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Oct 2013 · 442
Missing you
Simone Oct 2013
How can you miss someone you never met?
Miss someone you never held
Miss someone you never spoke too.

How can you love someone you never had?
Love someone you never touched
Love someone you never knew

How can you cry for someone who was just an idea?
Cry for a collection of thoughts
Cry for a prayer on the wind

How can you get over someone no one knows your grieving?
Get over someone you never got to care for
Get over someone you never kissed

How can you forgive yourself for something so tragic?
For something that had to be done
For something that over all was the right thing
Oct 2013 · 1.9k
Simone Oct 2013
I sit on a bench and watch all the kids play
Wondering why no one will play with me
I walk over and they all just walk away

I sit on the grass and each my lunch
Wondering why no one seems to like me
I try to start at conversation in class and they just hush me

I sit outside and watch the cars pass by
Wondering why no one asked me to the prom
Not completed, spur of the moment. we will see how it gets polished. if you want you can leave comments :)
Jan 2013 · 486
Simone Jan 2013
Fire burns the building
leaving ashes and embers in its wake

Fire burns the trees
leaving bark and char in its wake

Fire burns the skin
Leaving welts and ruin in its wake

Fire burns
Sep 2012 · 366
In the end
Simone Sep 2012
If today was the day where you knew it would all end
How would you spend it?

Would you run away and hide
Would you face your fears with pride

Would you gather the ones you love
Would you put your faith in the one above

If today was the day where you knew it would all end
How would you spend it?

Would you right all your wrongs
Would you sing a bunch of sad songs

Would you love, love and play
Would you act like its any other day

If today was the day where I knew it would all end
I would try to prove it wrong
Sep 2012 · 481
Simone Sep 2012
Life doesnt have map
If it did we would all follow it
Yet what fun would that be
Everyone taking the same road...
Jun 2010 · 572
Simone Jun 2010
Flaming arms stretched up towards the sky
Face shaped in a mask of pure agony
Bursts of flames shoot off into the dark night
Finding places next to the moon to slowly burn
Dying embers stretched up towards the sky
Heavy with soot and dying flames
Looking up the night sky is studded with light
A true piece of heaven from the passion of one
Jun 2010 · 1.5k
Squiggly Wiggly
Simone Jun 2010
Squiggly Wiggly
The good little squid named squiggly wiggly
Wasn’t always such a good little squid
Squiggly wiggly had to learn her lesson the hard way
She used to go about her business all Wiggly Jiggly
She didn’t have a care in the world she always acted like a kid
Her parents never knew what she was doing or where she would stay
Whenever she was on the playground she was always a bully
She never tried to be kind or polite she never did anything fully
Then one day she had a shock
She was out playing around the block
Along came a shark who gave her a blow
She fell so hard she had to stand up slow
Off she went to complain to the others
Everyone ignored her even her brothers
And so she learned from that mighty shock
That its never nice to hurt or mock
From that day on the squid named Squiggly Wiggly
Was always a very kind squid
Jun 2010 · 780
Roxy and Rascal
Simone Jun 2010
From the very beginning Roxy and Rascal were paired together.
They seemed to fit together perfectly
What one had trouble with the other was perfect in
Together they made each other complete
Roxy and Rascal never liked to be apart
They played together and slept together and even ate together
When ever they had to go there separate ways they were always very sad
But that just made seeing each other once again all the better
Sometimes they got in fights
This made them very sad and angry
They didn’t like to fight and they fought more then theyd like to
Best friends from the beginning
They couldn’t imagine things ever being different
They loved each other  with all there heart
To hurt one another was like hurting themselves
Even though they did sometimes fight
They always made up no matter what
Roxy and Rascal are meant to be together
Forever and Ever and Ever
Jun 2010 · 493
Simone Jun 2010
Every day i think of you
Your in my hear so your in my mind
I have tried to let go
I have tried to forget
It hurts me to remember you
To wish you were back in my life
I see the mistakes i have made now
And wish that i can take them back
If you were still around maybe things would be better
Maybe they would be worse
Who knows if i'd grown as much as i have
You leaving has taught me so much
It has made me ME
Jun 2010 · 684
Simone Jun 2010
I feel the edge slice my skin
I see the blade gleam from my palm
I feel the knife pull me in

Down into the deep dark black
Down farther away from the good
All the bad forcing me down

Until i cant see....
Cant breathe....
Cant do anything...


Feel the edge slice my skin
See the blade gleam from my palm
The pull of the knife draws me in
Apr 2010 · 374
Simone Apr 2010

              No one
Mar 2010 · 651
Simone Mar 2010
Exactly a year ago
I was celebrating the same thing
Another year under my belt
Another ring on the tree
What really do i have to show for it

A year ago i was sitting here
Thinking the same thing
Wondering if things would be different
This year to come
Holding so much potential

At my next birthday
Will i be sitting here
In the same position
Thinking the same things
Wondering the same things

Next year will everything be the same
Or will everything have changed?
Mar 2010 · 584
Do you love me?
Simone Mar 2010
Do you love me?
For all this pain and time ive spent I think I deserve the truth
Do you love me?
Or is it just the fact you like to **** more then you like me
Do you love me?
Can your words possibly be true when there is no action
Do you love me?
Am I just a fool for your tricks
Do you love me?
I want to believe that what you say is the truth
Do you love me?
Will I ever know?
If you loved me I think I would know for sure
Mar 2010 · 569
Simone Mar 2010
I lay here
Darkness all around me
Tv faintly glowing
Whispering in the dark
I close my eyes
Trying to clear my head
Thoughts keep creeping up
Loudly swirling around
Making it hard for me to sleep

I lay here
In the dark
Wishing i could fall asleep
It seems so easy for others
Close eyes
Breathe deep
and sleep

I lay here
Consumed by darkness
Waiting for it to suffocate me
So finally i can get some sleep
Mar 2010 · 1.4k
Simone Mar 2010
Flutter around my stomach
Float around my head
Swarm around my heart
Flap and make me smile
Slow when he comes over to talk to me
Make me shiver when he touches my hand
Teach happiness
Fly for love
        Worlds greatest gift
Mar 2010 · 547
The Call
Simone Mar 2010
It calls out to me
Sitting in my other hand
Urging me to use it
An upturned wrist
Lays on my leg
Veins traceable
All to be sliced
The vision of blood
Seeping down my arm
Throws chills through my body
I want to use it
To trace delicate lines
All over my clean skin
The cold metal heavy in my hand
A comfortable weight
Its sharp edge gleams in the light
Begging to be used
To be coated in my sticky red blood
Feeling a razor sinking through my skin
The immense pressure then release
Pure pleasure in my mind
Despite the pleasure that I yearn for
Slowly I roll my sleeve
Over my wrists white flesh
My clenched hand relaxes
The sharp razor slides out
Falling to the ground
I turn my back
And slowly walk away
Holding my breath and not looking back
Mar 2010 · 557
Simone Mar 2010
Spun in a web
A thin web
pretty silk web
a fragile web
one miss step
the web will break
a broken web
breaks people
breaks life
breaks happiness
Mar 2010 · 649
Simone Mar 2010
A secret
kept in silence
stashed in our hearts
from others
locked away
by all
even us

To be remembered
the secret
kept in silence
is eventually voiced
back with a vengence
hopefully to be forgotten again
by all
even us
Mar 2010 · 1.1k
Upside Down
Simone Mar 2010
In a world called upside down
Its midnight when the sun comes up
Its morning when the sun sinks down
Stop signs are green and always say Go
The grass is purple and is always dry
The sky is pink and always cries
When its cloudy out i have to wear sunglasses
And when its sunny I cant forget my umbrella
I once heard of a world called Right Side Up
When the clock strikes 12 the suns asleep
When the sun comes up its morning
Stop signs are red with 8 sides
Green lights glow and let you pass
The ocean lives down in the ground
The clouds live way up high
The grass is green and has some dew
The sky is blue and fluffy
When its cloudy the rain might fall
And when its sunny you need No umbrella
That would must be a crazy place to live
Mar 2010 · 2.8k
Simone Mar 2010
Rosy red lips
Beautiful smooth lips
Curving to make the perfect O

They call out to me
They sing only for me
They beckon me in

Pale pink lips
Chapped rough lips
Slightly crooked in a grin

They intrigue me
They speak to me
They love me
Mar 2010 · 555
Falling Angel
Simone Mar 2010
With eyes closed tight
                                                                      I leap
With arms outstretched
                                                                      I fall
With mind open wide
                                                                      I fly
With a Smile
                                                                     I land
Im caught by outstretched arms
                                                                      He hopes
With eyes closed tight
                                                                      He waits
With arms outstretched
                                                                      He wishes
With mind open wide
                                                                      He catches
With a smile

his hopes, his waiting, his wishes
All came true by catching a falling angel
Mar 2010 · 568
Simone Mar 2010
Thinking of him
My heart pounds like thunder shaking the ground
My hands shake like rain pelting the green grass
My stomach constricts like a snake aroudn their prey
My voice catches in my throat
When he walks in the room i cant help myself
A smile shows on my face
My heart leaps out of my chest
My feet lead themselves
My hand slides into his
He smiles down at me
The pounding slows
My palms dry
My stomach relaxes
My voice is strong as i say
                 "I love you"
Mar 2010 · 795
You Say(version 2)
Simone Mar 2010
You say goodbye
I set the phone down
Tears streaming from my eyes
Wiping the wetness from my cheeks
Breathing in ragged breathes
You say you know what i need
You say you can tell when i want to say something
Yet everytime you say goodbye
I want you to tell me ill be okay
Every time i start to cry
I want you to make me tell you why
I want you to be everything I need
Mar 2010 · 461
You Say(version 1)
Simone Mar 2010
You say you'll call

You say you love me

You say you care

You say you want to talk

You say im yours

You say your mine

You say you'll never leave me

You say you will be everything i want

You say im everything you need

You say you like my body

You say you want to know

You say i can tell you anything

You say you'll tell me everything

You say you like my mind

You say you want me

You say you'll respect me

You say you understand me

You say you'll never hurt me

You say you'll give the world to me

You say you'll lose your life for me

You say alot

But you dont really mean anything at all
Mar 2010 · 2.5k
Simone Mar 2010
Sleep made her eyes droop
Tears made her eyes blurr
Stress made her reactions slow
Love made her heart heavy
Rain made the road slick
The crash made her life change
Mar 2010 · 438
Simone Mar 2010
I watch the moon rise

              I watch the sunset

                             I watch the stars twinkle

                                            In the night noises fade

                                                        In the night action slows

                                          In the night all is quiet

                          In the night all is pretty

In the night i come alive
Mar 2010 · 1.3k
The Clock Strikes
Simone Mar 2010
The clock strikes 6, her hairs already up
        Every strand perfectly placed
The clock strikes 7, her outfits all laid out
        Down to the shoes perfectly laced
The clock strikes 8, her makeup skillfully applied
        Not one flaw or blemish to see
The clock strikes 9, down the stairs she goes
        Standing in the door like a prince waiting for she
The clock strikes 10, she's smiling at him
        He gets her straight down to the core
The clock strikes 11, she's in total bliss
        She's never felt this way before
The clock strikes 12, her nights almost over
        He walks her to the door and ends it with a kiss
The clock strikes 1, shes in her bed
        Dreaming of her night and shining armor Chris
Mar 2010 · 759
All the Worlds A Stage
Simone Mar 2010
A little boy ran across the street
Little did he know
Lounging on the other side a threat

The boy knew stranger danger
However little boys rarely remember
Evil lurks around every corner

When the boy started to play he wasnt worried
Ordinary day he thought
Retro speculation tells us he was wrong
Little we know besides the results
Despair is what followed
Sad to say I dont know what came of him

A little boy ran across the street

Some one was waiting
Trouble was lurking
A tragedy occurred
God only knows what happened
Events like this should never be told
Mar 2010 · 610
The Dolls Lament
Simone Mar 2010
I wiped my mouth of blood and guts
Im so happy i just ate this putz
What a satisfying ****
It really was a thrill

Since the start of time
Ive been waiting to make his brain mine
He's smelly and cruel
and always drools

He threw me on the floor
And then walked out the door
I sat and collected dust
Completing my lack of trust

Now whose going to play with me
I think as i sit on his knee
Maybe i should have just maimed him
Instead of ripping him limb from limb
Mar 2010 · 471
The Deadly Doll
Simone Mar 2010
The doll in the door
Is going to eat my brains
All along the floor
My blood leaves a stain

I always knew the day would come
When the toys would revolt
My worst nightmare has been done
Nothing could beat them, not even a colt

It moves slowly towards me
And opens its mouth
I think of making a plea
Or instead just running swiftly south

Upon my demise
I screamed like a girl
As i shouted out my goodbyes
My head began to whirl
Mar 2010 · 435
Untitled 2
Simone Mar 2010
I wake up in the morning
Pain already raging through my veins
Wanting almost killing me
Everything in my body begging me
Pick it up
Cold and shiny
It sits heavy in my palm
The edge glints as the morning sun hits it
My muscles contract
The pain becomes to great
Tears start streeming from my eyes
No one is around to stop me
To hold me tight and take it from me
No one is around to save me from myself
I have made a promise to try and stop
To try is what i promised because i knew i couldnt keep it
I knew i would fall and fall again
Cuz i never have anyone here to catch me
Its easy though to blame other people
To throw the hurt outside myself
And toss it on to other people
I close my eyes
Try to clear my mind
It doesnt work
All i hear is the words
Words that were thrown
Sticking where they land
Mar 2010 · 564
The Bite
Simone Mar 2010
Take a cold shiny razor blade
Shave off the flesh to the bone
Dont stop cutting until the metal has a mouthful
Blood flows freely from the wound
Dripping down the arm and onto the floor
Slipping in the sticky pile as i try to stand
I land on my back and just relax
The darkness starts to seep into my mind
My wrist starts itching for another bite
Mar 2010 · 493
Untitled(Still rough)
Simone Mar 2010
Understand that for me you were it
You were the one i wanted to be with
I gave you my heart i gave you my faith
You turned and walked away

I thought we were okay
I thought things were good
I guess i was wrong

Seeing you now
Is like a knife in the gut
I want to turn and run
If i do that you win

I know i did a lot of wrong
I know i hurt you and broke your heart
But we were doing okay
Until that day when you went away

I thought you were going to come back to me
Instead you left all your love for me
I miss you

And when i think of you
I get a lump in my throat
My heart starts racing
My stomach knots up
I just wish i could rid you from my mind

From my mind and from my heart
I wish i could cut you out and leave you behind
One cut would lead to another
Then i would just be in pieces

Its better to deal with you living in my heart
Maybe you will come back
Mabye you will never

But i will always remember what we had
There will be a part of me that always
And forever loves you

Loves you more then you could possibly understand
Mar 2010 · 1.3k
Simone Mar 2010
Standing alone under the street lamp
Rain pounding all around
Feeling safe inside of the glow
Waiting patiently

Sitting Alone on a dark bench
Leaves swirling by your feet
Feeling safe as the sun sets
Waiting patiently

Shivering alone outside a theatre
Snow falling gently to the ground
Feeling safe all alone
Tears flowing
Mar 2010 · 511
Two Worlds
Simone Mar 2010
His face glows with a faint blue light
A screen is seen shining in his eyes
His lips are drawn into a tight tense line
A dark void encompasses him
Clicking and clacking the only sounds to hear
His face lacks emotion taking on a brain dead stare
This cyber world is where he lives

A pale hand lays gently on his shoulder
His head turns ever so slightly
The blue glow catches a smile on his lips
His eyes start shining from deep with in
The dark void suddenly fills with light
A gentle whispering in his ear
A gentle caress of his lips
He now knows this is where he wants to live
Mar 2010 · 643
I write
Simone Mar 2010
I write because i cant speak
My voice is drowned out
To many people talking over me

I write becuause i cant explain
To fast things fly by
Their arent enough words

I write because no one listens
No one cares enough
No one stops and takes the time

I write because i love it
I write because i can be me
No more hiding

— The End —