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Sep 2013 · 505
Shafana Alicia Sep 2013
I used to think being nice
Would get me further in life. . .
My perception on certain situations change,
How happy & optimistic I used to be.
Trying to stay humble, keep the faith though
Sometimes I find myself starring at the moon,
Knowing its the only place where my dreams lay to rest,
All my happiness, my pain, sadness & joy,
Trampled on, looked down upon,
Regret my lost spirit less soul
Without the harsh denial,
Only to wish that,
Some times I wasn't so nice. . .
WHERE has it gotten me in life or love?!
Not a **** place.
Sep 2013 · 556
Shafana Alicia Sep 2013
Words, they can either teach us or hurt us. . .
Using flashy words can confuse our minds
So why not speak spoken words of
Truth & understanding?
Wingless words only seem to keep us,
Hopeless. . .
Never actually getting our undivided attention,
Even after breaking these words down
To their syllables,
But we realize all that was spoken is SILLY BULL
& we're left speechless
Real lies we write, never spoken, let alone fabricated
Unspoken words,
They can either hurt us. . . Or teach us.
Sep 2013 · 918
Perhaps at Midnight
Shafana Alicia Sep 2013
We hold hands & walk through the dim lit park
The full moon shines upon us,
Making the night more special
As I look at your flawless beauty,
I can see your soul is pure & inviting, warm...
I appreciate this moment
I get to share with you
We share a kiss, of which I devoured your lips
& my soul roars, & my entire body has felt
Internal gratitude...
I give this testimony
Of a love so surreal
I feel a natural high as we stand & stare in each others eyes..
I know that the heavens has heard my prayers,
because a beautiful Angel like yourself
now completed this harsh reality of life.
so we continue to walk... Enjoying...
the moonlight,
as the breeze touch our cheeks,
we are both grateful for this moment..
we shall do this again,
Perhaps at midnight?

— The End —