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Oct 2010 · 687
Shirlee Shelley Oct 2010

The beauty of the colors as the leaves dance on the trees
The unspoken knowingness of what is to follow
A time of reflection
A time of transition
Between the death and birth of creation
Oct 2010 · 1.1k
A Grandchilds Tear
Shirlee Shelley Oct 2010
I watch with a sorrowful heart
As the tear slowly runs down his beautiful cheek
Big brown eyes gazing into the unknown
Saddened by yet another disappointment
Another unkept promise..
This person who should be his mentor....
His warrior..the protector and guardian of sons...
"Why Father have you abandoned us? Did I do something wrong?
Do you not love us anymore?"
Arms outstretched..he reaches into the night for the figure that is sometimes only a memory..
A shadow in the dark..hidden from the light

Dedicated to my grandson..Zies
Oct 2010 · 2.8k
Our Passage in Time
Shirlee Shelley Oct 2010
To lie beside you
To have you suckle my breast
with your warm wet tongue...
To remember you softly caressing every inch of my body...
The curvature of your hips,
rhythmically dancing with mine until they seemed as one..
To feel you entering inside me,
filling me with your sweet nectar..
The wetness sliding down my thigh and gently falling onto the sheets...
Both of our scents filling the room with the unmistakable aroma of animal magnetism...
And when we had said our goodbyes,
and I fondly thought back to our passage in time,
I was once again aroused by the memories of our *******...
I can still taste sweet nectar mixing, as did our love,
in that one passage in time...
Oct 2010 · 2.5k
The First Touch
Shirlee Shelley Oct 2010
To lie beside my new lover on a warm sandy beach,
As the cool tide washes over our naked bodies...
The excitement of your first touch...lingering between my legs, as I yearn for more...
My ******* growing hard with anticipation...
My ******* vibrating with the inner desire and need to have you enter me...
But alas, I waken from my dream and find that I am alone..
And as tears gently fall upon my cheeks...
I am reminded of your first touch and you are gone.. forever...
Just an illusion? A dream? or a chance encounter
Oct 2010 · 706
The Phone Call
Shirlee Shelley Oct 2010
I long for your phone call like a silly young teenager on her first date...
I hardly hear the words you speak...only the sound of your voice..the movements of your lips...the gestures of your hands..
I remember strong hands..but soft..I remember their touch..the slowness and lightness of your finger tips dancing and kissing my body like fairy wings...
We talk of days events and I try not to let my mind wander to the "What if's...the "Why not's" of our relationship...our friendship..
I've been in this place so many times with you over the years...
Laughing, crying, sharing life's experiences..telling funny stories..wondering why your aren't here..why we aren't sharing these things in person...
Is it easier, keep the distance between us?
"What if" we allowed the experience to unfold..
"What if" we allowed ourselves to become vulnerable to the feelings we know we share for one another...
"What if" the only phone call I longed for was..."Hey girl..I'll be a little late..I love you!"...
"What if" .....
Oct 2010 · 3.6k
A Chance Encounter
Shirlee Shelley Oct 2010
I entered the room and there you were..
Sitting at a table with friends..
Your eyes dancing with laughter...
Your smile full of child like amusement...
I was instantly attracted to the ease with which you held your space in time...
Comfortable within your manliness..
Yet a little vulnerable within your beingness...
I felt the need to connect with you...
To share our ideas, experiences, desires and our passions...
As I allowed my mind to fantasize...I could feel you lying beside me..
Cradling my body, protecting and shielding me with your strength and wisdom...
Should I go and introduce myself?
Should I allow my fears and uncertainties keep me from allowing the.. per chance encounter?
Could this be love sitting across the room from me?
Or just an illusion...
Do I take a risk or let it pass out of my life...
The moment gone forever...
Taking a sip of wine..enjoying the flavor and sensation entering my body...I slowly rise..
Our eyes meet and we smile..
Excitement running through my veins...
and then..
I walk out the door

— The End —