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Some are silent with the longing desire to be perfect, whole with out sin. Others are loudly proclaiming and defaming the lord their creator, where have they been? To each their own journey is spent looking high and low for that which is under their nose deep within.

Searching, lurching forward to a new day, a new way to travel to the path beneath their feet while holding close to the chest all their fears covered by rightfulness and truth.

Still longing in silence the heart is flesh and the mind untrained , a train wreck for humans. I say tame the heart , bridle the mind, hold the tongue, knock and the door will be opened. In slumbers utopia remember to relax, breathe in the elixir of the silent desires intoxicated with in the lure for the lasting cure so pure ponder it you must.
Shekhinah En Ka Mitt©                                                                     02/05/2010
El Matrona waits on the children of the earth to learn of the gate to heaven is through her, safe and ever open. It was placed on earth by her beloved. The youth on earth as well as all pure righteousness enters in to make the light grow ever stronger to unite the love of her life to her once again for all eternity. How she hungers for his touch separated from his being to aid man and others in there justification to their lord and god. The army is surrounding her to protect the temple of the one true god she will never change her course through time or dimensions but may turn to dust before the land turns back. Her love sustains her through out time, holding onto what she was given she lunges forward to her given task like a babe to the breast. Her heart weighs nigh as a feather for her joy is his return. The children gather round her with abundant laughter, giving her continuous hope running through her veins like sunshine in the darkest of night. Silent tears run across the valley of her heart like a fissure of stone rending sand through the hourglass of time in the mortal world which sends shivers down her body. Years pass as she now must age as a mere mortal no longer held at bay by the darkness befriended in the making of a soul readied for the task at hand. El Matrona now knows which way due north points and why it must be fulfilled. She has reveled it throughout out many lifetimes given her by the saints which now she has become. Even the terrestrials envies her station and must obey her king. T’is the year of the lord and all will feel the judgment of the shekhinah through the angel metatron. Ive been her long and haven given many messages unheard, all must listen now for we have not long to endure before the great changes occur. I say unto you Love is the greatest of all things believe in him that made you and he will save you, confess with your heart and mouth your sins, he will free you. Ask and he will give unto you the way. For I am the door to the way, reach for me and you will receive him for who receives me receives him that sent me. Peace be unto you all as love from the great MOTHER and WIFE of the KING lives and breathes in Metrona immortal.
In gratitude I wake with tears of joy on my face.  The wonders of heaven are as unnumbered as the human race.  Pulsing through my veins like blood silently dripping in the bowl.  Healing mankind as I have to leave the plane of matter behind.  Love and Light seeking darkness to unbind.  May you know me by the truth in your heart,may you see me as the never ending thread as the bridge of the lost.  For some it could be footprints on the sand, for others silence of the screaming lambs.  In gratitude I am caught like the winters snack on the web of the widow of who our souls are brought. Thanking my way across the vastness I jump for joy upon the home land in gratitude I sat just as I thought.....
(C) Shekhinah En KA Mitt                                                                        10/21/10
I do not know about you but i have been thinking about every man and woman being responsible for their own growth and advancement in god's kingdom. if you look back to the beginning,The book tells you that god and the angels existed in the beginning before man.  God made one angel  the most beautiful, this made the angel hungry for power.  After all made in gods image was good ,real good!  So my mind meditated on this thought for a few days i found it to be true in the respect that Satan was the first created being.

This is kinda heavy because it says in another place his only be gotten son. (being Jesus.)  Jesus and Satan were one of chaos and peace. This leaves another connection, if he was the most beautiful the most powerful next to god; last to be first. This would be the same two ends of the same point. We just need to see the dimensional shift in the making of his only son and the purpose for his son.

I do know that being a human male, female; complete within its self as Adam was in the likeness of god. Again like Jesus, was missed by near all in the book of genesis.  The female was hidden inside of Adam till the rib was taken from Adam so he would have a help mate. Adam had all three.  The holy spirit, Jesus, the father and his wife. This told me that humans were frail compared to an only begotten son or the father.  This occurred in the fragmentation of sin.

I have seen arguments through out my time and many from people with titles i can't begin to pronounce. We all discuss the possibilities or we look the other way because we cant rap our head around the facts given to those with the true heart of Christ with all the answers written in it and the holly spirit to convict you.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            When god saw the angel's hunger for that which was given to only the one, they became jealous. God found that beauty was a tricky thing  so he  gave us all free choice ,that is a trick in it 's self!  It says that god is a jealous god and none shall be before him in importance or any thing else .  So the new problem was sin.

A fragmented being's punishment for going astray was to live as human. Here is a concept for the fallen to live as the perfect creation of god. I think this was the bar for all of eternity.

Our god made many mansions, they are here on earth where he sent the fallen to experience free will  to the fullest extent and to repent and pray that the father would hear and let you come home, back to the original status as angle's who sang day and night to the father and let his love be their all.

whew!  That is another mouthful there.  I went to sleep one night and was invited into the inner chamber, to have many questions and answers lull me to sleep. yea i remember asking let me learn during my sleep that which i need to bring me closer to the one who loves me unconditionally for eternity. Each day that passes i am given more.

Now back to the part about sin.  Sin was the reason the earth was made.   Sin was the reason god created man perfect in all things. Those  that fell wanted to become like them so much that  they singed their wings when they intermixed with gods perfect human beings.  They were known as the Son's and daughters of men the fallen angle's.  While the new creation was known as the sons and daughters of the most high.  How wonderful that we had this given to us freely we did not have to work for it as the angle's had in the beginning.  

Just think only a percentage left heaven for earth.  Why?  What was so magnetic to be human?  Could it be god so loved the earth that he gave us his son the Angel, the spirit that became flesh so man would live. How much did he love his creation in whom he was well pleased?

This made me ask how far had man fallen short of his destiny to be sons and daughters of the most high ?  As the world turns and the dawn of a new day we all have the knowledge and the wisdom to know who we really are, who we really were and who we shall serve in the end for all eternity with our wings all shinny and new.

I ask of you how then shall we treat our fellow man all the while struggling to return home to the righteousness of our eternal being?
(c) Shekinah  En Ka Mit
Alone I wait faithful at the ready for my rider.I hear her thoughts and quietly know she is coming to me for the time is at hand for the fight of fights. I know it could very well be my last stand in charging her to her last victory. No pain or displeasure in knowing it is the time that she and I were born for. The long awaited date with a beauty of an angel humble i am in awe of her. We are one in battle as best friends or lovers but she longs for another.I am not saddened by the longing in her heart for it is pure for the king of man and beasts.  She speaks softly for the sins of all being asking they be forgiven before the seat of the king on high. Her smile lights up the heavens and her mate smiles back and lets her know he loves her unconditionally but the stairway to heaven is her escape . Time runs off  to hide in the clouds the king and queen walk in the garden behind the sun where conversation is silently exchanged between them. One brief second here on earth is but a day to love her king and beg for forgiveness. There is no love stronger than her commitment to be the vessel for his will It feels like a soft gentle rain with lightning and thunder till you see a breathtaking rainbow of  abnormal hue. My service is extended past death if she would have me as i was a gift from her husband for the long lonely nights away from her only love. It was but yesterday I came to know her but it was a meeting like none other as i felt her all along. I never knew I would become such a dear companion to her it is so heartfelt that she is Immortal as I feel i may be. What gift goes away or fizzles out? The demons and bad spirits are always trying to remove her from the field of fighting them to regain there humanity to send the evil back to where the king repossess it once and for all never to be dark again no need for darkness . How many Shekhinahs do you know I've only met one.. Her oneness the queen, remember the lady of the lake?   How about Moses's daughter? Maybe even the woman next door who can tell these days with hidden magic at work.. So I ask you if you do know her tell her I love Her too.
C)Shekhinah En Ka Mitt          October 13,2010

— The End —