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Sierra Elizabeth Dec 2012
My dear, I was never your butterfly,

I was simply a moth who wished she was beautiful
Sierra Elizabeth Dec 2012
I'll start with this, a simple wish
My long-awaited dream to fly
When you told me forever, I almost believed you
And I nearly let my hidden wings unfold
But then I thought maybe you didn't mean forever, not really
Maybe you were just exaggerating
So I tucked them away, hiding them deep within myself again

Flying would prove to be very lonesome, if I had no one to join me

The second was my inner desire to become lost,
To somehow lose myself in search of uncovering who I wanted to be
But to merely pretend, and fall into the masquerade of life was too effortless
Instead I sought to be free, to find what made me different and never change
That's where we clashed unpleasantly
You always knew where you were going; you always had a plan
I only drifted aimlessly, hoping that with a hint of serendipity sooner or later
I would unearth what I was looking for

Losing myself would be rather impossible, if I had nobody to find me again

The final was the most significant, but also the most strange
My fear of letting someone in, to close the distance from stranger to friend
Or even more so than a friend
All my doubts and uncertainties revolved around you  
I didn't want you to discover my soul inside and be sadly disappointed
Or maybe even disgusted with what you saw
So I didn't let you get too close, I made myself think that I wasn't what you needed
Nor would I ever be
So you see, my dear

It was very hard to be with someone, when all along I knew I was better off alone
Sierra Elizabeth Dec 2012
His eyes were clouded over skies casting shadows on her heart. And she was light, half sunrise and part sunset. He loved her like a storm. Like a dark cloud looming above her, threatening to break open and pour out everything inside him. His heart was made of thunder, beating louder and louder with each flicker of lighting reflecting in his eyes.

    She wanted him, but not because he was like darkness, but because he was strong and moved through her like a sudden storm passing over the most beautiful blue sky. Sometimes he was like the wind, unpredictable and fierce, but still soft enough to catch the free strands of her hair and gently pull it through his fingers.
    She was like the sun. Warm and bright, she shone through his darkness and bathed his life with light. She was stunning in the morning and brilliant in the evening. She showed him a world full of vivid colors, above the dull grays of heavy clouds. He loved her because she was the calm after his storm.
Sierra Elizabeth Dec 2012
The day you took my wings was the day I forgot how to fly
Silly, isn't it?
I forgot who I was
Just because of some stupid wings

But they weren't just wings
Every strand of cells that threaded into my backbone held my thoughts and my dreams

The day you gave me my wings was the day you called me your angel
Each person becomes somebody's angel at least once in their life
It's a proven fact

And in that instance, their spine starts to tingle
The bone constructs more bone, the muscle constructs more muscle
Pulling, stretching, forming
Until finally your newly assembled skeletal muscles and bones break through the skin
Don't worry, it doesn't hurt—it only tickles
At that moment all your memories, thoughts, and dreams shape themselves into feathers
After it's all over, you have a brand new pair of wings

Though you can't see them
The colors of the feathers are stunning
Shades of reds, oranges, purples, blues, and yellows
Cover every inch of your angel wings

You may often find a stray feather lying about
Drained of the beautiful colors it once had, left instead gray or brown
Most people conclude that a poor bird just happened to lose it
They never suspect it came from a pair of angel wings
Maybe even their own
Because sometimes people misplace one of their memories or dreams
And a feather falls unnoticed, powerlessly carried off in the wind

Every day I lost pieces of myself
And you didn't bother to put me back together
The feathers that held my dreams whisked away in the breeze
Until my wings became naked skeletal bones and muscles

The day you took my wings was the day I forgot how to fly

And I'm still falling
Sierra Elizabeth Dec 2012
I.** Daddy, I told you I wasn’t any good at problem solving
I knew you were the one who knew the solutions to every question
You had the only answers I could trust
Until one day, you lied
I heard the sudden change in your voice
And I saw the lost look in your eyes as you said the words,
Everything is going to be all right
From that day on, whenever anyone spoke that phrase, I had a hard time believing them
But it wasn’t your fault Daddy, you didn’t mean to lie
You were just trying to protect me from a harsh truth: Not everything was always going to be all right
It was something I would have to learn

II. Momma, your kisses and sweet hugs fixed every hurt I ever had
At least, they did when I was small
You taught me that courage was important,
Something every girl should have
But Momma I could never be as strong as you
I always let my feelings get the best of me
I ran to you when I was scared, so scared of the dark
I remember one night holding on to you like it was the very last time
Why did I ever let go?

III.   I’m so much older now, Momma
But I’m still afraid of the dark
Daddy, I’m still not any good at problem solving
But you know, I’ll always remember
That everything’s going to be all right anyway
Because I have learned to lie to myself
Sierra Elizabeth Dec 2012
I will not be here long dear, but I have to know
Are your eyes always such a melancholy green?
All faded and weathered, drained and worn
You say you have troubles,
My dear boy,
Do you know?

You are not alone

As the rain cascades down your window
And the thunder shakes your splintered floorboards
I sing you a soft lullaby
Timidly, I touch your hair
Your face
Day-old stubble lightly grazes my fingertips
And I watch you breathe
I hear you sigh
You whisper that I am beautiful

And I almost believe you

You tell me you're so tired,
So exhausted that you could close your melancholy eyes
And sleep, sleep forever
Because wakefulness seems a misuse of time
Of precious dreaming
My darling boy,
Do you not know?

You are a dream
Sierra Elizabeth Dec 2012
I think I think too much. Every thought is a never-ending thread and every thread is tangled and tied with knots.
I think the threads of your thoughts are just as tangled and knotted as mine. But you’re so good at keeping them that way. Mine are frayed and unraveling at the ends.
It’s not you it’s me. I just can’t wrap my mind around how wonderful you are and how so undeserving I really am.
I’m waiting for the day I wake up, because this is such a beautiful dream.
But you’re still here, and I’m still here. Even though sometimes it feels like I’m so close to being the furthest thing from you.
You are the only one who sees me. And I see you. Together we see the world in slightly different colors than anyone else.
The world is a contradiction.
Beautiful yet terrifying. There is light and there is darkness. And there is also that place in between. The grey uncertainty. It seems everyone is stuck there, not knowing which to belong to.  
But with us it doesn’t matter, because I belong to you. And you belong to me. There’s no uncertainty in that.
I don’t know if I know you better than you know yourself, but I know you enough to see that you’re just a little bit lost. You’re a little bit tired of waking up with still-heavy eyes and unsettled thoughts.
It’s completely heartbreaking, but I know how it feels to open your eyes and see that it’s taking forever to be where you want to be. To see that it’s taking far too long for your life to start.
I’d like you to know that I’ll be here waiting for you to find yourself. In the meantime, please keep waiting for me. Because I’m just as lost as you.
I’m lost, but strangely I’m not afraid. I know these stumbling steps I’m taking now will someday lead me to you.
You told me once that you could save me, and it’s true that I am in need of saving.
But so are you.  
Please don’t forget that I’m still here. That I’ll always be here.
If you take my hand, I’ll take yours and I swear I won’t let go.
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