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  Oct 2014 Shasta M
Why did you change?
You were great the way you were
I loved your bubbly laugh
And the way you
Flipped your hair
Why did you change?
We used to joke and laugh together
And you comforted me when I was depressed and gloomy
But now you're as cold was the wind on a wintry day
Never looking back or thinking about me
Why did you change?
This happened to my friend
We used to be BFF's
And then she moved to the popular side and was very mean to me
We haven't talked since
Shasta M Oct 2014
It's you I see telling me to let go, that you'll catch me.
I'm dangling off of this cliff with my fingernails slipping looking towards you.
I want to believe you'll catch me, pull me away and care for me like a bird with a broken wing.
Heal me until I'm well again,
---But how am I supposed to believe that when you're the one who pushed me off this cliff in the first place?---
  Oct 2014 Shasta M
Maybe one day I'll meet a person who will willingly get down on their knees and help me pick up the pieces of my heart that you broke and slowly bind them back together again in hopes of being able to love.
Shasta M Oct 2014
I crave to be told sweet words,
I crave them to fill the void in my heart you carved into me when you left,
I crave to hear words that carry me on as my heart bleeds out for your love,
I crave you,
But you left me.

— The End —