing my thoughts with the aching and longing
For you
    r touch.
Sinead Anderson Feb 2011
The ocean air passing through our fading bodies
As we sit on the ledge of what could be the end.
I can see it in your eyes, you're discouraged - unable to see the beauty you radiate.
Your words are like soft melodies in this warm summer breeze.
Put away your sadness and please know;
When I'm without you,
I have no purpose,
Life has no meaning,
Dreams are left unfulfilled.
You're the only honest thing to me in this world of lies.
Sinead Anderson Feb 2011
Your eyes; windows. Naked glimpses of a lonely soul. Exposed.
Your breath; liquid. Filling my lungs with each inspiration. Remorseless.
Your heart; desolate. Your solitude, echoing my own. Aversion.
Our bodies; shoelaces. Twisted and intertwined. Messy and knotted.
This love; unspoken, but there.
Sinead Anderson Feb 2011
Narrow halls. Screaming barricades. Barred windows.
I've become a prisoner in my own head.
Like a  bird; confined in a cage invisible to everyone but myself.
The shadows of my past linger, tease my nerves.
My emotions trapped inside the glass jar of my conscience.
Nothing left to give, but these empty promises and false hope.
Sinead Anderson Feb 2011
When all you want is barren,
When all you need seems to have vanished,
Life seems like a dream.
There's no waking up, caught in a state of melancholy numbness,
There are many ways of being held prisoner.
Sometimes all we've got are silent reveries and shattered hope.
Day and night seem to blend into one stretched blur of solitary confinement.
The imperatives that hold us together and apart are vigorous with bad intentions.
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