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6.3k · Oct 2012
A train journey
Anonymous Oct 2012
I look up from my book
to find beams of warm sunlight
touching my face,
the chugging of the train
accompanied by its whistling,
become my aural companions
for the journey,
as I look at scenes that
unfold before my eyes :
I pass by hawkers
trying to sell their wares,
their calls mingled with
joyous voices,
of children
excited about their
first train journey,
of families
on their way,
perhaps, to attend a wedding,
or to celebrate the birth
of a much awaited child.

I see :
village belles toiling away
on fields;
shabby looking buildings
speaking of years of neglect;
temples ringing with the sounds of
bhajans being sung with religious fervour,
bells being tolled, pleading
the gods to look down
from their divine abodes;
roadside stalls filling the air
with aromas of food,
promising hearty meals.

They are all ephemeral sights, and yet,
they have become a part of me -
the smells, the sights -
they shall bring back memories
that will become my companions
in solitude.
'Bhajan' is the Hindi word for hymn. (plural - bhajans)
5.3k · Jan 2013
Returning home
Anonymous Jan 2013
As the sun sets
and melts -
a deep orange -
into the blue vastness
yet another
weary day
and a void
creeps into me
and fills
my heart.
I think of home :
I think of you
the sky
blushes a faint red.

The birds
are home-bound
restless to be ensconced
in the warmth
of their nests,
the turbulent sea
has come to a stand-still
with her pacified waters
resting lightly
against the
broad, brown chest of the shore.

The traffic
trudges at a
snail's pace
as hordes of vehicles
bang on to the road
with an
air of urgency
that gets
more pronounced
with the
incessant honking
as the city
rushes back home
and my dear heart
returns to the
heaviness and hope
that accompany
my wait
for you
for home....
This is a couplet from a poem by Nasir Kazmi, an Urdu poet, "Din bhar toh main duniya ke dhandhon mein khoya raha / Jab deewaron se dhoop dhali toh tum yaad aye.".
Translation : The entire day I was lost in worldly chores / When darkness eclipsed the walls, I remembered you.
3.5k · Oct 2012
Life in a Metro
Anonymous Oct 2012
The bus rumbles on,
it is an over crowded one -
not an unusual sight -
she stands in the space
reserved for women,
there's hardly any room
to breathe.
The broadcaster on radio
shows off her gift of the gab,
a popular film song follows;
a gush of wind
through the window
brings along smoke, dust
and other such components
of 'city-air'.
She looks out to see
impressive malls,
entrances to which, witness
beggars pursuing well dressed gentry,
in the hope of a penny or two;
billboards advertise
latest discount offers
appealing to her consumerist instincts;
constant honking of vehicles,
music blaring from an auto nearby -
these are common sounds
she is accustomed to.
The bus halts with a jolt,
she steps down,
tries to make her way,
through the crowd
avoiding hawkers lunging at her
from every side,
eager to make sales;
the smell of
pakodas fills the air,
autos carrying seven or eight passengers
limp away, surreptitiously,
at the sight of khaki clad men.
Out of the blue,
an elbow knocks into her chest,
she turns to look at the lout -
lecherous eyes mock at her impotent fury -
she mouths standard abuses,
walks away as if unruffled.
For this was not the first instance,
"Won't be the last either.",
she thinks at the back of her mind,
her heart chooses not to agree though.
She moves on,
pushing, shoving, cursing
her way through
'Battleground India'.
If you're wondering why I've written about life in an underground rail, let me clarify, metropolitan cities in India are commonly referred to as 'metros'.
Over crowded buses, autos are not an unusual sight in India, thanks to the 1.21 billion of us. The front part of buses is reserved for women (though some men choose to be ignorant about it) in some cities in India (in Hyderabad, for instance). Some buses and autos have radios. "Khaki clad men" refers to policemen, policemen in India wear khaki uniforms. According to law, an auto can seat only four adults or six children, but it is broken everyday, I will be honest and admit that I'm part of this rule-breaking. And standard abuses would be the Telugu/Hindi translations of mother f*****, sister f***** and the like.
2.6k · Sep 2012
Of Love
Anonymous Sep 2012
Of the racing heart,
quickening breath,
the gentle brush of lips.
Of sweet whispers,
blushing cheeks,
musical laughter.
Of cool breeze
flirting with one's hair,
soft music
ringing in one's ears.
Of quiet exchanges
of shy looks, stealthy glances,
soft embraces.
Of searching eyes,
hands that wipe away tears.
Of the beautiful paleness
of Life, like love,
subtle, yet so strong,
despite its lingering presence.
Of the Red hue
of sacrifice, of blood
and vermilion.
Of transcending boundaries.
Of dewy mornings,
glowing sunsets,
moonlit nights.
Of Love,
that walks you hand in hand
into the infinity of the Horizon
and the eternity of Time.
2.6k · Sep 2012
I stand alone
Anonymous Sep 2012
Lonesome I stand
amongst a multitude,
with no companion but myself,
with memories of my past,
that, like autumn leaves,
lie scattered about my feet,
by Hope they are blown away;
and dreams of mine,
like flowers of Azure Spring
that bloom on every tree and vine,
colour pale Life
with their hues,
despair and strife,
hand in hand, fading away.
2.3k · Sep 2012
Anonymous Sep 2012
The clock ticks away
the silence pounds you
it's not the peaceful quiet of life
one would wish for
it's the hostile silence
that makes your heart hammer
one that pushes you to speak
but holds back your voice in your throat.
It makes you wallow in memories
memories of things gone wrong
memories of having been wronged
it compells you to reminisce
all your regrets in life.
It instills fear in you
fear of people, of being cheated
fear of being different, of not being accepted
the fear of becoming a castaway.
It teaches you
teaches you not to trust people
teaches you
to keep your secrets locked away
in a distant, dark chamber of your heart
teaches you
to keep your feelings bottled up inside you.
Before you know it
it turns you into a paranoid misanthrope
it's cruel, it knows no love
it knows no friendship
it eats you from within
it destroys you.
This does not dawn upon you
soon enough
by the time you have realised it
it has already done its job
hardly have you got any time left
to set things right
you want to say
you need to say
things you should have said long ago
all the love not spoken of
yearns to be expressed now
you cling onto each moment
time does not pity you
it pays no heed to your pleas
each second slips by
like water in cupped hands
like the sand in an hourglass.
The silence still keeps pounding you
the clock still keeps ticking away.
2.1k · Sep 2012
What do I write?
Anonymous Sep 2012
Lying on the bed
I think of what to write...
....words don't flow out
of my pen
my mind is clogged
vaccum surrounds me
I've ****** all the noise
into my self.
It's waiting to explode.
I realise I am too conscious
of myself,
I realise I am trying to pretend.
My pen leaks out
a random flow of ink
shaped in words
I strike them out
they don't manifest my feelings.
I don't want farce to appeal
to the eye,
I want honesty to touch
the heart.
I am waiting
for my words
to strike a chord
with the strings of my heart.
I am longing
for clarity
that will give my writing
a sense of purpose
and shorn it
of its randomness.

Lying on the bed
I think of what to write.... mind is a clean slate
I want to colour it
with thoughts
and feelings,
I want for it to
lose its barrenness
and be fertile
with imagination.
I want for it to
be bereft of fear
for it is,
the place
where revolutions were conceived
and philosophies were born;
the sole reason
for Man's greatness.
It boasts of coveted freedom,
feared tyrants failed to ******,
it is a guiding light
to the often faltering humanity.
It has been
subject to manipulations,
deceiving history
into changing its course;
scripting moments
of momentous change,
all, of course,
owing their occurrences
to the enchanting influence
it wields over the body.

Lying on the bed
I think of what to write.... mind is deluged
with a rush of thoughts
flowing in and out,
a haze of colours
mesmerises me,
letters, words
dance before my eyes,
songs play out in a loop,
a multitude of
smudgy-outlined faces
gazes at me....
....And I realise
with an epiphany,
It is this very train of thoughts
I shall elaborate on!
Lying on the bed
I think I know what to write on.
1.7k · Oct 2012
Rainy evenings
Anonymous Oct 2012
One rainy evening
sitting by the window
a mug of coffee in hand,
she looks down
at the busy street -
the world is in a hurry,
unaffected by it
she is far away
from the rush and madness.
Steam arising from the coffee
forms mist
and the present disappears from view
as memories play themselves out
in a stream, one by one,
before her eyes,
as she stares on
in calm oblivion
at the street...
Was listening to Chaya Geet (a music programme) on Vividh Bharati (Indian radio station) when this came to mind. To those who've never listened to Chaya Geet - Do listen to it, its a beautiful programme.
1.6k · Feb 2013
Anonymous Feb 2013
There are many of them --
Life as it happens gets recorded
in my hard disc of a brain
(I'm always in 'save by default' mode) --
some are like
harmless, even pleasant, butterflies
some like
stinging bees
I store them all
in cages
in the posterior of my mind
even as the Present engages me
I often catch snatches of
sounds of buzzing,
or, of the flutter of wings
never allowing myself
to get a full blast of them
(I don't usually dwell in the past, you see, it's the future that causes worry)
except in occasional moments
of mental peace
when I let the cages open
and they swarm into my head -
the bees and butterflies -
diffusing colour
into my monochrome mind
making every bit of it
bloom alive --

it's like listening to old cassettes
you know
dusty, old cassettes that were lying
in some drawer, locked away;
like turning the pages of a novel
read long ago,
getting re-introduced to its characters --

and a gamut of feelings
rushes through you...
1.5k · Oct 2012
Reminders to self
Anonymous Oct 2012
As the urge
for recognition
everything you do
begins to lose
its sole purpose
to derive
from praise.
You no longer
write for yourself
for the world,
like the courtesan
that dances
only to please
her patrons.
Pressure bears down
on you,
begins to pull away.
and standards
restrict you.
You need
constant reminders
that there are
no rules,
that everything
can be challenged,
that it was
inquisition, which
wrought great changes
in the world,
that you are
the master
of yourself
and everyone else
can go
take a hike!
1.5k · Oct 2012
Anonymous Oct 2012
A little, shiny something,
in the distance,
caught her sight,
on she looked at it
with wide
wonderstruck eyes.
"Must be a precious gem,",
she thought,
"For it shines so bright.",
and kept gazing at it
come day, come night.
overcame her -
with eager eyes,
out she ventured
of her cocoon
and made her way towards It.
But, finding It nowhere,
she looked around
and then saw...
...a bauble perched
in place of It -
her precious gem.
Pretty disillusioned, myself, right now, with everything - society, politics...Every cruel blow of reality, is a reminder of the illusions we have.
1.5k · Feb 2013
The Moon seeks his beloved
Anonymous Feb 2013
He awakes from deep slumber
to find his beloved missing by his side,
Casting off the shroud of dark, dense clouds
He dons the black cloak of night and begins his frenzied search
for Her - the perpetually elusive one :
He scours the skies, cuts through frosty winds,
roves through the infinity of stars desperately seeking Her,
looks down :
at the lonesome road abandoned by commuters
that treaded upon her all day long
at a dingy alleyway where a girl solicits her new owner
for the night - to be used, abused, misused
at the young woman storming her way back home
distraught from a break-up with her Casanova of a lover -

- all this, while She trails behind him
in his quest for love, silently accompanying him
as he drifts over unknown lands,
hoping his agony abates, wanting to tell him
she is there, he could see her.
She, who lends meaning to his being,
his silvery, mesmerising
This was inspired by 'Mrs.Sunshine' by Meena Kandasamy (Indian poet, writer, activist and translator).
1.4k · Sep 2012
The Dead come Alive
Anonymous Sep 2012
An unfeeling
mass of flesh,
an empty heart,
dry, sightless eyes.


A string snaps,
pandemonium strikes.


Storms rage,
oceans ravage,
skies echo
wailing winds.


The throat chokes,
heart bleeds,
head screams,
eyes weep.
Javed Akhtar (bollywood lyricist) : "Bohot asaan hai pehchan iski / Agar dukhta nahin toh dil nahin hai."
Meaning - It is easy to recognise. If it does not ache, it is not a heart.
1.4k · Oct 2012
Anonymous Oct 2012
I am
no longer
a portrait,
I am
a collage;
I am
the sky
colours me
a pinch
of vermillion
makes me
blush Red;
I am
a mimic,
a schizophrenic
one too many
in an
overwrought head.
1.3k · Apr 2013
Anonymous Apr 2013
Feeling the rythmic beat of your heart
your slow breath
listening to the soft rustling of leaves
to the breeze whispering sweet nothings.

Reminiscing pleasant memories... absent-minded smile dancing on your lips
looking at the inky sky, deluged by the cool moonlight
lost in somebody's thoughts, longing for company
to share your quiet moments with...
1.1k · Oct 2012
Parting of ways...
Anonymous Oct 2012
He lets go
of her hand,
his hungry eyes -
wanting to trap
her image
in them forever -
look at her
wanting her
to read them.
The silence
between them,
with unspoken
becomes too dense
for him to breathe.
His mind goes numb.
He tears his eyes
away from her
and turns
to walk away...
...the wind
lashes against
his face,
as the coldness
of their parting
bites into his heart.


She felt
the warmth
leave her hand
as he drew his,
away from her ;
her tears held back
in quiet dignity.
The detached smile
decieved words
wanting to
touch her lips.
She looked away
from him
lest, her eyes
gave her away.
a resigned look,
watching him
walk away,
her eyes
call out...
Akka, I was thinking about the different formats ( ) in which you write poems....just wanted to say I love them. Your poems speak through the style in which you write them.
1.0k · Feb 2013
Throwing Up
Anonymous Feb 2013
you spoke in mocking whispers laughed in taunting sniggers
you thought i never heard your snide remarks i heard them i
heard them all and i realised with thrills of horror that i who
relentlessly strived to go unnoticed was the hottest topic of
gossip you scrutinised me and every ****** action of mine
you broke me down
and crushed my spirit and trampled all over it and when you
were bored my pain became your amusement
you took my silence to be a mysterious ailment you made
assumptions you drew conclusions based on rumours you thought
you knew all about me you don't know anything about me don't
you dare assume you know me or what goes on within me or why
i am the way that i am.
The format was inspired by that of 'A breathless counsel' by Meena Kandasamy -

As two horrible years come to an end, it's time for catharsis, so here's me 'throwing up'.
1000 · Mar 2013
Anonymous Mar 2013
I walk in a daze
my eyes glazed
with tears
they just keep
pouring out
I don't know why
868 · May 2013
The Rat Trap
Anonymous May 2013
All those times
you think of
pulling the plug
falling head-first
into null, void
that little ******
that calls itself
tugs at you
lures you
to bite
the bait
leaving you
spinning in
For title, refer, 'The Rat Trap' by Selma Lagerlof -
650 · Oct 2012
Are we being or not?
Anonymous Oct 2012
What if reality
is an illusion?
What if existence
is nothing?
For, if The Creator
is Truth,
how did he
come to be so?
If he isn't,
how have we come
to be?
Or, are we being at all?
Read in a book, an interesting conclusion drawn from the phenomenon of reflection of colours - the colour of any object that we see, is actually the colour reflected by that object, all other colours being absorbed by it - this could mean that what we see is not the 'truh' or 'reality' as we would like to believe. The truth could be the opposite of what we see, or, very different from what we see, or, there could be more than one truth, it could be said - Truth lies in the eyes of the beholder. We assume our existence to be the truth. For all our fretting over ourselves and our lives, our existence could be nothing.

— The End —