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Feb 2011 · 561
Smile you gave me
Shelby Sterwerf Feb 2011
I wear the smile you gave me,
Your laugh stuck in my head. 
Every where I go,
I am reminded of you. 
I can't stop thinking of how we are meant to be. 
I can only hope you feel the same.
When you hold my hand,
Or wrap your arms around my waist,
I can tell we will be together for awhile. 
Hiding from the world,
We don't let anything bother us,
Never needing approval from them
We can shine in our own way. 
Even when we are apart,
I know we will be alright,
You dont need to see someone everyday to love them. 
You are the rest of my life. 
Forever and always
Feb 2011 · 797
Shelby Sterwerf Feb 2011
I call out your name in the middle of the night.
The blackened sky pouring raindrops
Like raindrops of a broken heart.
The word is unaware of the love we share.
Our hearts beating as one,
intertwined and never parting.
Our lips made to touch.
Together we are unbeatable,
Nothing will come between us.
You always on my mind,
Leaving a trail of passion.
The feeling is so natural.
Feb 2011 · 512
Everything but nothing
Shelby Sterwerf Feb 2011
I remember looking up at the stars with you, 
laying together next to the warmth of the fire, 
the heat of being together. 
To me that meant everything, 
to you it meant nothing. 
I wonder the reason why everything was said. 
Why would you touch me like that? 
It felt so real, 
so natural 
but it was just a game. 
I know you said you don't want to lead me on 
but I only said that I knew better 
so that I can have the feeling that you were mine 
if only for a moment. 
I know you won't be around forever 
and I know that you will never feel the way about me as I do you, 
but why not dream for the impossible?
Jan 2011 · 540
Shelby Sterwerf Jan 2011
I let you in,
Trusted you with my heart.
And to pay me back,
You break me.
It's expected for me to sit here and wait.
Wait for you to change your mind
Wait for the realization of wrong doing
And come back,
But I am not waiting
For you to just break me a second time.
The tears fall,
My heart breaks.
You asked me to wait for you,
But I will not go through this again.
I will not be here when you come back.
Jan 2011 · 766
The impossible
Shelby Sterwerf Jan 2011
What little life we have,
We are just wasting.
Trying to make the impossible work,
Is just that,
Love is not something you search for
It finds you.
We found eachother,
Our fate not meant to be together.
We can not be one
When everything is resisting us.
I love you
And will never cease that feeling,
But we were not meant to be together forever
Jan 2011 · 1.9k
Behind her smile
Shelby Sterwerf Jan 2011
Behind her smile 
There is tears. 
Tears you will never see.
She hides them from the world,
So they do not see her weakness. 
Alone and suffering 
None can help. 
Darkness is her light. 
The sun never shines,
Because to her there is no reason. 
She only dreams of being freed of her past. 
A dream she will never see. 
She knows that hope
Leads to disappointment. 
No one can see the lies in her eyes
When she claims she is alright. 
But that is not what she is. 
Alone and weak,
She will not let you in. 
No need to let someone feel that pain. 
No need to drag more innocent souls down.
Jan 2011 · 526
For Sydnay
Shelby Sterwerf Jan 2011
You may have heard this all before,
How I live for your heart beat,
And your looks glow like the sun,
Taking me aback.
But let me tell you.
I love you more than all the lies told everyday.
I could not live with out you.
And I am different from those others,
For I do not own my heart,
It belongs to you.
Jan 2011 · 435
Watching over us
Shelby Sterwerf Jan 2011
He stands there watching me,
Thinking I can not see him,
But truth be told,
I see him too.

He stands out in a crowd.
As nothing you could ever dream of.
You wouldn't believe his story,
Even if you tried.
So don't even waste your time.

He saves us from the unknown.
He never expects a thank you,
Nor does he stay around to hear one.
Just pass along the story,
Of the mystery man.

He stands in the corner.
Always there.
Always watching.
Waiting for disaster.
And when it comes,
He will be there to save the day.
Jan 2011 · 509
Shelby Sterwerf Jan 2011
These feelings are so hard to describe 
for I have never felt this way about anyone before. 
It took us so long to finally be where we are now,
but yet we still have far to go.
Our journey had just begun sailing
along in this world of choices. 
We can take so many paths
with this love we have started. 
You are my sun
in a world of dark. 
Through the twists and turns of life 
we will always be together. 
Now that we are one, 
we shall never part. 
Our love will last for eternity.
Jan 2011 · 546
For My Best Friend
Shelby Sterwerf Jan 2011
Your heart wide open
You let me in
Trusted me and shared your secrets.
You gave me comfort when it was needed
And never turned me away when I was hurting.
I do not know what undid to deserve this treatment
But let me tell you this
I will be there when you need me
Just like you are there for me.
Always and forever
My back will never be turned.
For as long as there are stars in the sky,
Our friendship will also be alive.
*Parker's birthday poem*
Jan 2011 · 493
Shelby Sterwerf Jan 2011
As everything is tumbling down,
My life crashing to pieces,
I see a shimmer of light.
But is it really there?
My eyes are playing tricks.
I am alone in this darkness.
So why am I getting my hopes up?
I dream of what could have been.
I dream of what was.
I wish I could have that.
I'm tired of this darkness,
I'm tired if falling.
Maybe the light is there,
Maybe I can hope.
But what is the point in dreaming,
When I know I will just be let down again.
Jan 2011 · 554
Safe For a Moment
Shelby Sterwerf Jan 2011
Looking up at the stars with you,
I can't help but to feel safe.
Your arms wrapped around me,
Me head laying on your chest.
I can be myself with you
And that is the safest feeling of all.
But then I wake up.
And I realize it was a dream
You are in love with her
And you will never be mine.
Why I keep my hopes up I will never know.
Jan 2011 · 801
Shelby Sterwerf Jan 2011
I toss and turn
As the demons of nightmares
Keep me wide awake
My eyes burn to close,
To rest
But yet i am afraid if the reality
Behind closed lids.
Dreams of darkness and evil
That never rest.
They haunt me every night,
Creeping and scaring,
Keeping me wide awake,
Afraid to hit the stage of real magic
Of evil powers and ghosts of the pash.
I stay alive in this world
So not to go to the one
In which I belong.
Jan 2011 · 512
Today I Realized
Shelby Sterwerf Jan 2011
I realized I am still in love with you today.
I spotted you with her,
and it rips me apart to think that she took my spot.
I thought you said you loved me,
I guess that was a lie.
I only spoke the truth and I thought you meant what you said,
and it kills me that you could lie to me.
Together forever.
I know those words were uttered.
Now I know that forever is not what it seems.
How could you destroy me like this?
Did you not feel anything at all?
My heart is ripped to shreds and you are the one that has done this to me.
I wish I could forget the past,
but to love you at all is better than not at all.
I miss you.

— The End —