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825 · Aug 2015
Shilah Kent Aug 2015
I discovered a new part of me.
A part that loved mornings
and that found beauty in my surroundings.
A part that enjoyed watching sunsets
and romanticizing a simple stroll through the park.
A part that believed in positivity
and finding the good in everyone.

But that part of me is no longer here.
It disappeared around the same time you did.  
All I could think of is getting you back,
of getting that part of me back from you,
so I could be complete again.
Until I realized you did not take that part with you,
you did not take anything.
That part of me was hidden,
because you taught me how to love everything,
but myself.

Four years later and I realize
I have nothing to thank you for.
I found myself with you, and found myself again without you.
In the end, you made no difference.
You were not and never will be essential to my life,
for I do not only love mornings and my surroundings anymore,
I now love **myself
314 · Aug 2015
Shilah Kent Aug 2015
Through a clear window,
you never know what you'll see,
perhaps life through glass

— The End —