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Sep 2013 · 408
Shelby Kortness Sep 2013
Solitary, Deserted, Isolated, Abandoned
They all mean the same thing
They all come with the same thoughts
The same feelings as well.
But what I cannot quite fathom is this:
There are hundreds of people
They’re everywhere
All around me
All the time
But if that holds true
Then why do I feel
Aug 2013 · 417
I Wait.
Shelby Kortness Aug 2013
As I lay down on the warm pavement
I gaze up at the sky
And I begin to wait.
The cool nightly breeze whispers in my ear
A sweet little song
And I wait.
The thunder is booming and rumbling along
A muted drum up above
And I wait.
The lightning streaking across the open sky
A light to guide the stars
And I wait.
Then from the sky falls one small drop
Landing on my cheek
I close my eyes and smile.
I am at peace.
Aug 2013 · 839
Shelby Kortness Aug 2013
And I just keep screaming
     Chase, Chase get up!
     Chase the truck is moving!
     Chase Get Up!
Yet he lays there motionless.
As if he wants to go
As if he doesn't care
Does he?
Should I let him go?
It is his choice.
Do I let him know?
I can't tell him now.
But what will happen if I don't?
Jul 2013 · 552
Don't Give Up.
Shelby Kortness Jul 2013
Before you do it
Come take my hand
We're going for a walk.

I know just what you're going to do
And I think we need to talk.

We'll go left
Or we'll go right
The choice is up to you.

Our path depends on only one thing
How do you see you?

The path you choose
Is left
So that's the way we'll go.

It's a path of feeling worthless
Just so that you know.

Right now
I need to show you
What you're going to miss.

If you choose to give up now
And give in to the devil's kiss.

Look right there
That's your family
They're at your first preformance.

But I don't think you'll be there
Because you've given up on dance.

Over there
You'll see your grandparents
They're holding your new guitar.

But I don't think you'll be there
Because you've given up who you are.

To you're right
You'll see a guy
He wants to ask you out.

But I don't think you'll be there
Because you've picked a different route.

I would go on
But I won't say more
I think you understand.

Now I want you to answer me this
Do you still want your life to end?

See I was right
Listen to me
This is a better way.

You're heading in a new direction now
So I've got one last thing to say.

Whipe the blood
Off of your hand
And put the blade away.

Your life is worth more than you think
Tomorrow will be a better day.
Apr 2013 · 526
Remember To Forget Me.
Shelby Kortness Apr 2013
Remember me when you’ve really ******* up
Remember me when your life gets rough
Remember me when you feel alone
Remember that I’m right by the phone.

Forget me when you’ve met someone else
Forget what I’ve said, because none of it helps
Forget that now my heart is shattered
Forget me because I do not matter

Remember that I do not need you
Forget how we were stuck like glue
Remember that I have moved on
Forget me because, I’m already gone.
Apr 2013 · 416
Some Thoughts..
Shelby Kortness Apr 2013
From my mind, come a million thoughts
Some are memorable
Some are regrettable.

When the thoughts are good, they’re great
But they only seem to ever last for a moment.

When the thoughts are bad, they’re indescribable
And they seem to take control.
Apr 2013 · 639
Picture Perfect?
Shelby Kortness Apr 2013
They say that a picture is worth a thousand words
So try to picture this.
A guy and a girl so perfectly matched
Their bond is just simply bliss.
While standing hand in hand
With smiles stretched so wide
You can see a connection between them
Something that is deep inside.
As they look into each others eyes
They see more than just a face
They see who they really are together
And they are in a safer place.
You can see a description of feelings
Though it’s not written on a page
It’s a description full of truth
And grows with them as they age.
This picture is quite significant
Though I don’t think you can deduce
That this picture could be your future some day
But I’ll leave that up to you.
Apr 2013 · 427
Tick, Tock.
Shelby Kortness Apr 2013
The pattern never seems to change
Back and Forth, Back and Forth
I’m going in a constant circle
Like clock work
No new paths
Just one track
The same track as always.
He likes me, he likes me not
Tick, Tock
He likes me, he likes me not
Tick, Tock.
Apr 2013 · 386
I Can Still Hear Her.
Shelby Kortness Apr 2013
I can still hear her
Through hushed whispers of the wind
Her voice and her laugh.

Thinking of her now
I dare not shed any tears
I hold them all in.

I can still hear her
Through the ripples of the tide
Her voice and her laugh

For I must be strong
I must act like I am fine
I’m perfectly fine.

I can still hear her
Through the rustle of the trees
Her voice and her laugh

Wishing she were here
But knowing she can’t come back
Causes me to break.
Apr 2013 · 415
They're Pulling.
Shelby Kortness Apr 2013
A cloud has been hanging over my head
One of dark and dreadful traits
I thought that I was happy now
But sadness my subconscious creates.

Everything was going great
Now something is going wrong
And though I’ve always been told that life is short
It’s never felt so long.

So many feelings are coming back
And I don’t know what to do
I just want to push all these feelings away
But that’s hard when they’re pulling you.
Apr 2013 · 305
Letters to No One.
Shelby Kortness Apr 2013
I’m not sure if you’ll hear this
But I really need you now.
I’m lost in thoughts, with no way out
And I think that you could help.
I’m not sure which way’s up
Because I just keep falling down.
With no more comforting thoughts
I have began to forget myself.
I am going down a path
A path that many have grown to hate.
How much more of this can I bear?
How much more until I break?
I really hope that you are listening
So that this wasn’t pointless to say.
But maybe that’s asking too much
Maybe I’ll just fade away.

— The End —