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Dec 2013 · 3.2k
December 27,2013
Simply Lost Dec 2013
You just don't understand me.
I feel like I'm talking to a ******* wall.
And to be honest.
I'm done.
And tired.
I'm tired of having this fake smile plastered on my face.
Everything isn't all fine and dandy.
I'm. .. Lost.
I'm outcasted.
And no matter how much I say I accept it...
It doesn't make me feel like I belong anywhere.
I belong no where.
I don't belong here.
Im sorry.  
But this girl   has forever stopped smiling.
And no this isn't my suicide note.
Believe me,I wish it was...
This is a piece of paper... with a bunch of truth written on it.

And these truths are my feelings deep down.
The feelings that created these scars.
The feelings I try so desperately to hid.
Yeah. There's nothing for me here. Is what I think. I'm just wasted space.
I don't belong in this world of...perfects.
Im just a girl who doesnt feel that im good enough.
On the outside I smile like everythings fine.
But on the inside I break and crumble wishing these days would finally be over.
I try to think happy. But all I get in return is rejection?
No matter how much I sing beautiful day by U2 or Bad Day...
My life just doesn't turn around.
I don't have one friend that I can talk to.
And I can't talk...because...
My problems. I just can't  I convey.
Dec 2013 · 2.4k
Common Crush
Simply Lost Dec 2013
He doesn't know what he does to me.  
That *******  smile.
The way he looks at me.
I'm getting chills.    
He doesn't even know how he can make my heart melt.
******* stew.                
My heart is in your hands.
My smile is in your laugh.
You have no Idea.
It really *****.
I long to tell you
But i can't.
Because you like her.
You always talk about her.
I know you always think of her too.
But she doesn't like you back.
If only she realized how lucky she is
To Own your heart, just like you own    Mine.
If only yourealized how lucky you are that you own mine...
If only our hearts will stop wanting what we both just can't have.
Dec 2013 · 2.1k
If Only You Knew
Simply Lost Dec 2013
i sit in my room every night
in the dark,hiding from the light.
wishing and praying for something,
just one thing,to go right.

i cry at the fact
that i know in my heart...
in my soul,nothing is going to change.
all i can do is act...

and this girl that you see
she isn't the real me.

what would you do,
what would you say
if only you knew
i wasn't who i seem to be.

if i showed you
the sad soul i really am...
and put the happy one to rest,
how would you react to that?

if only you knew
how beautiful i could paint.
what wonderful roses i could create with my lovely thick red paint.

if only you knew just exactly how twisted my mind is...
and how i think.

oh,if only you knew...
maybe you could of helped me.
Dec 2013 · 1.7k
December 17,2013
Simply Lost Dec 2013
Dear God,
i can't seem to escape this fear.
no matter how much i fake this smile,
doubt is near.
Dec 2013 · 1.8k
Once Again I Start To Bleed
Simply Lost Dec 2013
Im here,
Crying and crying once again.

This is not what i want.
not who i want to be...
I don't want to be that broken girl.
i don't want to be me.

But here we are.
A sliver blessing in one hand...
a healed canvas on the other.

I am in this dark corner.
Alone forever.
A broken girl has been left to untangle
The lies...and the horrid truths of reality...
this is me.
And once again i start to bleed.
Dec 2013 · 1.7k
My Darkhour
Simply Lost Dec 2013
I have amazing friends,
I have a loving family,
i have good grades...
Everything is "PERFECT".
Yet i fight through each day...
Battle after battle,
defeat after defeat.

On the outside i may look happy.
act like the things you say don't phase me.
But inside im hurting
and dying for someone to save me.

I really just don't know anymore...i don't think i ever did.
But now its just finally hit me that im no longer a little kid.
I can't whine and cry,
without having a good reason why.

when i breakdown like this,
I have to do it in private.
And this is why you've never seen me sad.
Because these tears are cause by things…
No one will ever understand.
Nov 2013 · 1.5k
Simply Lost Nov 2013
Life is full of HATE...
Broken pieces
Horrid things.

Nightmares at every turn.
Dangers at every light.

Life is also full of hope...
Dreams in every heart.
Faith in every soul.

Life is tough at times,
That is most definitely true.

But every so often there is a surprise...
A gift of magic that gives you enough strength to carry on.

That gift comes in many ways.

And sometimes that gift,
Is the little things that make you smile
Helps keep you sane.
Nov 2013 · 1.7k
Haunted by Our History
Simply Lost Nov 2013
I know it was ages ago.

It was awkward ,
we were clueless.

Didn't know what to do.

You thought we were over...
and i did too.

But little did you know,
After all those years
the horrid truth is...
im still thinking of you.

Yup,i swear i do.
when i walk by that tree where we first held hands...
Or at Disneyland where we shared our first kiss.

Then i come back to reality,
Every happy memory is burnt away by the scene of our fallout.
the yelling,the tears,the throwing of brushes and bottles.

Our history haunts me.
I just can't get away.
Nov 2013 · 6.7k
Simply Lost Nov 2013
I really just want to cry,
Just let it all out.

I don't know why
I feel this filled with doubt.

I'm kind of done
And I no longer see the fun
In prolonging this pain.

There's nothing I could do..
I just can't keep sane.


As I look around,
I see smiles,
Hear laughs
which makes me wonder...
How these people can live without breaking a sweat.

It's pretty inspiring they can stay
This strong ...
I used to be strong,
But then I grew weak
And ended up doing the wrong
That shan't be speaked.

Since then I have started to pray
Every single day for his help
To get me through this horrid phase.

But...I guess I don't pray hard enough
Have a big enough faith.

The reality,I assume,is
I'm forever lost in this place.
Nov 2013 · 1.1k
Over It
Simply Lost Nov 2013
Im mentally done.
Im sick of this crap.
Nothing i do will ever be perfect.
so just get over it!
Nov 2013 · 1.2k
My Scars Are Here
Simply Lost Nov 2013
I cry as i think about the way things used to be…
When you were always there for me.
When you had my back.
when you cared.
Now…there's nothing…
Just Emptyness.
Numb as numb could be.
Im alone with this blade.
Oh no here we go…
you're not here to stop me…
You're not here at all.
when monday comes…you are going to be the only one staring at my scars.
Because you are the only one who knows where they are…
For you were the one who was suppose to be here.
But you weren't so now these scars are there.
Nov 2013 · 1.9k
Geek Vs Barbie
Simply Lost Nov 2013
Im falling for him.
but the thing is...he likes someone else.
And i understand…
She is pretty,skinny and not me.
She isn't weird…
She is perfectly perfect,
She is fake.
But he doesn't see that,
He can't see past her looks.
just like he can't see past my books.
They always choose the Barbie over the Geek…
I guess that's just reality.
Nov 2013 · 1.1k
Just here
Simply Lost Nov 2013
It kind of *****.
Sitting here…alone.
I feel like
wasted space.
Why am i even here?

Im just invading your air.
infecting it.
Im sorry.

But why did you invite me here?
Just to be nice i suppose.
The thing is you don't have to be nice to me.
im a ghost.
Nov 2013 · 1.2k
If Only
Simply Lost Nov 2013
If only my childhood self knew…
life wasn't as amazing as it seemed.
If only my childhood self knew…
Happy endings only existed in movies.
If only my childhood self knew…
the smiles and laughs would soon fade away.
If only my childhood self knew…
The monsters and villians don't always lose.
If only my childhood self knew…
how damaged i would be today.
If only i knew my childhood fantasies…
Weren't going to come true…
Maybe i wouldn't of been so natïve
Nov 2013 · 1.7k
My Cutting History
Simply Lost Nov 2013
When i tried to cut for the first time,
it wasn't because i wanted to feel alive.
I cut because i wanted someone to notice and ask if i was okay.
i wanted them to be worried,
i wanted them to see i wasn't as happy or strong as they thought i was.
I wanted love.
The second time was a fail.
I was angry and sad.
i wanted to break through the bulwark that kept my veins safe…
But my skin isn't like paper,it's not easy to i stopped.
Im a week clean…and im pretty sure im never going to try to cut again…
But that doesn't mean im better…it just means i need to find another way to…give myself pleasure.

— The End —