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3.1k · Nov 2010
Sierra Martin Nov 2010
I can do so many things in this life.
Good things and Bad things.

But those things hold no meaning.
      Nothing does.

All what matters is me.
My body and its form in this world

And you. Your presence.
Your thoughts, Your actions, and Your meaning.
Me and You.

And all the others.
The others. The millions of people that live each day while dying.
Trying so hard to find themselves with so much out there.

But none of it holds true meaning.

Me and You and The Others.

When so many things are distorted,
We are the only real things out there.
Please leave any comments, good and bad!!
2.2k · Aug 2011
Sierra Martin Aug 2011
If my fight is over,
Then why does it feel
Like I am running a Marathon?

Why does it always feel like I am
Desperate for air, wanting this fight to be over?

Why does it always feel like I am
looking for a way around the challenges
that are constantly being thrown in my direction?

Why do I always feel weak,
But strong enough to admit it?

*Because you are living life.
And in life you are always running,
even if nothing is chasing you.
1.7k · Jan 2012
Perfect Posture
Sierra Martin Jan 2012
Everything Beautiful inside of me is taken.

Everything that framed my body has cracked.

Everything that once molded who I was and what I wanted to become has shattered.

Everything healthy inside of me has hollowed out and left completly.
And I feel dead inside.

So I curse my features,
       For they do not follow suit.

And I am broken.

But a solid mask is stuck in place,
masking my truths from any followers.

So I stay peaced together.

Hiding from my true form.

*So well that I hide from myself
This is an old poem that I dug up, and thought someone might relate to. Don't give up! The answer is always out there, even if it is good at hiding.
1.6k · Jun 2010
Sierra Martin Jun 2010
You want to live.

You want to be remembered.

You want to make a difference.

You want to save the world.
Being a young poet, I would Love to hear your views on any of my poetry.
Thank you for reading!
1.2k · Nov 2010
Sierra Martin Nov 2010
My mind thrives in the night.

It takes to it like an empty canvas,
Forming infinite meaning of words,
  Creating pictures that hold more sound than color

And with each shifting moment,
the words change to an adverse
meaning unlike reality.

Creating a new world of glass,
Catching many reflections,
and Casting them with a jumble of meanings that hold more truth than I am capable of comprehending

Throwing thoughts in every direction,
Making me stumble in my sleepless sleep.

My mind thrives in the night.
1.2k · Jun 2010
Sierra Martin Jun 2010
It was like slipping through a sheet of ice-cold water

Falling into nothing
Becoming nothing

Everything that was your life is now your death

Everything you know,
Everything you thought
Leaves you.
Traveling into near darkness and not coming back

You forget.
You forget
to breath
to talk
to move

All you can do it Fight

Fight an impossible battle against yourself
An impossible battle you will loose
An impossible battle you will never wake up from.
Being a young poet, I would Love to hear your views on any of my poetry.
Thank you for reading!
1.1k · Apr 2011
Sierra Martin Apr 2011
Beneath this cloak of darkness,
I feel a hand.

A hand that guides me,
and defines me.

And when that hand's grasp loosens,
I am shot back to oblivion.

Too lost to be found.
1.1k · Feb 2013
Me, Myself, and I
Sierra Martin Feb 2013
There is this girl that I know.
She dreams in large doses that swallow her up.

She shies away from reality
as consistently as she shies away from me.

She sees the world in black and white,
with paper clouds and dull surroundings
Even when I tell her of all of the colors.

And she always clings to the possibility of love and acceptance,
as if they are the origin of her beating heart.

But still she believes
The world is a big and scary place, waiting to consume her.
That all of the possibilities it holds pressure her to be better, to excel.

She takes the things she has for granted,
and believes that happiness is something that takes an army to achieve,
And she doesn’t have a kingdom.

But how she is wrong,
Her dreams are made up of a gifted imagination that can take her anywhere.
Reality is nothing to fear, nor something to fight.
And the world is her canvas, ready to absorb whatever she desires.

She has nothing to fear,
The world is herbivorous, and feasts on happy endings.
All that’s asked of her is to be sincere and experience happiness,
no matter where that takes her.

But mostly what she doesn’t understand,
Is that she is surrounded by soldiers ready to fulfill their duty.
That love and care for every piece of her,
Honorable or
And as long as they are there to guide her,
she is invincible.

To live in this beautiful free world,
Is to live in an abode of possibilities.

Were the trees whisper secrets,
bending their skeletal bones to achieve their one desire.

The wind carries life on diverging paths,
Not knowing which direction it is taking till the last possible moment.

Were the sun cakes you with memories,
and allows you to dream of freedom in the most ambiguous ways possible.

Where water carries a current that steals away your troubles,
Carrying them down the winding river frigid with savage desires.
And the rush,
Rush of water is like blood, coursing through your veins and carrying
full responsibility for your parched temptations.

These are things that you never see-
You never appreciate.
Even when these images and feelings and thoughts are POUNDING on your eyelids,
Attempting to find sanctuary in your mind.

Open yourself up, and
Feel the glory of life.

Because the one thing you never do is appreciate the dips and curves and mountains and valleys and
Of people.
It contains.
1.1k · Sep 2011
Sierra Martin Sep 2011
Standing there-
Staring at my reflection,
I actually see
Myself for the first time in years.

My body and my mind are finally one again.

My Blue Eyes

The Freckles on my face

The Dimples of my cheeks

The waves of my hair

These things have always been mine.
**Finally feel like they belong.
1.0k · Jun 2010
Live With All Living
Sierra Martin Jun 2010
The waves came, but never retreated

The silence grew, but never ceased

The sky blackened, but never lit

The signs of the world unraveling pierced straight through every mind,

The proof was given to mankind

The sun slipped
The ice sunk
The trees scarce
The deserts abundant
The ground quaked
The houses crumpled

The People Raged
Water departed
Food Rotten
Animals forgotten
Hopes gone

The Tide Has Turned
And people begin to regret, more and more.
People begin to see that there is so much more in life than the challenge of living.
That you have to show your humanity by creating, not destroying
You have to plant the tree, not demolish the forest

And Humanity Dreamt
Most could not imagine waking up
Others never wanted the dream to end
Some needed more convincing
And they dreamt
They closed their eyes and ventured through the world
Every era, every time
They saw creations being built, and then destroyed
New York replaced with swaying forests, rippling lakes, and expanding coastlines
They saw the Great Wall take itself down, replaced by untouched mountainous peaks with extraordinary views.
The Eiffel Tower crumpled, the city unfolding at its sides.
Everything from the Seine River to the towering Cathedrals turned into hills of vast green

They saw the beauty of the world, being untouched
But then they saw what was to come, what was created by powers unimaginable by man, and destroyed by its inhabitants
They saw things they could never forget
They saw things they could never imagine
They saw things that changed everything they thought they were
They saw things that not only answered their fears, but became reality
And the torture of the thought that this had started with the human race, and ended with the human race became apparent

It was only the truth,
That was what seamed to scare them the most

Everything was becoming nothing
Somewhere was becoming nowhere
And it was too late
Nothing could be done
The earth was slowly changing
And everything that was once living was slowly becoming only memory
And it was too late
Nothing could be done

But still,
They slept
And were swept into even deeper sleep
Taken across mountains,
All familiar signs of life for them
And once again, it changed

Back to The landscape of vast earth being covered in un-touched soil
The large lakes spreading their water into streams
branching left and right
  The jungles teaming with life so full, noises came
in every direction
And then they came to The first sign of humanity
  The first woman bearing a child,
  The first man showing a smile
But then they saw their familiar way of living change
Into what all the powers of human race intended their creations to do

To Live With All Living
Being a young poet, I would Love to hear your views on any of my poetry.
Thank you for reading!
1.0k · Sep 2011
Sierra Martin Sep 2011
Show me a story.
Show me a story were anything
is a surprise.

A story were nothing is expected.
Where I can relish and crowd myself with
Envy because of the adventures
I am discovering.

It may not be first-hand,
as I wish.

But it is as close as I can get
to this world I long to thrive in.

And it is as far as I can get,
from the predictable reality everyone lives.

Making Easy Lives seem like Constant Battles.
1.0k · Oct 2011
Complete Victory
Sierra Martin Oct 2011
I have won this game.
oh, Have I won this game.

You threw hell at me, with full force.

I may have stumbled, but I am still standing.

And everyday, when I realize that I could have failed.

I think of you, how I left you there, only a bad memory.
I think of my Complete Victory.
This poem was inspired by Hello Poetry's 'Adopt a Metaphor' If any poets reading this need inpiration, that is a great way to start.
1.0k · Apr 2011
Sierra Martin Apr 2011
The world seems unbalanced.
As I fall.

All truths and all knowledge
Seem to bend and change around me.

I have kept so many secrets

That nothing is spoken.

And nothing is known.

As I fall this great distance,
Knowing I will break.

All I can think is that the world has changed around me,
And will not wait.

As I stop to mend my broken body.
1.0k · Dec 2011
Imperfection Fits
Sierra Martin Dec 2011
Here I am,
as one person.

As one being.

Expecting the world to change around me,
  Before I change myself.

I feel selfish,
  thinking that I would drop everything I know without hesitation
Just for a different place in the world.

because let's face it;

   I am just another player.
And this game we call life is so much bigger than me.
This poem was written long ago and is no longer true, I love who I am and wouldn't want anything to be changed. If you relate to this poem in any way, I am sure you will find your place in the world. It just takes time and a hell of a lot of effort.
Sierra Martin Oct 2011
I am fragile.
But I am strong.

You are Alive,
but struggle to stay standing.

You have Spirit,
But only on the days vulnerability and insecurity aren't constant companions.

But my world has changed.
Utterly and Completly.

While yours remains the same.

Too much to Bare

Too much to Carry

Too Long to HOLD

And you just stand there watching.
933 · Sep 2011
Devil Has No Peace
Sierra Martin Sep 2011
I Have Been Fighting This Battle

My opponent is *5 times my size
and 50 times my strength.

And as the fight goes on,
it begins to grow.
And I begin to shrink.

So before long it is towering over me.

STOMPING OUT all the fight I have left.

In this game the hero looses.

But the Devil goes down with me,
because without the fight,
or the victim.

*The Devil has no peace.
I have been told that this poem has a very strong impact on people, which is exactly how it effected me. This poem didn't make me stop fighting, it convinced me not to give in and to keep going. You can find the poem reflecting this positive outcome in my poetry, it is called Complete Victory. This poem is also going to be published in World Poetry Movement's book 'Stars in our Hearts' I want to thank everyone supporting me SO much, because this is an freaking amazing accomplishment at 13! And was conveniently at the top of my Bucket List... ;) I hope you enjoyed reading!
856 · Dec 2010
Sierra Martin Dec 2010
I am Broken
I am beaten down into small shards.

Cast away until nothing is left of my existence.
     So I rest my broken body in Limbo.
Until the earth confides in me,
and takes pity in my state of being.

And slowly I am taken by Earth,
and I live in coexistence with life.
Please leave comments, good or bad! Thank you, Sierra M.
821 · Nov 2010
Sierra Martin Nov 2010
Her entire body was screaming.
Screaming to her thoughts that were not her own.

That her body was no longer hers to control.
And soon the time would come when the body could no longer be shared.

But she found it hard to believe that her body had been so easily corrupt.

That the one thing she rightfully owned was stolen.
She fought.

She ignored her thoughts,
And pushed on with her actions.

Until all she knew was pain.
And all she felt was suffering.

She fought.

She did not let the feelings control her.

And eventually the pain and suffering left her,
Leaving her not only a new body,
But a new mind.
746 · Jan 2011
Sierra Martin Jan 2011
I am trapped.

Everywhere looks the same,
Where nothing looks diffrent.

And I am stripped bare
of any sences and courage.

Because the colossal beast confining me holds it.
737 · Mar 2011
Sierra Martin Mar 2011
I can't breath.

I can't think.

     I am lost.
     I am trapped.

Things are constantly taken from me.

And no one notices that as I walk,

There is a trail of pieces following.
Pieces of myself and my capabilities.

And I retrace my steps,
trying to collect the pieces.

But when I return to my present state,
my companions have left me far behind.

Not willing to wait for a weak follower.
718 · Mar 2012
Sierra Martin Mar 2012
My wants
are taken from me.

My needs are controlled.

I feel trapped in this Free World.
And nothing I do can quench my impossible desires.

I am starved.
And my exhausted body is slowly breaking down.

Because it can no longer carry my being.
My body is so broken I do not have the strength to carry on.

I have convinced myself that life is a punishment, not a gift.

But you caught me.
You didn't let me fall.

YOU saved me in my weakest moment.
And without you, I would be lost in oblivion
Too dead to even dream of living.

So Thank You,
By saving me and giving me the gift of life,
You became my Hero.
This poem goes out to all of my Family, who seemed to understand when no one else would.
716 · Jan 2011
Sierra Martin Jan 2011
I am a writer.

I mend words until they reach their greatest potential.

And I break the worlds down to become pieces of the puzzle I build,

*Creating something beautiful.
711 · Dec 2010
Safe Haven
Sierra Martin Dec 2010
I have this world.
This world, that I confide in when my problems are imperishable.

And in this world there is a cave.
A cave were I burrow deep,
notwithstanding the terrors that contain me.

And I
                                           By words.
Words that build up my spirits.
And ease my tension.

Words that seep into my being,
And put a stop to my fears.

So I push on with a steady confidence.

Until my conscience can no longer contain me.
Please leave any comments, good or bad! Thank you- Sierra Martin
698 · Feb 2011
Sierra Martin Feb 2011
Fight young warrior.
Use your strength and fight.

Show your blade, and carve a picture.

Prove your stature.
And gain your confidence.

Because life is ready.
And life always fights back.
694 · Nov 2010
Mouse Trap
Sierra Martin Nov 2010
I am running.
          Betting on time.

Dodging obstacles and crouching in the shadows.
           Running from the things chasing me.
                            Running from my true form.

Not knowing who I am
Where I am
Where I am going.

Only knowing that one day the journey will end.
And equally wanting more time, and then less.
           Secretly betting on both

So it turns into a game
A game were nothing seems real.

And over time I begin to feel no meaning,
        Only breath the thrill of the game.

And I turn every corner,
        no longer with stealth.
Or hope that there is no obstacle.

But daring the trap to corner me in,
Snap down on my being,
And let me feel that one feeling I am being deprived of.

Please leave comments, good or bad!!

Thank you!
690 · Feb 2011
Sierra Martin Feb 2011
Death has a way of following me.

He sees me in my most vulnerable moments,
                 Watches as life finds a way to cut through me.

And Death Watches

While the life
                                      from my being

Closing OUT
both Thoughts and Actions.

And Death Welcomes Me
          as I move toward him,
Becoming familiar with this new place.

So I join Death.

  And except my new form.


         only leaving behind the sound

                                                          of its beating wings.
684 · May 2011
Sierra Martin May 2011
I just keep Falling.
I just keep Dropping.

I am only a heavy weight,
About to have LIFE KNOCKED out of me.

And as the distance to the ground constantly changes

I cannot help but wonder
if I should be

With the way...
This story ends.
666 · Dec 2010
Sierra Martin Dec 2010
The only thing that relics my past is the
Same heart pumping blood,
The same lungs breathing air.

The skin on my bones has been
weathered down,
and painted with memories.

The lashes of my eyes have shed themselves,
The distance to the ground
constantly changing.

My bones have bent and eroded.
My spine has lurched in order to carry my burdens.
And my brain has begun to burst with all I have conveyed.

Although time affects my body; it only makes my soul expand,
excepting the challenge to grow out of this life,
and into the next.
620 · Jun 2010
Sierra Martin Jun 2010
A first acquaintance.
That’s what she thought of herself.
She didn’t know who she was anymore

She could laugh
But it wouldn’t be true
She could smile
Bu it wouldn’t show

She didn’t have time to keep up with herself,
She just moved forward.
Leaving herself behind

And it was lost
And there was nowhere to look

All she could do was push
All she could do was keep going

And when she stopped,

She was alone.

A life that was once full is now

Forever Empty
Being a young poet, I would Love to hear your views on any of my poetry.
Thank you for reading!
620 · Apr 2011
Trap Door
Sierra Martin Apr 2011
There are no open spaces,
only confined places.

The ends meet,
but never open.

And every time I rise to conquer
I am pushed back down again.
Slammed into a hidden place inside me,
alone with my thoughts.

*As though falling through a trap door.
609 · Jul 2010
Sierra Martin Jul 2010
Beauty is

When you are surrounded by things you believe in
Things so beautiful,
You find yourself frozen at the spot.

Things so beautiful,
Those things seem to freeze into place.
In every frame you see every detail.

And you hold your breath,
Trying to take it all in

But soon it passes,
And the world continues
to change around you.
Being a young poet, I would Love to hear your views on any of my poetry.
Thank you for reading!
607 · Jan 2013
A Cat's Life
Sierra Martin Jan 2013
I’m chasing myself in circles.
Out of control

To attempt to destroy
And to succeed in destroying

I don’t like how I feel.
And stopping it is the only solution my confused mind can conclude.

So I chase
I follow, and long for,
And go insane with the desire to quench my negative thoughts.

I just hope one day,
That this tail that I am constantly chasing,
Will grow an inch
And find itself
Crushed between my teeth.
602 · Dec 2010
Blind Rage
Sierra Martin Dec 2010
I am full.
Filled to the top.

Teetering on the edge of my own demise.

If you push me,
I fall.

If your breath,
I jump.

So watch yourself,
because I have lost control.

I am blind.

My feelings have boiled over.

And it feels only human to express them.
Please leave any comments, good or bad! Thank you- Sierra Martin
599 · Jun 2010
Below Zero
Sierra Martin Jun 2010
Time Stops

Your Blood Freezes

And you think
About all you have missed
About all you will miss

Then comes the small,
but overpowering thought.

Make it all be

But time keeps going
And never stops.
Being a young poet, I would Love to hear your views on any of my poetry.
Thank you for reading!
589 · Jan 2011
Sierra Martin Jan 2011
Grow with me.

See the  world as a stronger person,
each day.

Together we will take on new actions.

And discover new meanings.

And we will live life to the fullest,

Because we know no other way.
This poem if for all of the fantastic friends and family that support and influence me. This poem is also inspired by the one and only Melanie Jones, AKA  Melody Jones ;D

Love you all, and thanks for reading-

588 · Nov 2014
Sierra Martin Nov 2014
I see the world
through a small lens

so the robust
and infinite hugeness
of it
won't completely terrify me.
585 · Jun 2010
Sierra Martin Jun 2010
Don’t think about it
Not now
Not ever
But the truth is, she will always be thinking of it
It is stained in her mind, her heart forever

She goes off to a better world,
Filled with beauty, adventure
But is always brought back to reality

Darkness covers her light
Screams cover her laughter

Then it happens all over again
What she saw that changed her life forever
Is the lingering nightmare
Always held before her
Being a young poet, I would Love to hear your views on any of my poetry.
Thank you for reading!
579 · Feb 2011
Sierra Martin Feb 2011
It doesn’t feel real.
And I can only hope it never will.
But on those few moments my mind opens up to reveal the truth.

I can’t breath.
I feel like I will explode.

And I let the tears come,
drowning me in my own self pity.

I find no use for the way things are now,
without you as witness to my actions.

But I know better than to give up on my chance at this life because of your weakness.

It might **** my being,
but I will always fight to stay living.

Until the ultimate outcome of time retires me.
576 · Jul 2010
Nobody Knew
Sierra Martin Jul 2010
The day was perfect,
The trees were still,
The sun was setting,
And the warmth was just right.

Nobody knew that this was the last day you could roll in the mud,
The last day you would hear the crickets chirping,
The last day you would see the green needles sticking up from the ground
Nobody knew the sun wasn’t going to rise

Nobody thought any of those thoughts
Thoughts of the truth
Being a young poet, I would Love to hear your views on any of my poetry.
Thank you for reading!
571 · Jun 2011
Sierra Martin Jun 2011
Hear my Scream
As I am taken from this world.
This world I call my own.

Hear my scream
As I fight for my survival.

And feel my PAIN
as I lose the battle.

And longer belong to myself.

I have changed,
My BODY is
no longer part of
        my MIND

It has its own actions.
And chooses to TAKE
all the strength from my soul.

So notice as I fall.
      And finally break.

Because my sacrifice has been made.
What good is life

If I am
living hell.
For those of you that may be friends or family and scared because of this poem... It was written before my life changed for the better. Still trying to figure out how to write a happy poem! :) Hope you enjoy
568 · Feb 2013
Sierra Martin Feb 2013
We were talking about me getting a car.
A shiny new piece of metal on wheels
Or a clunk
clunker that carries my weight
and take me far

But then life got in the way.
And there was a knock
on the door.
And it was answered.
and words were said.

and I fell to pieces
by the weight
I used to think that things got better before they got worse.
That dreams were drempt and it took so
long to make it to the bottom
of all bottoms.

That it was a gradual fall that took time,
so many
of a

of a

But I seem to just now be learning
how impossible
it is
to stay afloat
in the raging rivers
that constantly beat me down,
called life.
This poem is me trying out a new writing style, inspired by my favorite author Tehereh Mafi.
568 · Jan 2012
My Silent Crescendo
Sierra Martin Jan 2012
I am tired of being weak.
I used to think that I was strong.
That I could conquer even the biggest problems.

But I have come to the realization that my pain,
was caused by my weaknesses.

I am not strong, I am not courageous.

I am frail.

And at this moment, I seem to be at the point of breaking.

Because even though I have fought for peace.

Pain and sorrow still follow me. And they always beat me.

What do I do?
  I will continue to live, but How can I live Happily?
567 · Jan 2013
Silent Hero
Sierra Martin Jan 2013
I had an Elephant when I was little.
It was my favorite companion,
And was small in size but large in life.

He cradled my heart in his plush paws,
And held my world apron his back.

It was well worn with Love and Memory,
And wore the weight of my troubles as a skin.

His color was blue, and was just big enough to hold close.

I had an Elephant when I was little.

He was small, yet large.
He held my heart and my world,
And was a silent hero with no pay.

It's skin was worn with memories,
And it was just big enough to hold close.

I had an Elephant when I was little.
Have you seen it?

Because I am lost without it.
563 · Jan 2011
My World
Sierra Martin Jan 2011
My World* is darkness
      My World is hollow
My World is strained
      My World is cold

My World Lingers.
       Lingers before me,
Reminding me of who I really am.

My World Dances.
        Dances through time.
Not knowing when to let the music stop,
Not wanting reality to wander any closer.

My World is empty.
        Empty of reason.
Empty of any feeling but doubt.

My World is small.
        So small it turns inside itself,
Not wanting anything to escape.

My World is trapped.
        Trapped in space.
Away from everything but what I try to believe.

My World sleeps.
        Many hours, and Many days.
Not giving any clues on when it wishes to awaken.

Kept warm by a small blanket

                    That covers all its fears.
559 · Apr 2011
Sierra Martin Apr 2011
I want to be free again.
I want to stretch my wings and FLY

I want to feel freedom again

And though it may feel as though Pandora's box has opened,
hope still remains.

This curse may take my body,
but it has not yet touched my spirit.

I beg it to stay this way.
544 · Jun 2010
Sierra Martin Jun 2010
She didn’t know what to do
She was trapped,
With absolutely nowhere to go

She had nothing left.
She had no one left.

She was the last one,
And was forced to fight this impossible battle,
That dozens had failed before her

She didn’t know what to do
And she was now,
Truly, and completely

Being a young poet, I would Love to hear your views on any of my poetry.
Thank you for reading!
538 · Jun 2010
Time's Tick
Sierra Martin Jun 2010
But it doesn’t

But it’s too late

But it’s over
Being a young poet, I would Love to hear your views on any of my poetry.
Thank you for reading!
534 · Dec 2011
Sierra Martin Dec 2011
There is a difference in the world.
The air is sharper,
The days are brighter.
My smiles are true,
And happiness seems to radiate off of me.

And life is easier to bare.

But there are still times.
Times were I lose myself.
I lose myself in the world I escaped.

I am lost in hell.

And I want more than anything to get out.

But I am slipping.
The strong hold I thought I had has failed me.
I have plunged into my fears.

And I desperately trying to re-surface.
Trying to take a breath of the fresh air.
Take in the colors of the world I was forced out of.
  The world I long to return to.

I find myself frantically searching for a way out,
Searching for the hand that will reach in and rescue me.

I run.
I scream.
I cut and yell and KICK

But I am lost,
I am stuck.

And in those times I feel like I am dying.
I feel like I cannot trust life and the obstacles that are thrown at me.

So I sink.

And I hope,
that somewhere out there, a miracle will find me.

And save me.
518 · Mar 2012
Sierra Martin Mar 2012
Pain rivets within me.
It takes on a form I cannot penetrate,
and spreads throughout every part of me.
Taking all good with it.

I have long since been dead.

And my body has been trampled on by the feet of my foes.

But still my Spirit Lingers,
Waiting to finally be set free.
Of This Curse.
517 · Jun 2011
Sierra Martin Jun 2011
I love you comfort
I love you control
I love you Stranger

And I want you to know

That my thoughts
are with you,
every step of the way.

And I would like to guide you
To the place
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