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Dec 2010 · 644
sheala mckmean Dec 2010
Where did you go?
I miss a ghost
A shadow of what once was
What never will be again
The promises of tommorow
Shattered by the disapointment of today
I am forgetting
Everyday i loose a little more
So slowly i dont even see it slipping
Until its gone
You promised me forever
You told me we would always be this
I guess you could'nt have known
How much we would miss...
Dec 2010 · 419
Tired words
sheala mckmean Dec 2010
Where does all the love go, when its home is destroyed?
When the lovers loose the magic they so enjoyed
It cant simply be lost
All good things come at a cost
It may spread out and travel far away
But take comfort in knowing that theres a moment in everyday
When, whether you know it or not, it finds you
Embraces you, brings a smile, and enevitably a bit of heartache too..
Always remebmer love is not to be thrown away
It is a constant reminder, it is in everyday
Don't forget
Nov 2010 · 469
sheala mckmean Nov 2010
Im sorry my love
This is Goodbye
This is the End
The last Time
My words have filled your Ears
For the last Time
My dear, never again will i say your Name
Think of me Sparingly
And when you do let it be
With a grin
Never with fear
This was wonderful
But the dream must end Here

— The End —