What’s “that” doing on the floor,
Could you please pick “it” up?
Okay, but “that” will still be “there”...
“That’s” impossible, “it” can’t be “there!”
I didn’t say “it” was “there”
and “it” can not be “impossible!” either!
Impossible’s impossible!
Well, “That’s” still on the floor
I asked you nicely to pick “it” up
yet, “it’s” still there!
“It” was never “there”
have you lost your freaking mind!?
Oh yea, well then why’s “that” still on the floor!?!?”
Oh my God, just forget “it” and leave “it” “there!”
Well then who’s gonna pick “it” up?
© 2009 By A. H. Shadow Rai'