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 Nov 2012 Shahirah Sulaiman
For a thousand years, I've found myself in these dark alleys, searching for a light, on the pathway to perdition,Waiting for someone to come along and wake me up from this nightmare.
For a thousand years, I'm the boy that I'm not, I've become the sophisticated mask that I'm wearing which conceals all my loneliness and agony.
For a thousand years, I've felt this burden residing in my chest, the heaviness of my heart, and the profound weight on my shoulders.
For a thousand years, I've been looking to be redeemed, to be salvaged, and to find a way to liberate myself from the curse of insecurity and desolation.
For a thousand years, I've been weary and cold,  longing for love, wanting to be understood, and yearning to go home.
Once I spoke the language of the flowers,
Once I understood each word the caterpillar said,
Once I smiled in secret at the gossip of the starlings,
And shared a conversation with the housefly
in my bed.
Once I heard and answered all the questions
of the crickets,
And joined the crying of each falling dying
flake of snow,
Once I spoke the language of the flowers. . . .
How did it go?
How did it go?
always there,
ever present,
that one thing.
My little thought.
Buried beneath everything,
always running,
constantly hiding.
An eternity, trapped in my head.
Just that one little thought.
A minute is never-ending,
 Oct 2012 Shahirah Sulaiman
 Oct 2012 Shahirah Sulaiman
Round, strong.. beautiful pair of eyes.
One of their brilliant confrontation,
Their deepest stare leaves you in confusion,
at times thinking, wondering and oh the mixed feeling
But what matters above all, they're just there by your side..
always by your side.

All the sleepless and dreamless night,
what will I do?  How could i turn off the lights?
watch your cat to sleep and bring them to their space.
their purrs are your lullaby..
and very soon everything would be fine.

Play them a song, tickle the ivories.
They'll hop along and lay on the keys.
their presence will not stop you from playing
you'll improvise the notes,
my dearest cat, you're all what I'm saying:

With a simple touch of love,
Cuddle them every now and then,
every hour, minutes and seconds..
Stay with me and don't leave me
they're the sincerest companion among all.  

*Much love to my dearest cat : whitina & tutut
 Oct 2012 Shahirah Sulaiman
There are things not meant said and done,
I'm sorry if I can't pull myself away from it.
Smiles that doesn't reach to your eyes,
little things come down hard, let it go by.

I feel incapable for your troubles and worry.
If I could I would give you every bit of my happiness left within me.
Come, close the curtains and hide under the blanket all day.
There's not an option to give it away.

We've seen the finish line, and we're seeing it again but bigger and better,
Scarier and the future never gets ******* hazier.
I may be strolling and pacing down, but I know you could run and get the crown.
It's full speed ahead this Oct but lets be ready for the best shot.

Do care to jump on board with me?
Let's run.
It seems to be as i always see,
theres indeed a beauty in every breakdown.

— The End —