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Shelley Dec 2011
"What an appropriate name," she thought
"for this foul feeling that tastes so akin to bile."

She ran her tongue along the ridges of her hard palate,
hoping that her saliva might creep into every crevice
and cleanse her being of this sharp vindictiveness -
Sour anger that left a trail of puncture-wound footprints across her shrinking heart

Equally corrosive and repulsive as it flowed through her bloodstream
She clenched her fists in an attempt to catch the feeling before it traveled another inch
As physical as it it felt - running through her, running over her -
she eventually came to understand that her ailment was far from physical

When she could no longer stand it, she fell to her knees
And prayed to a God in whom she'd never believed
The intellectual in her pushed Him away with embarrassment
The seven-year-old in her embraced Him like a dearly missed imaginary friend

An internal tug-of-war ensued, but was short lived
The vivacious strength of her young heart
Quickly lost to the tired feebleness of her old mind
She set aside her pride, calling out the suppressed longings of her soul

Much to her surprise, she felt an immediate loosening of ties
Weights lifted; beliefs shifted - everything seemed to fall into place
She let out the deep, deep breath she'd unknowingly held
And recognized a feeling of ease and serenity that had evaded her for months

She realized with a smile that she was grateful for the bile
For without its damage, she never would have met her healer
Dec 2011 · 839
The Night
Shelley Dec 2011
The cover of the night.
My haven
Like the werewolves,
Like the vampires

Beams of sunlight
wrap me in chains
of daytime normalcy,
of the mundane

actually happens in waking hours
And darkness
clouds the day

The moon rises
to take the place of my other captor
and to release
the Lunatic in me

Free to roam,
with the North Star
guiding my footie-pajama-ed feet
down starlit paths of wonder
Shelley Dec 2011
feigning performance
pleasing the convinced, clapping crowd
of duped deafs
Dec 2011 · 2.2k
Shelley Dec 2011

is not some motion
caused by wings
or a propeller of sorts //
But rather a freedom
that comes with the absence of weight

And today
*I soar.
Nov 2011 · 793
males of omniscience: pt. 1
Shelley Nov 2011
There once was a boy who knew

her lines were drawn in the sand
he knew where she chose to stand
but he ebbed and flowed like the tide
and washed all her lines away

the tides tumultuously turned:
took off running and left her burned
when he whose first step seemed harmless
acted thoughtlessly against her *No

quickly the sand turned quick
her body began to stick
- to his, and she sank
unwillingly into his rhythms

forever changed *her
rhythms, her course
with the force of his own (inter)course
Ignored her Pleads
for the sake of his "needs"

recollections slightly blurred
but it's unfogged that he heard
he Knew.
*he knew.
Shelley Nov 2011
Another drop. I writhe.
My insides scream
*Stop your tears!
Shelley Nov 2011
Busied myself
and missed yesterday
     marking three years since you
Nov 2011 · 1.1k
10 words: Feigned empathy
Shelley Nov 2011
Smile sympathetically
Hold my hand
Act like you know
Nov 2011 · 659
A rest in the woods
Shelley Nov 2011
Flat on my back
enveloped by the contrast
of warm light above and cold rock below

Remove the unobtrusive speakers from my ears
that now seem so obtrusive in this other world
this outside world
As I exchange the music I carry with me
for the music the wind carries
The music this world carries

I open one eye to peek skyward
And am forced to squint
finally to blink shut
my pupil overwhelmed by the grandeur of
The sun

- wait, no. A second squint reveals
only vibrant leaves turned
to blazing shades of warmth,
Backlit by the glow of that big daytime star
How can foliage produce so great a radiance?

And I lay to rest my worries
lay to rest the day's commotion
For the squirrels cause the only commotion here

Yet their antics cannot disturb me
As long as this unending water flows, undisturbed
The rocks in its path not obstacles but
friends she kisses on her endless journey
past them
past me and my thoughts
Carrying my heaviness away

The stream of water
A stream of light from above
My stream of consciousness
Mingled with the stream of birds' chatter
All circulating the one great question:
          **Why return indoors?
Shelley Nov 2011
Friday Evening
The snowflakes fell, cold
Your coat on my shoulders, warm
The night, idyllic

Saturday Afternoon
Empty park, blue sky
Walking, streaming thoughts of us
This big world is ours

Sunday Morning**
I did the crossword
Your name among its answers,
My constant answer
Oct 2011 · 884
Shelley Oct 2011
You can put meat in the ice chest
but that doesn't make it any less raw
Just conserving its substance until the thaw

Like the wound you carved in my chest
that has the rawness of day one
Of day two, at best

In keeping it from rotting, I've preserved your power
Beneath frozen crystals that sparkle like your eyes do
Like my eyes used to

You froze my heart, twice
Paused it with your hand when it first grazed mine
Made it rigid again with your final line

So I'm putting it all out on the counter
to begin the emancipating thaw
Hoping the runoff floods my essence and carries away your presence
Oct 2011 · 541
Falling Out
Shelley Oct 2011
The bruises on my knees are a sign
                  Not of prayer nor promiscuity
                But of frequent, faithless falls

And I wonder why nothing ever breaks my fall
Before my fall breaks me
                This fall - autumn - is breaking me

The wind whisks a blanket of leaves over me
                                     Reminding my weary soul of the way winter was
Of the way winter will be      

With its white blankets of snow,
       and of fleece and of sadness
                     Wondering why things are so cyclic

Up, down, over and over
                           The leaves grow change and fall
                               And I follow right along with them
Oct 2011 · 841
Beneath the surface
Shelley Oct 2011
Caverns of hurt
Full of things I won't allow myself to feel
Threatening to surge out,
Carrying all of my taboos

hold it in

The behemoth of sadness; my Atlas
Carrying my pain atop his shoulders
Threatening to drop it upon me
And watch my world shatter

*stay strong
Oct 2011 · 1.8k
Shelley Oct 2011
Hanging in place
Until the wind snatches them
Until gravity snatches them
Sinking into blades of grass
Oct 2011 · 722
Shelley Oct 2011
The smoke swirls
Evasive yet inescapable
Searching for the heavens
                    that it will never reach

The ashes flutter
Words unread
Providing a different kind of light
                        than the author intended

The stars shine
- Pinpricks of hope -
Finding my darkness reminiscent
                         of their home in the night
Oct 2011 · 1.1k
Sorting It Out
Shelley Oct 2011
A place for everything, and everything in its place
The box under my bed holds photos of your face
Wipe down the mirror until your reflection's erased

It's the only place I know to start
A catharsis on my part
First my room, then my heart
Oct 2011 · 813
Shelley Oct 2011
Crowded loneliness

                       They dance          I sit
          Their hands held high          My fingers clenching the temples of my lowered head
             Shouts of joy arise          Tears converge into two flowing cheek rivers
                    Such unity          I am on the outside
Sweating from movement          Surrounded by their heat
             Let us join hands          I must get out
                                               So I'm running
                                                         ­       Fleeing
                                                ­         Down the stairs, out the door
                      The slap of cold hits me like a body check, a reality check
                                And I know I will not turn back
                      If I'm going to be alone and outside
                                   **I will be so by choice.
Sep 2011 · 593
The Coffee Shop
Shelley Sep 2011
I sat unaccompanied
Though not alone
I had the crossword and my thoughts
Wishing I had brought a sweater

But then you smiled
And it melted the cold
Hot apple pie beneath a hill of frozen vanilla

And I could no longer tell if my goosebumps
Were from the cold vinyl chair against the backs of my legs
Or your sudden raw presence

I saw you approach the counter of supplements
And walk right on by
I wanted to tell you
I drink it black too

It was Tuesday, a little after 4

Maybe you always come here Tuesdays
                                                        ­              a little after 4

So you can be sure I'll be back here
                               Tuesday, a little after 4

I want to see if there's anything else we might share
Besides our dislike of cream and sugar
And this moment at the coffee shop
Sep 2011 · 873
In Bloom
Shelley Sep 2011
You listen to me lament, and hold my hand
Like the filament that holds my anther
For me there is no other

And you are the catalyst for my growth
The calyx beneath my flower
Keeping my peduncle standing firm and straight
Through every debunkle caused by fate

You come near,
     and I am suddenly in bloom
Sep 2011 · 634
The Weight of You
Shelley Sep 2011
I sit here, still, because everything's turning too fast
Nothing lasts
A blast from the past and like that
I'm consumed

The room's too small and my emotions are too big
My heart's trying to escape its cage of ribs
Too much, too soon

I want to run away
Run fast and run forever
And let you chase me but never ever catch me

And I want to lie here unmoving
Stay paralyzed with the weight of you sitting on my chest

I hope I never see your face again
But when I do I'm going to kiss it
Kiss it tenderly
With this love that I shouldn't have for you
And kiss it goodbye
With my five fingers clenched tightly into a fist

And when it's over
When you're finally behind me
Never again to be with me or inside of me
When I blow out your presence
And the damage you've caused has faded into a wisp of smoke
And finally disappeared altogether
It is then that the spinning will stop
The world will slow enough for me to stand
And take my first wobbly steps without you
Sep 2011 · 453
Inside The Towers
Shelley Sep 2011
Eyes open
     and everything's falling.
Tears drop,
Buildings crumble,
Spirits plummet as bodies sink to the ground.

Eyes closed
     and everything's rising.
Flames dance behind my eyelids,
Smoke enters my nostrils,
Prayers are sent up.

Eyes dead
     and everything's still.

— The End —