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Worried, scared and alone.
She closes her bedroom door and breaks into tears.
She feels useless.
She feels worthless.
She feels like she's a waste of space.
She has no friends.
Only enemies.
She screams so loud but no-one can hear her.
She feels as if she's been trapped at the bottom of a well and she's crying out for help, but no-one can hear her.
No-one cares.
The demons scream so loud in her head.
Getting louder and louder.
Her head begins to feel with eerie thoughts.
Dark thoughts.
Disturbing thoughts.
All the pain is bottled inside her, urging to be poured out.
The only way that she can open up and relieve the pain is to paint.
She uses her body as her canvas and begins to paint away without no care at all.
Slowly but surely, the pain begins to ooze away.
The red paint from her brush drips onto the floor, forming a pattern.
Her canvas is soon covered but she still feels unsatisfied.
She goes over some of her previous paintings, creating different shapes and patterns.
She paints until she is satisfied.
She crawls onto her bed and snuggles up with her teddy bear.
Her mum calls from downstairs, asking if she is alright.
She replies with a tearful 'fine', even though deep down inside she knows that she isn't.
This girl wants help.
This girl needs help.
It’s the holes in your heart that **** you
Not the heart in your body
But the one in your soul
The one that makes you drive all night never knowing why
Searching for something you can never find
Maybe little pieces left in a life behind
Pieces that can fill those holes
And make you whole
But there’s a smile somewhere
In the back of your mind
That will always shine
Through the darkest of memories
Black and white photographs
Strewn across the floor of your head
She lies there laughing beautiful in bed
Naked as the truth that pinches the tip of your nose
In the frozen intersection of winter
Now expressionless
Wondering why the love ran out
But you know it never did
It just moved away
And forgot to write
Time is terrible
It loses track of itself
As do all great birds in flight
The wind becomes their clock
Hands broken
Only wings
It leaves only flying and landing
Even she
In all her broken loveliness
Understands this
(C) 2013
She stares at me
From the other side of that mirror
Her eyes are full of disappointment.
But what does she know?!
She's only a little girl.
She has no Idea what it's like out there.
But she knows me.
She knows my past.
The pain I once felt.
The pain I pushed so far down only she feels it now.

Her eyes fill with tears.
Terrified of who she's become.
Or are they my tears?
Ours she corrects me.
I shiver at the thought.

This little girl so small.
Look who she's become.
I'm sorry little girl.
I know you'll never forgive me.
*I'll never forgive me.

— The End —