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How Idiosyncratic yet so Brilliant

How Intricate yet so Wide

How Baneful yet so full of Bliss

How Insignificant yet so Meaningful

How Empty yet so Full

How Arduous yet so Compelling

Life, how it is the longest event, a living thing would ever experience, yet branded short

The world we live in is a juicy yet dry Ironic oxymoron
The patience had worn too thin, it was time to break it she thought…

She took off to her feet, her mind racing through a million such instances..

With the weight in her heart increasing exponentially, her hands involuntarily searched for support

The railing was cruelly cold,just like him..

The rain had left thin droplets of water hanging on,

Ready to drop anytime, Showing an inverted microscopic image of the world before.

She had gone numb to it, her fingers trailed on their tips, killing them softly

Thin lockets of her hair swayed in rhythm with the wind, humming hymns to their tunes.

She felt his presence behind,

The arrogance of the gender had drained,

He was approaching with an application of apology,

She held firm, firm on stand, mentally and physically

Quickly expecting the defeat his words would face, he went in for the ultimate weapon of love.

The embrace swept away everything cold, both from the fingers and their hearts for they held on together

She shrugged him off softly,

Was it anger or was it greed for more?

Entwined as one, not a word was uttered, but volumes were expressed…

Him promising a better tomorrow,

Her promising an ampler patience.

— The End —