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Simone Mar 2010
Flutter around my stomach
Float around my head
Swarm around my heart
Flap and make me smile
Slow when he comes over to talk to me
Make me shiver when he touches my hand
Teach happiness
Fly for love
        Worlds greatest gift
Simone Mar 2010
It calls out to me
Sitting in my other hand
Urging me to use it
An upturned wrist
Lays on my leg
Veins traceable
All to be sliced
The vision of blood
Seeping down my arm
Throws chills through my body
I want to use it
To trace delicate lines
All over my clean skin
The cold metal heavy in my hand
A comfortable weight
Its sharp edge gleams in the light
Begging to be used
To be coated in my sticky red blood
Feeling a razor sinking through my skin
The immense pressure then release
Pure pleasure in my mind
Despite the pleasure that I yearn for
Slowly I roll my sleeve
Over my wrists white flesh
My clenched hand relaxes
The sharp razor slides out
Falling to the ground
I turn my back
And slowly walk away
Holding my breath and not looking back
Simone Mar 2010
Spun in a web
A thin web
pretty silk web
a fragile web
one miss step
the web will break
a broken web
breaks people
breaks life
breaks happiness
Simone Mar 2010
A secret
kept in silence
stashed in our hearts
from others
locked away
by all
even us

To be remembered
the secret
kept in silence
is eventually voiced
back with a vengence
hopefully to be forgotten again
by all
even us
Simone Mar 2010
In a world called upside down
Its midnight when the sun comes up
Its morning when the sun sinks down
Stop signs are green and always say Go
The grass is purple and is always dry
The sky is pink and always cries
When its cloudy out i have to wear sunglasses
And when its sunny I cant forget my umbrella
I once heard of a world called Right Side Up
When the clock strikes 12 the suns asleep
When the sun comes up its morning
Stop signs are red with 8 sides
Green lights glow and let you pass
The ocean lives down in the ground
The clouds live way up high
The grass is green and has some dew
The sky is blue and fluffy
When its cloudy the rain might fall
And when its sunny you need No umbrella
That would must be a crazy place to live
Simone Mar 2010
Rosy red lips
Beautiful smooth lips
Curving to make the perfect O

They call out to me
They sing only for me
They beckon me in

Pale pink lips
Chapped rough lips
Slightly crooked in a grin

They intrigue me
They speak to me
They love me
Simone Mar 2010
With eyes closed tight
                                                                      I leap
With arms outstretched
                                                                      I fall
With mind open wide
                                                                      I fly
With a Smile
                                                                     I land
Im caught by outstretched arms
                                                                      He hopes
With eyes closed tight
                                                                      He waits
With arms outstretched
                                                                      He wishes
With mind open wide
                                                                      He catches
With a smile

his hopes, his waiting, his wishes
All came true by catching a falling angel
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