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Shadow Rai Jul 2010
(n) a form of greeting after a long separation amongst close friends.

"Wabbahooshna my good friend!"

NOTE: If the word is not from you, please leave credit to whom it belongs to and where you found it, Thanks :)
© 1985 By Lisa Brown

NOTE: If the word is not from you, please leave credit to whom it belongs to and where you found it, Thanks :)
Shadow Rai Jul 2010
The Fates
1914 Heaven & Hell BLVD
Waco Texas 666
C.E.O.  Master O. Cards

Incomplete Application For Living

This Is An App. For Living
Name: Last_ First Middle Initial
Home Address: Mt Olive RD
State: AR. City:
__ & Zip Code:_

Social Security Number:
Male or Female (please circle one)
Race: Yellow, Black, Red or Caucasian?

List Previous Acquaintances:
(beginning  last to first,
in detail please, do rank them all
& mark which ones are worse)

Name:________Have known for How Long?________
Age:________How would you rate this one?________
Are you Enemies or Friends now?________
What will they do?________ What have they done?________

Have you been convicted of a Felony?________
Misdemeanor?________ Or Likewise?________
Plead Guilty?________ Or No Contest?________
Go against Legal Advise?________

(If yes, then please explain:)____________________

Are you most Happy?________ Somewhat Sad?________
A High school Dropout?________ College Grad?________
Thin?____ Obese?____ Medium Build?____
Pretty?____ Ugly?____ Clumsy?____ Skilled?____

If we are to judge you right, Please fill in all the spaces, The process must be quite precise, On Looks, I.Q. and Races. This information’s vital and our tally is what counts, It let’s us know which ones will live and which will need put down.

I hereby swear this is the truth, not made~up to cause hurt,
I understand the consequence should there be falsehoods in word.

Applicant: ______
(must be signed in blood or other D.N.A.)
Please Print Name:____
(so we can read of whom we are to slay)

For questions please call our hotline toll-free @ 1-666-0My-Fate
© 2010 By Lisa Brown
Shadow Rai Jul 2010
Poetic words
are a pLaYgRoUnD to me
like a child on a

^RISING^ and falling
((striking)) moods
as words oughtta
Like the

of a
Poetic words to me
sTrAnGe as it ))sounds((
Gives me the ~sensations~
like a

I just had to tell you
I can no longer ((hide))
Well, writing to me is
like a pLaYgRoUnD’s
© 2008 By ♪Po3ticMi$tr3$$♫
Jul 2010 · 1.6k
Miss Nora Blume
Shadow Rai Jul 2010
She left her bag back at the station
she thought she’d carry on
and the whistle sounded as a watchman found it
he looked but she was gone

“Call for a Miss. Blume, I repeat Miss. Nora Blume
your bag’s at lost & found”

12 hours after a search had gathered
her family standing by
and the whistle sounded as the troops were rounded
up to contemplate the whys

“Ahh, Sherif, you may wanna have a look at this,
could be blood from the girl we just may have missed”

She left her bag back at the station
with a letter she had drawn
and the whistle sounded as a watchman found it
he looked but she was gone

“Dear Mother I am leaving, don’t expect me to return
I’ll love you always this is not a phase but a lesson never learned”

12 hours after a search had gathered
her family standing by
and the whistle sounded as the troops were rounded
up before the case went dry

“Ah, Sherif, you may wanna share this, it’s a note from Nora Blume,
her Mother needs to know that a suicide’s assumed”

She left her bag back at the station
where they came ‘cross a syringe
just one of many in a package
tangled in her wallets fringe

“I saw no need for luggage as I’ve carried more in wait
there’s a final wrath along my path that’s leading to my fate”

12 hours after a search had gathered
a blood trail lastly explored
and the whistle sounded as the troops dumbfounded
covered up her corpse

“Don’t cry for me, ask Daddy then you’ll know the reason why,
just put us in the same plot embracing on our sides”

She left her bag back at the station
she thought she’d carry on
and the whistle sounded as the two were grounded
down six feet moving on...
© 2010 By ♪Po3ticMi$tr3$$♫
Jun 2010 · 810
Front Page News
Shadow Rai Jun 2010
Plasma stains
beneath family portraits
Dust collects
on top of fingerprints

Bit’s of hair, fingernails
jammed in braided rugs
Just knowing
creates a foul stench

Oh, the spatter
that splattered when
Buckshot went off!
It’s been 8 years ago today

Claimed crazy residing
were once he had killed
And he always
plans to stay

Neighborhood strays
never sow to his lawn
They scurry by
whimpering in fear

For a body was missing
the law never saw,
Not even
the protruding ear

Grocers delivering food
strewed cross the yard
And the mailman
hasn’t stopped by in ages

It is said “who gets too close
to what rests inside,
Will be next posted
on the front pages
© 2010 By ♪Po3ticMi$tr3$$♫
Jun 2010 · 777
Shadow Rai Jun 2010
...and I was running,
out of breath,
out of time,
nearly dead
my footsteps in perfect sync
with racing beats of my heart

His panting
over my
shortness of air
within reach, one attempt
to halt me in full stride

I **** left
into an ally
that I was sure
had two ways out
a near miss yet determined
to harvest from his prey

There were
cans dodged,
tramps hurtled
on every hasty turn
then a dead end, I slow
recuperating to inhale

“Was it left,
left then right?
Right, left
then right?”
As I turned to race once more
but, darkness had caught up

His breath
on me familiar
as I couldn’t
catch my own
and to no avail I struggled
growing limp in my attempts

I was his
for feeding,
subtly anguished
yet captivated
as he softly laid me back
exposing all that he was after

Madness rushes
through me
as his fangs
perforated lust
a cool hand neath my neck
draws me closer rhythmically

I’ve lost all strength
though want
to whisper
as he carries me away
“Please, do with me what you will.”
And I fade.
© 2009 By ♪Po3ticMi$tr3$$♫
Jun 2010 · 4.8k
Wayward's of A Wiccan
Shadow Rai Jun 2010
In the wayward’s of a Wiccan
do no harm (those who’ve paid heed)
Ye old religion doth fright some
believing charms hold ***** deeds

Familiar’s rest contently by
Ye pentagram untangling lives
within ye coven “their” demise
will make all “those who’ve paid” view twice

“Peace is free, peace is free
Invoke thee, invoke thee
Evil doers now flee, now flee
far, far away from thee”

Sodium sears without ye knowledge
invade homesteads if you dare
but if evil hath been among you
tis your soul that will be bared”

Ye old religion doth fright some
believing charms hold ***** deeds
In the wayward’s of a Wiccan
do no harm (those who’ve paid heed)
© 2009 By ♪Po3ticMi$tr3$$♫
Jun 2010 · 863
Mystic Notions
Shadow Rai Jun 2010
Mystic notions of the unseen
seer devotions to a Queen
Hidden visions all come true
Arcane theories brought to view

Beliefs so undefinable say
eccentricities allure displays
Representations magical
(in scrawled)
Philosophies oracle
© 2009 By ♪Po3ticMi$tr3$$♫
Jun 2010 · 835
Lubricated Dreams
Shadow Rai Jun 2010
Lubricated swollen dreams
unyielding movements
exploration’s embraced
rhythmic circles
and the pleasures die in vain
fly by in vain
sigh cries in vain
Lubricated swollen dreams
trembling once again...
© 2009 By A. H. Shadow Rai'
Jun 2010 · 758
World Charm
Shadow Rai Jun 2010
See, see the judgmental sky
Marvel at its big green depths.
Tell me, do you wonder
why mother nature ignores you?
Why its feebly stare
makes you feel lazy.
I can tell you, it is
worried by your distorted ***** growth
That looks like
A mold.
What's more, it knows
Your shtty potting shed
Smells of peas.
Everything under the big judgmental sky
Asks why, why do you even bother?
You only charm sh
ts like yourself...
© 2009 By A. H. Shadow Rai'
Jun 2010 · 538
Skillfully Silent
Shadow Rai Jun 2010
Skillfully he laughs silent
among a truth within his head

He thrashes forth then back again
as if no man could simply guess

...and little do they know this killer
will NEVER
His nails have grown to spilt the seams
letting go a pent up rage

Skillfully he laughs silent
among a truth within his head...
© 2009 By A. H. Shadow Rai'
Shadow Rai Jun 2010
You must really be some kind of phucking idiot! What the hell did you press??? Not only can't you get into your computer now but for as long as you keep it plugged in you'll have to keep staring at me, a pathetic reminder of what a phucking idiot you have to be to get me
"The Blue Screen"

Man, bet you're feelin' like a loser now eh? Maybe gettin' somewhat pi55ed because you had no clue what you were doing from the get go? LOL

Maybe technology's just not your bag I mean, now that we're here I'm wondering about all the sh*t you probably ******* up in your life.


Press any key to continue reading what I've got to say....oh & btw....


(man you really are a tool :D)
© 2009 By A. H. Shadow Rai'
Jun 2010 · 1.0k
Pick "it" up Please
Shadow Rai Jun 2010
What’s “that” doing on the floor,
Could you please pick “it” up?

Okay, but “that” will still be “there”...

“That’s” impossible, “it” can’t be “there!”

I didn’t say “it” was “there”
and “it” can not be “impossible!” either!
Impossible’s impossible!

Well, “That’s” still on the floor
I asked you nicely to pick “it” up
yet, “it’s” still there!

“It” was never “there”
have you lost your freaking mind!?

Oh yea, well then why’s “that” still on the floor!?!?”

Oh my God, just forget “it” and leave “it” “there!”
Well then who’s gonna pick “it” up?
© 2009 By A. H. Shadow Rai'
Jun 2010 · 1.2k
Shadow Rai Jun 2010
Heed warning to ye all,
mourning, scorning tricked in thrall
Blue ice flames easy to fool,
a few triced yet made it through
Bone penetrating, devastating,
not from pain but wrath alone
Cast-iron links this soul does tow
which has now become his home
See the traces, empty faces,
flowing to and fro from he
He is the new, he is the end,
he is immortality...
© 2010 By Lisa Brown
Jun 2010 · 726
Frozen Here
Shadow Rai Jun 2010
Fragile emits of moonlight invade
this overshadowed room as I kneel,
always a slave,
always somber,
frozen here,

Accusations taunting
from rot in panes of tainted glass,
looming as dust dances in the air,
forming an image in minds eye,
penetrating my naked flesh.
A reflection on humanity's face.
I raise my head proclaiming rights
to this oblivious salvation...
© 2009 By A. H. Shadow Rai'
Jun 2010 · 634
Shadow Rai Jun 2010
I have no name and have not seen
but. the places I have been
Thoughts of you and why you are
a mystery, a hidden sin

Another time and place perhaps,
a face to face to see that laugh
a smile I’ve carried in my mind
could I be warm, my distant half?

I could be wrong, I could be right
delightful wonder in minds eye
always wishing it could be
sadly come to and deny

A peaceful time I cherish much
although, knowing it’s a crush
someday, if not real I won’t see
the day when we just simply touch
© 2007 By Lisa Brown
Jun 2010 · 980
Expiration Date:
Shadow Rai Jun 2010
You feel it coming
should be in, on and
around everything
Expiration Dates mean something
pay heed from the beginning
Ignore it,
fight a battle
backing zero winners
Flexing pure prays weight
cutting down
on the sinners

All of us are rotting
ever since our precious birth
Expiration Dates foretelling
of what we’re really worth
Ignore it,
face a conflict
stuck forever in debate
While I rest adjacent
decking your
days hate

All men created equal but,
don’t practice what they preach
Expiration date’s approaching
we were taught, now we must teach!
Ignore it,
keep on walkin’ till
you know it’s much too late
a victim of
your own accord and
the next stirred Nations fate
© 2010 By Sh@d
Jun 2010 · 909
Final Call
Shadow Rai Jun 2010
Hello again my friend...
By you calling me this I suppose
I’m just to forget our last encounter?

I was hoping...
I smoked you away last time
and swore you’d never return!

Ahhh, but, I will always be a part of you.
I may have to hear you but,
that doesn’t mean I have to listen.

Oh, inhale all the hemp you want,
I’ll still be here waiting for the plane to land.
Not if it ends up being my final call you know,
planes have failed before.

You’ll be like a Kamikaze,
chicken, you don’t have the *****!
Why should it matter any ways,
two birds, one stone,
you know the saying...

But, it’s not two birds you fool! It’s one,
God you’re an idiot!
Okay then, if it is only one and
I am an idiot,
wouldn’t that make you an idiot too?

only difference is,
is that I never minded being an idiot...*

“Last call (last call) for flight (for flight)
number (number) 666 (666)”

Well, that’s us, see you when we land...
© 2010 By Shadow Rai'
Jun 2010 · 690
∩dsıpǝ poʍu
Shadow Rai Jun 2010
Topsy, turvy,
∩dsıpǝ poʍu
as if no
gravity abounds
∩dsıpǝ poʍu
within my mind
sobriety now
hard to find

Vitae rushes
pounding sounds
with head hung low
‘bout ∩dsıpǝ poʍu
Distortion’s clever!
I’ve had enough!
∩dsıpǝ poʍu,s now
right side up...
© 2009 By ♪Po3ticMi$tr3$$♫
Shadow Rai Jun 2010
Douse ye flame snub thou to ashes
Bury well thine reserved stashes

...and plead tears hath no mercy
Sir, see your deeds cause pleurisy
Neural’s feed off chaos’s vitae stench
whence did ye awaken as a corpse?

Denounce ye faith scrub scour ye caches
Hurry, Hell’s cries serve blasphemes

...and in thine end a fury
For ye shall be judged and juried
Scurry til ye nails wear to a dusting
lusting for a life once lived no more...
© 2008 By Shad
Jun 2010 · 808
Shadow Rai Jun 2010
Statements proceed much further
then a wicked wind does blow
(ya know that)
Penitence abounds as speech,
unmindful leaves ones soul

Utterances pierce tongues of few
thrills a myriad
(no matter)
Be it ended with a question mark,
a dash or period.

Formulate all that you crave
within thine own confines
(you know that)
Utterance views not through ears
to slip free from the mind.

Remember, once a phrase takes flight
(And flies)
it can not be retrieved
(Can it?)
Unless you’re faced with a Mentalist,
conversing as they read.
© 2009-2010 By A. H. Shadow Rai AKA Lisa Brown

— The End —