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1.3k · Dec 2013
Daisy fresh girl
Shannea Magina Dec 2013
Daisy fresh girl from the garden of her mothers womb
You bloom with perfection; like a wonderful comb
Never let love cross the line
Questioning the reason why you are still alive

It will be okay don't cry it will be fine
Maybe you wonder why the sun sets but never seem to shine
And hatred is flowing straight from your veins
You are an original
Don't let people label you as freak,
That's perfectly not fine oh please don't state that obvious lie
And stop underestimating yourself
I tell you this for the three hundred and sixty-five time

As afternoon embraced
The lights all fade
So does the sparkle in your little eyes
Now take a rest, fall asleep in the river bed
And tell me about your dreams
A piece of you had died
I'll bury you some place beautiful
And when you wake up, everything will be just fine
609 · Jul 2014
Shannea Magina Jul 2014
what is worse than a writer having bad writing
and messed up thoughts?
pen to paper, scratched then thrown
no sense of point or direction
just a bad day and a thought
a blurry complicated mystery buried inside these bones
a broken promise and extreme happiness
mixed together doesn't make a good experiment
coz feelings are not equations to be solved to begin with

a bad writers habit is to write
and you're staring directly to her trash of art
556 · May 2015
i miss you
Shannea Magina May 2015
the distance between us is not keeping me from missing you. i miss you. i miss you like how i miss myself since the day someone took a piece of me and never gave it back. i miss you like the emptiness inside of me that keeps me from being happy. i miss you like the days when i was still my daddy's girl and i wish i could bring back the way he looked at me again. i miss you like the song i heard once that i can't seem to get out of my head because the title is forgotten somewhere in there. i miss you like how i miss my friend that now lays inside a coffin with her name carved on a stone and inside my body. i miss you like how i miss breathing. i miss you like how the world yells at me for being this sad. i miss you like the soul i used to have.
376 · May 2015
Shannea Magina May 2015
what do we know about angels i swear i thought you wanted to be okay you keep telling me to stay holding on to the little things but im standing on pavement and my legs are shaking. i was not lying when i told you my dreams are lost somewhere in his closet, it is the truth. i swear i never stop chasing till my feet spills blood and stays on the ground. your name is mine and our knuckles broke the mirror and i want you to know that i still keep the pieces inside my head. we are so twisted i get this feeling that someday we should chain each other down till we forgive ourselves for the things we didn't even do. one time you checked on me when i was crying on the ceiling and you dragged me home and reminded me of the things that matter and the things that don't. the sky was bleeding when i tried to breath your happiness but i end up with too much and you with nothing. im still waking up with nightmares but it doesn't bother me anymore. im sorry. im so sorry for all the scars i painted on our body. im so sorry for ruining the horizon we used to share. im so sorry i couldn't get over him, forgive me for taking too long to apologize. im trying to be better and im starting to accept things as how they should be. i hope god will still listen to what i have to say even if i didn't when it was the other way around. most of all, i want my soul back and i sure hope it's not too late.
369 · May 2015
some thoughts pt. 2
Shannea Magina May 2015
don't believe them when they say you can't miss someone you barely had a conversation with because i swear to all ******* ***** that i spent too much time thinking about what we could've become if only we went beyond exchanging looks.
358 · May 2015
some thoughts
Shannea Magina May 2015
im so sorry for making you the subjects to my plea, it's because I don't have any other way of telling myself that dreaming of you is not a good thing. I've always tried to fight the frown in my face every time i think about the way you looked at me like i am a wonderful disaster. we've never seen each other since then. that's the thing i hate about summer, it is meant to make good memories and I can't help but get attached to those. i cant help but get attached to you.
if you think this sounds like a plea than a poem, i already know that

— The End —