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SilverDagger Sep 2015
why did you disappear
I still need you
by my side
the monsters creep closer
and I can't fight them any longer
I'm fading away
As I'm losing my grip
on reality.

where has my angel gone?
back up to heaven,
recalled by God from
his mission so he can attend
to more important matters?
maybe I was dreaming all
the while
and you weren't ever real,
just a wisp of smoke
blown away by the wind.
the wind,the cruel wind of reality
who blew my empty glass heart away
and cracked it
I'll become strong enough
to hide my heart
far from cruel Reality
so it doesn't shatter like
the sheer window pane
separating Innocence
from Darkness.

come back soon!
my innocence wanes amidst the
and I don't want to lose you,too.
SilverDagger Sep 2015
don't cry,darling
say what you need to say
it's okay
if you hurt them back
I'll hold you up
when the world's overwhelming you
you don't need to know how
to deal with this
because I'll teach you
to fly away
from your troubles
you'll grow silver wings
like mine
we'll glide

I'll protect you from all harm
and grant your vengeful wishes
because I was once like you,
alone in the world
wanting to
strike back,
wanting to fly away.

Everyone needs a guardian,
for the world is
a cruel place.
SilverDagger Sep 2015
If life was an equation
maybe I'd know someone smart enough
who could explain it
to me
But maybe
life's a physics concept
only geniuses even know about
and even our brightest minds
only vaguely understand it
Maybe life is
actually a massive machine
that runs on the fuel of passion
generated by endlessly
running people
on hamster wheels
Maybe life
is an elaborate lie
created by
shadowy figures behind
the scenes,
intangible shadows
never seen,
never heard,
never touched.
I could sit here
all day
and think of reasons why
life makes no sense to me
but it won't make me
closer to understanding
SilverDagger Sep 2015
ever searching for you
in the places you usually are
you're the missing piece of
the puzzle
and it drives me crazy that
you're not coming back
I never realized how much
I needed you
until you were gone
the gaps you left
in between moments
make me nervous
something happened to you.

sometimes in vain
I hope that you'll return
even though you're
gone forever.

you're the one who got away
and I just wanted to say
I'm sorry
I left you behind
maybe someday


It's late,and I must go
Please take care until we meet again.
SilverDagger Sep 2015
I spend
listening to
that no one
else likes.
I draw on myself:
my arms,my clothes are
covered in pen

When I younger,
I would eat the
junk food
my grandma gave me
when driving me home
from school.
I lied to my parents
about eating the food;
I didn't eat
what Grandma gave
I always lied to my parents
but they found out anyway
and they never believed me

My sweetest addiction
is lies,
sugary fantasies
that never fill you up
The gluttony just makes you hungrier
for the
Today I am
an honest person,
but I still crave lies.

if I crave lies,
why do I also
want the
SilverDagger Sep 2015
I wish I was still a good writer sometimes,
when I'm somewhere
where my words
would be useful
but now
my one talent
has floated away
like the Lorax once did
now I have nothing
and my strength has
I can't write anymore
No more essays and witticisms
for me.
but my soul somehow dug
these words up
and my brain strung them together
and now I have my poems to cling to
when I miss my talent for words
SilverDagger Sep 2015
my brain wants to do something and
my body tries to comply and i
***** up time after time and
                        all my fault
but sometimes
                           the colossal mess
Belongs to someone else

as long as it's not
in my territory i'll tolerate other's
but if they ***** up my business
why then
if they stand close enough that i can see them,i would rip them open
without a thought
because they should have done it a
Little ******* better
so they don't ***** with people's

Yes,I'm talking to you.You smart ***
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