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Jun 2014 · 295
Please be back
Shahad Alamoudi Jun 2014
Where are you ?
Where have you been ?
Are you okay ?
Or struggling like me ?
Are you smiling much ?
Or hiding the pain in ?
Are you okay ?
How can i find you ?
Tell me the way to go
So many People here I can't judge!
I don't know if they are a friends  or foes !
I know you can't read this but believe me I will never forget you
You were a friend that I will always search for
I miss you with all the feelings I have
I don't want anything I just want you Back :(
Shahad Alamoudi Jan 2014
Lost in this life between people an thoughts
Save me catch me nobody can hear me
I can't breathe I can't see in a rainy day so cold so worm
What I'm feeling I don't know !!?
Piano sounds everywhere steps I'm following leads me to nowhere
I need to see you I'm lost I'm lost com on
Save me tell me the truth make my eyes see the light one more time
Just one more time
I'm lost I know but not everytime
Did you forget me ??
Cuz I didn't
I'm I lost I'm I forgotten  ??
Jan 2014 · 2.3k
Be like a panda
Shahad Alamoudi Jan 2014
Black ,white , tall or short
What ever we look we live in the same world
Let's be one hand let's fix our wonderful land
We were born with no Racism we were born clean
We were born with a eyes that sees everything clear
Destroy racism fix your mind be the one everyone can believe in
Let's be like a panda
He's black
He's white
He's Asian ;)
Jan 2014 · 372
Perfect one
Shahad Alamoudi Jan 2014
Some leave and other come
I'm still waiting  for the perfect one
The one who will love me for me not for a reason
Will forgive my mistakes and respect what I believe in
Care for my feelings and hug me when I need it
Share my happiness and feel what I'm feeling
I guess that person is in my imaginary
I think That person will never exist
If he does he's my legendary
If he doesn't I still what for the next
Jan 2014 · 639
The sun is up
Shahad Alamoudi Jan 2014
The sun is up
My dreams are awake
Nightmares are gone
Let's start the new day
With hops and fun
Let's work let's pray
What's done is done
Let's make more mistakes
With work and trust
I can make you believe
That mistakes are fun
So let's learn from our mistakes ;)
Jan 2014 · 466
Our story
Shahad Alamoudi Jan 2014
Let's stay let's stay let's stay for ever  and ever this way
Les fly let's fly let's fly
Up there very high
Let's write let's write let's write
Our story in the sky
Fist chapter will be about the time I looked to your eyes
Last page will never exist
We will never gonna say goodbye
Jan 2014 · 543
I'm who I'm
Shahad Alamoudi Jan 2014
People judge us
They try to turn us down
Let's face it I'm gonna confess
I hate you no one can steal my crown
If you feel bad about your self
Believe me we don't give a ****
Judge your self and leave me Cuz I'm who I'm !!!
Jan 2014 · 641
Valantains Day
Shahad Alamoudi Jan 2014
Tomorrow is a new day
It will be fine I promise let's pray
Look at the blue sky, then close your beautiful eye
Imagine us inside a buble
Facing this world fighting our troubles
I will tell you I love you cuz you just made my day And You will tell me you love me cuz you were born on February
In that month of a Valantains Day ❤️❤️
Jan 2014 · 624
Rip mom
Shahad Alamoudi Jan 2014
I've been all alone for all those years
No one can fill the space you left empty
Please come back and whip away my tears
Take my place I'll die and you stay <\3
Jan 2014 · 555
Love me today
Shahad Alamoudi Jan 2014
Today is the day
Take my hand lets get away
You may love me today or love me tomorrow
Kiss my lips ,find my steps to follow
Hold on tight never escape
This world is empty with out you babe
So take my hand lets get away
And love me today I can't wait for tomorrow <3 <3

— The End —