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1.2k · Mar 2014
I Never Knew You
Sharon Carpenter Mar 2014
She never noticed the love He offered
She never knew His Heart
He wanted more of Her
What She performed wasn’t enough
She just never spent time in His Presence
Doing all the right things
She had tried to please Him
but yet...
Saddest words ever
“I never knew You”
Now read the lines backwards... I saw someone else had shared a poem that could be read forward and backwards not too long ago.  So I decided to try it too.  Its harder than it sounds :)
1.2k · Mar 2014
Sharon Carpenter Mar 2014
   She built a wall
   Because it was
Too hard to explain why

   She built a wall
Stepped behind
   To hide her self
No one could hurt her now

   She hid her pain
   She let none near
The wall was not enough

    She built more walls
   She made a fort
Encompassed by her walls

The walls let
   No Light inside
The Silence
   Became a tomb
Her heart became a stone
942 · Mar 2014
Letting Go
Sharon Carpenter Mar 2014
How do you make emotions stop?
   Take love to the edge, then let it drop?
How can you just let it all go,
   When holding tight is all that you know?
Never just turned and walked away
   With a heart that’s crying out to stay.

Letting go just takes all your might,
   When doing what’s best doesn’t feel right.
Knowing there is no one to blame,
   Knowing who it was that fanned the flame.
Knowing who chose to cross that line,
   Hanging too tight to what wasn’t mine.

Wrapped up so tightly in this web,
   Yet wanting to tear away instead.
Walk away and just let it go,
   It sounds so easy, and yet I know,
Its so hard to just let it lay.
   Wish it wouldn’t have to be this way.
880 · Mar 2014
Confronted By Light
Sharon Carpenter Mar 2014
It’s a chain of events,
A cycle of sin.
Always staying hidden,
So we cannot win.
Shame has the upper hand,
Cloaked in secrecy.
A moment of pleasure,
******* was the fee.

It’s a shame to speak of
Things done in secret.
A convenient excuse
To hide how wicked
Things we’ve formerly done.
Past; but hidden still
From next generations
Stumbling the same hill.

Darkness will always flee
When the Light confronts.
Are we evading Truth,
Fearing their judgement?
But who hasn’t fallen?
Which ones have no sin?
We must walk in light to
Fellowship again.
1 John 1
713 · Mar 2014
The Window
Sharon Carpenter Mar 2014
I thought it doesn’t matter
What you do with your life
Can’t still affect me
Or so I thought

I was just on the outside
Walking past a window
As I passed I’d glance
Catch just a glimpse

Just a short look nothing more
I wanted to pretend
All was still the same
That nothing changed

From the outside looking in
Things looked fairly normal
Until I saw her
Through the window

I just couldn’t walk on by
Like all the times before.
She was really there
And my tears fell

As my tears touched the window
It shattered around me
No more pretending
655 · Jun 2014
Sharon Carpenter Jun 2014
Scars have a way
As memories they bring,
Not always fond,
Reminiscence takes wing.
The story told
Gives a glimpse of a life,
Hidden before
From a now new friend’s eyes.

“This one happened
When I fell from my bike.
The one up here
From a dangerous hike.
This one is from
A mishap with our goat.”
Two tousled heads
Exam scars and take note.

Nothing is felt,
Not a glimmer of pain,
But the mem’ry
Of affliction remains.
Lessons are learned,
And now shared with a friend,
Scars bear witness
That wounds can heal and mend.

Wounds to the heart
Can heal and mend as well.
Christ the healer
Takes away pain once felt.
Giving others
A glimpse of now healed scars,
Yields a lesson
And draws closer our hearts.
555 · Mar 2014
Behind The Veil
Sharon Carpenter Mar 2014
Her appearance draws unwanted attention,
She’s judged by the veil on her head.
She sees their curious glances and reactions
But looks the other way instead.
She lowers her face, avoiding any eyes,
She’s used to this and expects it.
Some would consider curious conversation
But her evading eyes deflect it.

She wonders what it would be like to be
With family in a public place,
To not be different from the crowd, to see
Acceptance in a stranger’s face.
But deep beliefs resist any stray musings,
She’s been veiled most of her life.
Still she yearns for someone to view her as just
A woman, a mother, or wife.

Her veil and clandestine dress erects a wall,
Hides her heart, causes distrust, fear.
Not many are willing to risk her offense
Or bring possible menace near.
Do I look behind the veil to see the heart
Of a woman needing to come
To see God as a Father who loves this lost
And adrift daughter of Islam
506 · Mar 2014
Molding My Dreams
Sharon Carpenter Mar 2014
Dreams have changed
      This side of their lives,
What once was urgent
      Has become faded dusk
New visions arise
      Out of experienced change
A flame grows dimmer
      Another bursts brighter
A wishful ponder
      Becomes a faithful hope
They’re molding my dreams
      As I endeavor to mold their lives
Let them become
      All they can be
Let me watch
      My emerging dreams
Drawn out of hearts
     That being instilled
Were known before they existed

       Dreams changing,
             Hope growing,
                    Faith rising,
                          Life realized.
For these children I've prayed...
455 · Mar 2014
The Strange Woman
Sharon Carpenter Mar 2014
She’s not the woman in red,
She’s not out to win her bread,
She’s wanting something else instead.

There’s no need to fill her purse,
What she craves for is much worse,
And she won’t ever reimburse.

She’s hunting for precious life,
She cares not of how much strife
Is brought upon a man and wife.

She wants him in her power,
Makes him fall any hour,
But her sweetness turns to sour.

She gives pleasures to borrow,
Makes him forget the sorrow
Of remorse he’ll bear tomorrow.

From the first time that he fell,
Her steps led him on to hell.
Most don’t escape, but time will tell.
Proverbs 5
434 · Apr 2014
Sharon Carpenter Apr 2014
What did I do to make Him desire me?
Even my best that I could do
Was filthy rags and not enough to please
A Holy God Who could not view
All of the sin that covered me.

There was nothing in me to draw His heart to mine
But yet He sought to make a way
That I’d commune with His heart tho divine
He made a way that He could rain
His love down on fallen mankind
431 · Mar 2014
Gaining By Loss
Sharon Carpenter Mar 2014
The day we first met
Was a day filled with pain.
Much was lost that day,
But even more was gained.
No longer part of me,
And yet you were all mine.
I see me in you,
Yet you’re one of a kind.

Watched you growing fast,
Minutes turned into years.
I cheered your victories,
And helped to wipe your tears.
Band-aids and laughter,
Learning sadness and joy.
Always proud of you
Because you were my boy.

And now another
Memorable day is here.
I watched for this
– Knew it would soon appear.
My emotions mixed,
Heart full of tearful joy.
Adding a daughter,
Letting go of my boy.

Once more much is lost
But even more is gained.
I’m letting go
But my love hasn’t waned.
No longer mine, yet
Always a part of me.
Now she’s a part of you
And one you’ll always be.
Written for a friend whose son was getting married..
358 · Mar 2014
Sharon Carpenter Mar 2014
So many hurting people
Every where I look.
They glorify their cover
But I can read them like a book.

Pages of sin, hardened hearts,
Friendships tearing apart.
More pain than one can ever bear,
Smile in place, pretend not to care.

Wipe a tear and lend an ear,
Is all that I can do.
Want to change their song and dance,
Wish I could change their circumstance.

The pages of my story,
Loathsome with no glory,
Reads much the same as all theirs.
Will I lift the cover, pages bare?

Let them see they’re not alone,
I can not cast a stone.
Show them how the pages change
When Christ begins to rearrange.

Clean pages, neatly written
Follow nothing hidden.
Circumstances still the same,
He changes the meaning of pain.

Now a story with purpose,
When from sin He turns us.
Pain still there, it hurts the same
But now being used for my gain.
Too many people judge books by their covers... Too many people hide behind the covers of their "books"

— The End —