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shirrov Feb 9
You said love is messy thing
Is it true, don't you think?
Like the way you looked at her
with the patient, calm and hope
with those imperishable love
shirrov Feb 7
Sun is burning
Dying fast
We don't see that, how she cry
Rainy clouds and moon background
We just see each other dancing
in the middle of the night
Stars and shine in our eyes
Roses red in our hearts
Infinity our witness
There flashes lightning in the distance
Saying "you are not made for each other"
At first I wasn't understanding
I was staring in his eyes
Then I felt pain in my heart
How my blood was leaving my soul
He just pushed me on the floor
I was lying with closed head
Now I'm sitting there in grave
In the middle of the night
Watching how my sun just died
Staring at my sweetheart in dance
Wishing he will suffer in the end
shirrov Feb 6
Death is coming
Burning fast
Time means  nothing
When he's around

Darkness season
Empty mind
Full of love, but broken heart
Tones of reason
Acting weird
Like a trapped little bird
In a cage with no way out
You mean nothing when he's found
shirrov Feb 6
Loneliness is being a cactus
among a meadow of flowers
as the wind gently whispers to you
and the sun's rays recline on your thorns, while the flowers sprout
when the moon observes dormant flowers in solitude
and notices you
a silent sleepless cactus
shirrov Feb 6
love is like flying without feathers and beliving you won't fall down

— The End —