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Simone Mar 2010
I wiped my mouth of blood and guts
Im so happy i just ate this putz
What a satisfying ****
It really was a thrill

Since the start of time
Ive been waiting to make his brain mine
He's smelly and cruel
and always drools

He threw me on the floor
And then walked out the door
I sat and collected dust
Completing my lack of trust

Now whose going to play with me
I think as i sit on his knee
Maybe i should have just maimed him
Instead of ripping him limb from limb
Simone Mar 2010
The doll in the door
Is going to eat my brains
All along the floor
My blood leaves a stain

I always knew the day would come
When the toys would revolt
My worst nightmare has been done
Nothing could beat them, not even a colt

It moves slowly towards me
And opens its mouth
I think of making a plea
Or instead just running swiftly south

Upon my demise
I screamed like a girl
As i shouted out my goodbyes
My head began to whirl
Simone Mar 2010
I wake up in the morning
Pain already raging through my veins
Wanting almost killing me
Everything in my body begging me
Pick it up
Cold and shiny
It sits heavy in my palm
The edge glints as the morning sun hits it
My muscles contract
The pain becomes to great
Tears start streeming from my eyes
No one is around to stop me
To hold me tight and take it from me
No one is around to save me from myself
I have made a promise to try and stop
To try is what i promised because i knew i couldnt keep it
I knew i would fall and fall again
Cuz i never have anyone here to catch me
Its easy though to blame other people
To throw the hurt outside myself
And toss it on to other people
I close my eyes
Try to clear my mind
It doesnt work
All i hear is the words
Words that were thrown
Sticking where they land
Simone Mar 2010
Take a cold shiny razor blade
Shave off the flesh to the bone
Dont stop cutting until the metal has a mouthful
Blood flows freely from the wound
Dripping down the arm and onto the floor
Slipping in the sticky pile as i try to stand
I land on my back and just relax
The darkness starts to seep into my mind
My wrist starts itching for another bite
Simone Mar 2010
Understand that for me you were it
You were the one i wanted to be with
I gave you my heart i gave you my faith
You turned and walked away

I thought we were okay
I thought things were good
I guess i was wrong

Seeing you now
Is like a knife in the gut
I want to turn and run
If i do that you win

I know i did a lot of wrong
I know i hurt you and broke your heart
But we were doing okay
Until that day when you went away

I thought you were going to come back to me
Instead you left all your love for me
I miss you

And when i think of you
I get a lump in my throat
My heart starts racing
My stomach knots up
I just wish i could rid you from my mind

From my mind and from my heart
I wish i could cut you out and leave you behind
One cut would lead to another
Then i would just be in pieces

Its better to deal with you living in my heart
Maybe you will come back
Mabye you will never

But i will always remember what we had
There will be a part of me that always
And forever loves you

Loves you more then you could possibly understand
Simone Mar 2010
Standing alone under the street lamp
Rain pounding all around
Feeling safe inside of the glow
Waiting patiently

Sitting Alone on a dark bench
Leaves swirling by your feet
Feeling safe as the sun sets
Waiting patiently

Shivering alone outside a theatre
Snow falling gently to the ground
Feeling safe all alone
Tears flowing
Simone Mar 2010
His face glows with a faint blue light
A screen is seen shining in his eyes
His lips are drawn into a tight tense line
A dark void encompasses him
Clicking and clacking the only sounds to hear
His face lacks emotion taking on a brain dead stare
This cyber world is where he lives

A pale hand lays gently on his shoulder
His head turns ever so slightly
The blue glow catches a smile on his lips
His eyes start shining from deep with in
The dark void suddenly fills with light
A gentle whispering in his ear
A gentle caress of his lips
He now knows this is where he wants to live
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