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Shayne Revers Feb 2016
Your eyes lie to me, and I know they do. Because behind your creamy jade stare I sense pure malice,rage and pain. Yet nevertheless we still stare into each other eyes, and when we do I gaze upon the tortured soul of a broken woman. An image in a shattered mirror, with each shard of glass containing painful memories you'd desperately long to forget. As seconds turn to minutes, I instantly feel lost in your void of a mind. Yet despite my isolation, I feel sensations of hope and love within this wasteland that appears to expand on into eternity. What can I do to heal your heart? I wonder to myself as I stand amongst the shadows of your suffering. And How might I slay that dragon who flys across the landscape of your dreams at night.....
Feb 2016 · 481
Stardust Memories
Shayne Revers Feb 2016
The rain outside her window seemed angered by her persistent tears, as if it were almost insulted by her deep remorse. And in protest of her sadness the drops mercilessly thumped against her window pane, sounding more like fists of rage rather then liquid from heaven. She stared blankly into the misty grey of water vapor which now blanketed her glass bedroom window. While nostalgically remembering the beautiful point of light ascending gently towards the stars above. "...come...back..." She whispered to herself, hollow words that echoed slightly along the walls of her lonely room. She needed him, and she desperately longed for the warmth of his arms once more or the loving sound in his hypnotic voice whispering in her ears, which caused a minute sensation of joy to run up and down her quivering spine. Raising a trembling left hand she slowly traced a heart into the condensation along her window. "Where are you?...You promised me remember!?" With her sweet words now seeming more like an endearing cocktail. Who's ingredients contained hope,love with a dash of desperation.  Closing her eyes slowly she recalled the feeling of his warm NASA space suit rubbing against her finger tips. Or the smell of the stinging jet fuel emanating from the SLS rocket nearby preparing for launch. "I love you Octavia...I'll love you while I'm traveling faster then the speed of light...I'll love you from across the galaxy...and I'll love you forever..." His last words pierced her heart like miniature daggers. While his voice seemed to haunt her mind causing Octavia to close her eyes tighter as a result of new tears forcing their way through her eye lids and down her cheeks like a dam now set free. Her only response was to squeeze the heart shaped locket she clinched in her right hand with a painful grip. While slowly whispering to herself through relentless tears "I love you to Shayne...forever..."
Feb 2016 · 416
Stardust Memories
Shayne Revers Feb 2016
I promised you that I'd scour the darkest planets in our galaxy until I found you again. I swore that I'd search endlessly through the shadows of existence until I felt your warmth again. But here on a world nearly devoid of star light the courage I thought I possessed inside me, even my very will itself begins to waiver. You told me once you loved me more then every star in our nights sky. In my minds eye I see the times I held you closely to my beating heart, and you promising you'd wait for me even in the shadows if you had to. But now staring through this piercing night I realize I'm the one who's..afraid...plagued by a fear so incredibly daunting that it grips my very soul tightly under my space suit. Nostalgically I harken back to the days we embraced each other on neon green grass while under
crystal Angelite skies. Remembering these moments causes a smile to creep slightly around the edges of my mouth. This being I could still feel the softness of your hair running through my fingers. I could still see the angelic look in your eyes as you stared into mine. I remember back then you would always ask me what did I see when I stared into your beautiful haunting eyes? I would never answer, I would just kiss your loving lips gently and hold you closer. Yet now as I stare into the distant star partially illuminating this dark and desolate alien world. I realize now what I saw in your eyes back then, I saw..eternity..
Feb 2016 · 368
Stardust Memories
Shayne Revers Feb 2016
The itching under his eva suit now had reached the point of agonizing and suddenly began its slow ascent to unbearable levels. Even his sweat which now continued running down his body profusely in constant streams of torment, felt almost alien to him. It was like a foreign force which was now besieged his sanity. He bit his lip tightly as a diversionary tactic. He twinged with fear that his front teeth would break the skin and draw blood. Desperately trying to calm himself he took his first nervous steps forward while staring hypnotically into Space's endlessness, just beyond the ships view port. Deep loneliness was his muse as he looked out along the infinite boarders of the galaxy. "Alone," he thought, "Alone, like the singularity of a supermassive black hole in which no light could escape. He tried desperately to breath, but to his dismay the oxygen from his fatigued lungs grew stubborn and would only emerge from his lips in labored gasps. Outside millions of miniature ***** of plasma flared ferociously in their own gravity along his line of sight. These stars seemed to sparkle vibrantly as if performing a sort of celestial dance for him. The light they emitted swirled and shined as if aware of his presence, leaving him with a haunting impression that he was the only one who bare witness to their majesty.
Feb 2016 · 397
Stardust Memories
Shayne Revers Feb 2016
The oldest stories of human creation told us that we were carefully constructed in "his" divine image. And that our bodies were molded through love and understanding. While our minds lay engineered with the innate ability to separate emotion from logic. Unfortunately for the creator the very "gift" of intellect he bestowed upon his children, acted merely as the blade In which we used to separate from him. Our newly implanted intelligence led us to wonder,dare and dream at our very place amongst the stars. Over time the same love and empathy that laid the blue print of our very exist we viewed now as humanities crutch. And what took its place were microchips,rockets and innovation. Technology now became our God, and it's gifts allowed us to fabricate life reducing its importance to a mere cheap trick. What will our designer feel for us now that he has returned to his children? Will he view us as his equal, lords of our domain? Or merely a poor replication of his original intent? These answer less questions race through my mind in rapid succession, as I stare hypnotically skyward. And behind my astronaut helmet lay fearful eyes, from watching the heavenly geometric craft slowly descending before us. Does his ancient love for his children still exist? Or will he gaze upon us now with new eyes and not old?
Oct 2015 · 409
Stardust Memories
Shayne Revers Oct 2015
They say the night whispers to you...they say she speaks to you during the silence, but only if you listen closely for her. Yet alas I'm condemned to remain here on this dark alien world. While waiting ever so patiently for that voice.....that calling. But to my disappointment I am met only with the brutal silence of this lonely rock. I tensed up suddenly, from the winds that seemed howl like hungry wolves as they blew in from the west, although aggressive in octave, the feeling was rather comforting to my skin. Ignoring their hunger, my attention was then drawn skyward to the moon just above the landscape which glowed a warm soft hue illuminating everything it touched. I tried closing my eyes but to no avail, it was just no use I couldn't sleep...not here and not alone. Her face,touch,warmth and eyes alone haunted the very darkness of my mind threatening to drive me insane. Ignoring these thoughts I pulled my space suits zipper up to shield me from the bitter cold. While simultaneously staring hypnotically into the bright blue jewel suspended in the forever night sky. My ears shifted slightly upon noticing the slight hum of my spaceship in the distance, thus reminding me her love....our love lay mere light years apart.
Forgive any mistake please, I'm not really a pro..

— The End —