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May 2020 · 152
Siam Raf May 2020
Let us sail an ocean
Let us swim a stream
Let us raft a raging river
And lay in lakes unseen

Let us scale the summits
Let us peek the peaks
Let us ramble rolling ridges
And scout untrodden streets

Let us move the mountains
Let us soar through trees
Let us cross the deepest valleys
And walk on silver seas

Let us fight for fairness
Let us wage a war
Let us joust and duel for justice
And life forevermore

Let us call on courage
Let us act humane
Let us gladly give forgiveness
With nothing to be gained

Let us pray for virtue
Let us hope for love
Let us live our lives in glory
Whatever lies above

Let us whisper wishes
Let us dare to dream
Let us chase our every passion
Let ambition reign supreme

Let me ask a favour
Let this wish come true
Let me take a thousand journeys
Just let them be with you
May 2020 · 161
Siam Raf May 2020
When the sun starts to rise, when the morning dew gleams
When the starry night shimmers, and the tranquil lake sheens,
When the starlings they dance, and parade in full view
Well I won’t see a thing, I’ll be looking at you

When the cold settles in, when the warmth starts to fade
When the winter wind chills, and the pink skies have greyed
When you’re looking for comfort, when you’re nursing your pain
I will hold you my love, be your shield from the rain

When the candle wick withers, when it’s losing its flame
When you’re tired of my voice, and the sound of my name
When the ground feels uneasy, and the doubts start to form
I will give you my word, we will weather the storm

When our skin starts to crease, when our bodies grow old,
When we’ve lived loved and laughed, and our story’s been told
When you’re ready to leave, when you’ve said your goodbyes
Well just know I’ll still be, right here by your side
Aug 2011 · 1.4k
No more
Siam Raf Aug 2011
These clouds up in the sky today
Again just look like sheep to me,
No more of dragons, frogs or birds
Can I, in odd shapes, make or see

These stars up in the sky tonight
Again just look like specks so small,
No more Greek gods or ancient lores
Am I much able to recall

These superheroes and comic books
Again just seem like childish plots,
No more their dark and twisted tales
Which long ago have been forgot

No more her smile
No more her cries
No more her clasp
No more her sighs

I let it all slip through my mind
These memories I leave behind
No more of all the things that she
For years had struggled to teach to me
Dec 2010 · 1.1k
The Shore
Siam Raf Dec 2010
Sitting there along the shore
Where scarlet turned to grey
Her memories here from years before
Have all but faded away

The dancing trails of feet on sand
Have long since gathered dust
The warmth of walking hand in hand
Has frozen up so fast

Now all the lingering scents and sounds
That in this place remain
Remind her of love's ups and downs
But bring her only pain
Nov 2010 · 709
May Be
Siam Raf Nov 2010
Patient though my heart may be
Its bounds shall not exceed
Thy tender loving creed

And open though my eyes may be
They live within a dream
Thy flaws remain unseen

And truthful though my voice may be
Its words shall not reveal
Thy heart how I would steal

And curious though my ears may be
They’d refuse to ever hear
Thy honest truth I fear

And trusting though my soul may be
It’d struggle to believe
Thy words of kind reprieve

So troubled though my mind may be
My self restraint shall free
Thy pain of knowing me

For longing though my heart may be
Its pride won’t let it speak
For thy love is out of reach
Nov 2010 · 932
Conversations Underground
Siam Raf Nov 2010
Through shuffling passengers
their eyes first meet
With a softly raised eyebrow
Each other they greet

Through deliberate seating
In direct line of sight,
With their hopeful hearts beating,
Their passions ignite

Through carefully dropped books
They succumb to their yearning
Exchange lingering looks
With a direct gaze that’s burning

Through nervous darting eyes
In opposing directions
They expose their eager cries
For each others’ attention

And through their look of disillusion
Upon their fruitless farewell
They reveal their frustration
At not leaving their shell

But through all that has been spoken
Neither dares to make a sound
And the silence remains unbroken
For their voices stay buried
Nov 2010 · 693
Siam Raf Nov 2010
Stop me loving her    hurting him ruthlessly
          Stop me loving her hurting him
              Stop me loving her hurting
                    Stop me loving her
                       Stop me loving
                             Stop me
Nov 2010 · 608
Siam Raf Nov 2010
Head tucked in his chest
She’s rolled into a ball
Forgotten all her stress
Sheltered from it all

His arms draped down her side
Protectively contained
The stillness of the time
A stranger’s look exchanged

The trickling Sunday rain
A shy look to the floor
A pounding head of pain
Sorry, have we met before?
Nov 2010 · 746
Excuse Me
Siam Raf Nov 2010
Excuse me sir
I’m searching for
A man who’s lost alone

He left to seek
A distant dream
And wandered far from home

His eyes belie
His wretched smile
A vacant glare of sorrow

His goal forgotten
He’ll know no peace
He’s pursuing a lost shadow

So excuse me sir
You’ll pardon me
If I come across too eager

This man I knew
From days long past
He had a certain demeanour

My memory fails
Why your grin’s so familiar
But I’m a little too proud to say

So I’ll give a fake smirk,
Continue my search
And bid you on your way
Nov 2010 · 1.1k
Siam Raf Nov 2010
A vast swathe
of uncut grain
Thrashing in
The wind

A lone scythe
sitting, watching,
At the sight before

Though unkempt and
swaying wildly,
in imperfection

Though sharp enough
To fulfil its duty,
Sharp enough to
recognise the beauty
Of the unblemished
Nov 2010 · 541
But I Do
Siam Raf Nov 2010
I shouldn’t have to
tap my feet
to help me
keep in time

I shouldn’t have to
think so hard
to make up
every rhyme

I shouldn’t have to
take a pill
to help me
cope with pain

I shouldn’t have to
ask for hail
to get
a little rain

I shouldn’t have to
for everything
I do

I shouldn’t have
care for him
to prove
I care for you

I shouldn’t have to
write all this
to get my
message through

I shouldn’t have to
waste my time
when there’s nothing
I owe to you
Nov 2010 · 1.6k
Life in Spaghetti
Siam Raf Nov 2010
Twisted and twirled
Weaved and entwined
Our lives hang together
precariously we find

Some crooked, some straight
Some short and some long
The top and the bottom
The weak and the strong

With some raised and lifted
Above and beyond
As others hold tight
Hanging desperately on

But remember how ever
Much you wriggle and bend
We’re all inevitably
Chewed up in the end
Nov 2010 · 1.3k
With Proud Ambition
Siam Raf Nov 2010
With proud ambition
His solitary mission
To conquer
Her mood of dismay

With her music blaring
Shes not one for sharing
He struggles as her
Mind tends to stray

He’s working alone
Her thoughts are her own
She succeeds in
Keeping him at bay

He makes one last attempt
To push through her contempt
And her refusal to give
Him time of day

As her mind starts to crack
She turns and looks back
But too late, he’s given up
Gone away
Nov 2010 · 678
Siam Raf Nov 2010
A page of
glaring white

A slither of
encroaching text

A silent pause
for thought

A verse that
lacks direction

A frustrated
sigh of defeat

An unsatisfying
Nov 2010 · 717
A Beautiful Face
Siam Raf Nov 2010
A beautiful face
A tender embrace
A smile that
Leads you astray

With puppydog eyes
That serve to disguise
Her deceitful lies
On the way

You’ll act and pretend
Let your tolerance bend
Tell yourself you’ll believe
What she’ll say

Now you know you’re a fool
But you’ll break every rule
Just as long as with you
She will stay
Nov 2010 · 821
Siam Raf Nov 2010
Just one more sip
Just another bite
Just one last day of rest

Just one more chance
Just another kiss
Just grant this one request

Just take my hand
Just hold it tight
Just say you’ll never leave

Just be right here
Just stay in reach
Just be my last reprieve

Just hear me out
Just this one time
Just hold for one last breath

Just close my eyes
Just let it be
Just help me face my death

— The End —