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Feb 2016 · 874
May the Darkness embrace me
*May the Light engulf me
Jul 2015 · 575
The Last Rose
As she plucked off the blood stained petals,
And they fell to the floor,
She whispered, "he loves me, even more then before."
She plucked off another, and she whispered again,
"Please may he love me, may my heart mend"
The girl was lonely, afraid, and broken,
Before she could cry,
The Rose had spoken
"Little Girl, please don't cry"
I am alone,
But I do not lie...
I know your heart will mend,
But mine will not,
As I am a rose, a heart, I haven't got.
Men are the cruelest things,
The will break you down to dust,
You must move on child, You must, You must...
But because there are good hearts,
You'll find love,
He will guide you and love you,
Be with you above.
Jul 2015 · 469
One Warning
Don't touch me!Don't touch me!
You thief, you liar.
Your stare is like ice, your touch like fire.
Oh? So you wanna play?
Then touch me again!
I'll kick you to a place you wish you'd never been!
Jul 2015 · 1.0k
The Championships
The winning goal was up to me,
But I was so nervous,
It was hard to see.
I dodged my opponents with no effort,
none at all,
But that's when I tripped,
Ready to fall.

Another girl fell and hit me in the head.
It's a free shot, Free shot!
The referee said.
"Here's the ball, honey, go right ahead."
I waited for the whistle and unleashed my power,

And for a second I saw the goalie cower.
She missed it,
She missed it!
It zoomed past her in a flash,
I was so tired.
I was ready to crash.

My whole team froze in shock and I did the same,
As the ref blew the whistle,
Ending the game.
*** we did it!
Don't you see?

We just beat the very best team!
From losers of 09 to the champs of 010,
If you don't think we're awesome,
Where have you been.
Jul 2015 · 656
How did this come to be?
Why does no one care? Don't you see?
This world is filled with poverty.
Over 36 billion,
Out of 6 billion,
Mourn and sigh as people pass by.
Black and White,
Old and Young,
Suffer from poverty that has only just begun.
Donate food, Clothes and other things.
And see the smile that it brings.
If the world only cared,
And everyone knew,
If you helped them out,
Would they help you too?
Jul 2015 · 447
As I sat and stared into his deep blue eyes,
A shock hit me,
Was he telling lies?
Was he cheating on me?
Did he love me?
Was he really mine?
I asked myself this at least a hundred times.

As our lips met,
The shock came back,
And it hit me in the heart,
Nothing big, Just a tap.
I listened to my heart.
And I knew I was in love.

I could hear angels singing,
All around and above
I knew he hadn't cheated.
His heart wasn't that cold,
He was kind, nice , strong, and Bold,

He made me feel safe,
Pretty, and Loved,
Now that I think of it...
Was he sent from above?
Jul 2015 · 366
The Beginning
How did we come to be?
Was it the chemicals from the soil,
The tree?
But where did they come from?
It all had a way to start.

This question is baffling,
And tearing me apart.
What came first?
The chicken or the egg?

Why do we beg?
Why are we sinful?
Betraying and Hurtful?
Why do we cheat?
And throw words in mouthfuls.

Sometimes things hurt.
And it makes you want to snap.
Killing and cheating,
Lying and spying.

But it's the beginning it's the way The world started.
It's the Beginning where civilization First started.
Jun 2015 · 353
I have many friends,
Some weird,some not.
Some I haven't seen,
Some I see a lot.
Some are funny,
Some are nice.

Some act without thinking,
Some think about it twice.
Some make me laugh ,
Some laugh at my jokes,
Others my parents can easily provoke.

Some are always late,
Some are always on time,
Some find me amazing ,
Cause I can rhyme,
Some are good.

Some are bad,
But to sum things up,
They're the best friends I've ever had.
Jun 2015 · 346
Time is all around us,
It tells us when is now,
It shows the past, The future,
But we don't know how,
A man cannot travel back in time.

Nor can he meet his future self,
He can only sit and wonder if one day, Who knows?
He could become an elf,
Time is never merciful,
To those who need it most.

It goes by quickly, then ends,
Then finds another host,
It cannot be stopped,
It will always be,
Is time on your side,
It shouldn't be.
Jun 2015 · 376
We live, We die,
What more is there to life?
There's love, kids, a husband, a wife.
Friends, Family, Hobbies, and Joy...
Congrats it's a girl! Congrats it's a boy!

Weddings, parties, fun, and art.
Being with someone, and never being apart.
Secret crushes, gossip, Laughing too.
Finding out your crush likes you.

These are all the things that make life fun,
Enjoy your life, It's your only one.
Jun 2015 · 491
Do You Remember
Remember those days when we'd sit and share tales?
The one's about Goblins?Mermaids?Whales?
Remember those years we'd think of the past?
The years before we met?
The years that went by so fast?

Remember how we loved?
Crushed on, then hated.
Remember all those fights, we debated?
Remember our inside jokes?
The ones we still make?

Please tell me you still remember them for goodness sake!
remember how we got those charms?
The Best and Friends?
Hanging from our arms?

Do you remember my wedding day?
The one you made happier?
The one I made you stay?
Because I remember yours,
Like the moon on a starless night.
Jun 2015 · 275
God's hands turn the earth,
And create a dark shade.
The flowers disappear,
The green leaves fade.
The land is covered in a snowy white dust,

We pray for food.
We love, We trust.
We sit around a fire,
And watch the snow fall.
And remember this gift,
The coolest of all.
Jun 2015 · 298
Only A Dare
I swoon and sigh as he passed by,
*** my friend said,
You like the new guy,
No I don't,
I said dreamily.

I hate him! I hate him!
He never notices me,
Just then, he walked up to her,
She couldn't believe her eyes,
He asked her out, then said their goodbyes.

Meow! Her friend teased with a look on her face,
Those three seconds were a total waste,
Why? Why did he not like my stares?
No, he only did it as a dare.
Jun 2015 · 695
What is Love?
Love is a simple four letter word,
We see it from dawn to dusk,
From Child to Adult,
But what does it mean?
It  could be a chemical reaction, that's in our brain,

But maybe it's something more...
Is it a feeling?
A silly idea someone just made up
Or is it something deep down inside that stirs?
What is Love?

When your heart beats Faster and Faster?
When you kiss your Boyfriend/Girlfriend?
When you dream of a perfect partner?
Spending time with that special someone?
What is Love?

The way your parents and siblings get along?
The way your family cares and supports you ?
How you guys spend time together?
Or is it?
The way you feel when you close your eyes and know that where you are right is safe?

What is love?
The friendship you have?
The bond that holds you like glue to your friends?
The care and concern you have for them?
Knowing that no matter what, you'll be together forever?

What is love?
Jun 2015 · 430
I don't fear the dark, For I am a creature of it.
The snow white fur and sapphire eyes my only true form in the mist of the moonlight.
Fangs and colored eyes are the other animals hidden among the woods at night.
The moon our friend, but also our light as we walk the hollow earth alone.

Darkness our home, light our enemy.
The howling of the wind if then is what truly is?
The running of paws as the wind roars.
It's the night that lets us breath, but the day that hides our forms.
For the day is light for all who sleep now, But the dark is for animals that live right now.

I run taking in what nature hides from others, breathing the life into my soul.
So now I must sleep in the slumber of day, till the night kisses hello.
My sweet prince awakes me form the curse that lays upon me.
His eyes pure blue and his smile like stars.
I will wait for night to call me to his arms once more, and then grace me with his voice for only me to hear.
Jun 2015 · 215
Poem #10
Roses are Red
Violets are blue
The gods made me pretty
What the hell happened to you
Jun 2015 · 354
Poem #9
On or in, how colour rises on.
Only the bed grows as a pleasurable cheek.
After or within, how love glows on.
Lovers felt sky's like stormy homes grow.
Ever to make a embrace , it drove a heart.

Love is a aching rose in meaning and life.
They never love the grudges nor the kisses, with meaning.
Lord! We gave the kiss and the size, why not breath?
Silently dark , hearts needlessly make a luminous day.
What is love after all...
To find, we lead to feel, we found.
Jun 2015 · 311
Poem #8
Hey Lovers,
Sky's wild roses
Gently, Devotedly, Gently.
Though it's now more clear and less vigorous.
Homes sought the kiss upon the blue colour, barely but rapidly.

Under or about, how hate errs on.
They never make the rainbows nor the days , with size.
Ever to fight a face, it sought a cloud.
Hey! Rebirth, the wild need.
Jun 2015 · 264
Poem #7
My love for Kisses is so great,
My heart melts for many 'til the dusk of day.
The night agonizes when many away,
Beckons, burns 'til day's dawn.

Many beauty is great,
Wondering mind 'til many sees,
Playing is all I do,
While waiting for the moment, for many to say "I do"
Jun 2015 · 299
Poem #6
Swiftly and smoothly to the welcoming darkness
want the river to buy the gloomy fall
The sky is dancing
beautiful creatures swift like a bird

I wish I could fly if I'm sad

Somebody nice and friendly
Just like you
Jun 2015 · 284
Poem #5
In life
you can swirl and twirl
You can gloom and doom
Or you can grieve and end up facing the future
Jun 2015 · 271
Poem #4
Death, Love, And Death
Misty storms sail through the misty nights
Foggy nights erupt
Love will always be there to save you
But death will be there to meet you
Jun 2015 · 369
Poem #3
Walking across the starry stairway
The light illuminating
Will I reach the end
Will I ever make it to happiness
Or will I plummet
Jun 2015 · 583
Poem #2
Suddenly out of nowhere the raven kept rapping at my door
For flashing clerks
Pneumonia ceilings , Pneumonia Floors
Jun 2015 · 222
Poem #1
Desolation is a dead lad
Death, Desolation, and Death
O adventure
Ship sail

— The End —