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Sheila M King Jul 2017
What happened finally happened
Yet it happens all to fast
Time flew by before our eyes
And now that time is here at last
  Seems like only yesterday--
But even today has come and gone
Followed by tomorrow as time continues on
  The past is through, each day is new
And time will start again; yet really just continues on
Cause time does not ever end
  Now it's a new beginning;
A chance for your own life to start
Lessons that you have learned -
You now will take to heart
Remembering... almost everything
Some things good and some are bad
Try not to forget what you were taught
Or the closeness we once had
  Growing up can mean growing apart
And that can be the hardest
But never giving up and trying your best
Will make you one of the smartest
Trying too  hard to prevail can set you up to fail;
Be cautious in all you do
Stop to think before you decide
Remember to think things through...
  You will gain knowledge once on your own
Choices are yours and yours alone
Each decision is fully yours to make
You decide what choice to take
Some may be wrong when others are right;
Don't get discourged, stand up and fight.....
Stand firm, hold your ground
Realizing that courage you found
  Mistakes will be made but that's how we learn
So you won't do it all over the next time it's your turn
Give advice but also take it,
If you take MY advice
Then I know you will make it
Yes, all grown up with your whole life ahead
Wish you were still my baby instead
But even as parents we have to let go
And it's harder on us than we let show..
Time for our Angels to spread their wings;
New found freedom and other great things
  I hope you know that you'll always be missed
I'll always be here if you ever need kissed
I am only a phone call away
And I'll be thinking of you everyday
Whenever you need someone to rely on
Or maybe just a shoulder to cry on
I'll be here praying God keeps you from danger
All the while praying you won't become a stranger......

            Sheila M King 01/02/08
Sheila M King Jul 2017
You know I could never not love you
Though it may not always seem that way
A lot of it has to do with the hurtful things we say
  We do not always agree, many times our heads will ****
Because we are so much alike, our relationship gets in a rutt.
   I know I am right but you think that you are too.
Someone has to be wrong, usually that someone is you...
I have my opinion and my opinion I will voice.
I always tell you like it is, rather or not you listen is your choice
   You know I could never not love you - though I may not love the things you do--
Like piercing your tongue,  like getting a tattoo
   I know it is your body- a body now fully grown.
Your going to do the things you want and do them on your own.
Even if my heart breaks or I cry to myself inside,
Or if I just walk away; mainly because of my pride...
I DO respect who you are, the person you have become
I only hope you remember my words, not all but maybe some.
   Honesty, always got from me, maybe not the words you wanted to hear.
If you asked me a question, my answers I gave back to you were always sincere.
   I know we've had many issues and together this caused us to fight
Each needed to have the last word
Each needed to prove we were right
  Both of us are too much alike
Both act differently,  yet we are the same
We share the blood that runs through our veins, our love and our last name.
We've share many things throughout the years...
Hopes and dreams among the things- our wour wants, needs and fears.
  We've had so many good times and those times out way the bad
We've had a bond that was just between us; a daughter and her dad
  I hope some family values were somehow in steeled in you-
The love, trust and togetherness,  be sure GOD is in there too
  Honesty,  loyalty, understanding
Patience,  kindness,  not demanding
Sometimes you take, sometimes you give...
Find true happiness- you'll find how to live
   I'll always be here for you,  when your happy when your sad
If you just need to talk, you can always call your dad
  I miss my baby girl.. more now that your miles away
I miss just seeing you and hugging you everyday
Even though your not close to home, your close in our hearts
We are always thinking of you......
You'll always be my little girl and I need for you to know
I could NEVER EVER not love you.  
                                                                 By Sheila King
What my husband wants to say to our daughter
Sheila M King Jun 2016
Here I am, Guilty I'm found
Lexington, Oklahoma then prison bound
I am ready to do my time
Crazy thoughts fill up my mind
Wardens and orderlies walk the halls
Prisoners sit staring at four walls
Lights go out; hear no sound
Anytime now, I'm prison bound
Another place people get on your nerves
Another day; A prisoner serves
A DOC #, no longer a name
They don't care who you are, just the order you came
I'll serve my time day per day; cause of my charges, it works that way
Sitting in county awaiting hell - DOC hold, there is no bail
Commit the crime, they will hunt you down
You too my friend could be Prison bound
1825 days, 5 years to serve for my wrongful ways
I get no CAP, no good days served
But I do get what they feel I deserved
Time, that I do have and I have found
That time doesn't matter.... when your Prison bound
Sheila M King Jun 2016
I'm too ****** up can't fix me now
Not sure I would even know how
Probably wouldn't change if I could
Too bad to want to be good
Head strong and stuck in my ways
Natural born rebel...Can't do as they say
Too wrong trying to be right
Rather sleep in the woods any night
Then fall asleep in the presence of men
Shiesty disguised as your friends
I'm too ****** up and far to lost
Too much time passed; my blackened soul rots
Too ****** up to ever be found
No hope for my Gypsy won't slow down
They say I'll never settle in
I'm too ****** up; I've always been
Born and raised in old school ways
I miss how it was those days
I'm ****** up but so's the rest of this world
Not simple like when I was a little girl
So I'm okay with my ****** up self
Rather be me than anyone else
I am okay; Forgiven my sins
I am at peace with the life I've lived
A few regrets yet they taught me alot
Lucky to have the ones I've still got
Angels watched over me all my life
Sent as friends I met over time
Though their wings tattered and torn
Still Angels to this ****** up girl
To far gone to wanna go home-
This life the only life I know
I'm not right but I'm right enough
Can't fix me now; I like to be ****** up
Sheila M King Jun 2016
This letter is to say "Farewell"
I loved you dearly but you caused me hell
Letting you go means loosing part of me, maybe it's my pride
For only you could calm my fears and fill emptiness inside
When my life, my love, and my family should mean so much more
It was you, my one true friend, so many times my only cure
You've been with me so many years; through broken hearts and many tears
All the lying, all the crying-- all the years I spent trying
But it's time to set you free
Even though letting you go
Means loosing a part of me
You played with my emotions
Anger, violence, and rage
I always felt trapped in an isolated cage
-- I'd awaken in the morning to say "Hello" to you again
Because after all, many times, you were my closest friend
I used you and abused you
Sought you and fought you
It's overwhelming to love something so wrong---
There will be no more fighting; this time I'm deciding
Saying Goodbye is what's keeping me strong
You'll always be a part of me
Only now your part of my past
Saying Goodbye... to "DRUGS" and not getting high
Means I'm finally Free At Last
Sheila M King Jun 2016
I watch you as I sit, all alone by the window
Looking at the hills across the long meadow
In your eyes you can see it; the great big wonderful land
A place that has never been touched by the human hand
Where wild creatures roam, where cactus and flowers are growing
Where the soil is rich and soft, clear waters are always flowing
It's a place where everyone belongs
Where everyone should be
Somewhere where the sun shines
A place for you and me
Somewhere birds sing a happy song
A place where nothing could ever go wrong
Everyone longs for a place such as this
You'll always be a part of it.... if only you wish
Sheila M King Jun 2016
I ask for someone to hear my cry
Before I say I want to die
My love for you is something rare
I don't know if it's truth or dare
When i start to fall in love
You ask me what I'm thinking of
You don't understand how I feel
For you understand nothing real
Trust is what you want but you lie every day
Can't you see it's hurting me and love shouldn't feel this way
You say your faithful but is it true?
You lie to me and your friends too
You'd be the one to loose if I just let you be
No one will be there for you, not your friends or me
You always think you'll come out in the end holding all the darts
When really you'll be the last in line --- with the only broken heart
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