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sincelastjune Sep 2014
i have no bridges
left to burn
around here
i torched them all
ashes flew across campus
trust left town
friendships fell in fire
bridges built from wood
had no chance at all
sincelastjune Sep 2014
she affects me
like music does
i get the same feeling
while talking to her
that i get when
i put my headphones on
and drift away
never to return
sincelastjune Sep 2014
she is just as crazy as i am
our relationship
is the perfect storm
the perfect balance
between calm and chaos
some days
we are waves that hit the shore
other days
we are shooting stars
but we don't give up on each other
we want to be together that badly
sincelastjune Sep 2014
even when she's gone
she still makes me smile
it's funny because
there are people
who once made you smile
when they weren't around
but then they left for good
and made that smile disappear
but someone came along
and made the smile reappear
in the blink of an eye
they lit another fire
inside your soul
and we can only hope
hope that they stay this time
sincelastjune Sep 2014
on this day
i don't know what to do
it is a day i spend thinking
about my life thus far
the mistakes i have made
the people i have pushed away
the nightmares i still see at night
wondering if there is anything more to life
at this point
i am numb to the people around me
and numb to myself
i don't look in the mirror for too long anymore
i am content just knowing i don't know anything
content knowing i have a heart keeping me alive
and content knowing one day it will stop beating
until that day comes
i hope my numbness goes away sometime
before they put me in the ground
with the bugs and the berries
sincelastjune Sep 2014
she is my life
so if i ever lose her
i will die
a horrible prolonged death
somewhere on this campus
they will find my body
under a bush
or behind a bike rack
i will be motionless
i will be breathless
i will be loveless
if i ever lose her
i will be lifeless
because she is my life
and everything she does
affects me like nothing else
sincelastjune Sep 2014
somewhere along the lines
everyone became a stranger
or became an enemy
i'm not good with people
never have been
never will be
which makes it hard
for me to keep people in my life
but i don't force anyone to leave
they find their own way out
and they never ever return
which is fine by me
because i still have myself
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