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Apr 2015 · 468
Shadow Black Apr 2015
It plays in the background
Such a lovely sound
The piano player's hands are delicate
She closes her eyes and sways to the music she makes
Not paying attention to anything around her
The music runs through her veins
As if it gives her life
The one watching her
The one listening
The eyes are blank and cold
The heart is cold and dark
The one listening no longer speaks
No longer moves
His eyes are blank and cold
The music no longer warms his heart
Aug 2014 · 672
Who Is She?
Shadow Black Aug 2014
There is a girl behind the curtain
In front is the stage
In front of the stage is the audience
They mill about, not knowing there is an actress about to be placed before them
She comes out and starts to act
On her face is the mask of beauty
The mask smiles all day
Her legs are lined with machines that make her walk gracefully
As if she were a dancer
Her arms are poised correctly
Her eyes are always watching, attentive to what is going on around her
She is perfect
Envied by all
They want to be like her in every way
The show is done now and the captivated audience is stunned and amazed
"How does she do it?" they ask
But they are blind to the gadgets she uses as she acts
When she goes behind the curtain the mask and machines come off
Behind the curtain she's ordinary
Maybe even a bit sad
When she walks, she is no longer graceful
But walks with her head down and  her blank eyes stare at the floor
Her face is downcast
She doesn't smile behind the curtain
There are not many people behind the curtain
Maybe one or two
Sometimes not even that many
At one time, when she was young
There was not curtain
She was not expected to be beautiful
She was not expected to be graceful
She was not expected to be someone she wasn't
She was not expected to live up to high expectations
Now older, she is expected to be beautiful
And to act accordingly in all situations
No one from the audience has seen the face behind the mask
They do not know her at all
They might know her name
But they don't know her
Behind the curtain, she weeps
Realizing she might never be able to be herself in front of the audience
To show them she is just as ordinary as they are
That she is not as different as they think she is
That she is not so set apart from them as they might assume
She would need great strength and courage
Two things she lacks much
After many years of the masks and machines
This girl, she hates the mask
She hates the machines
She hates being fake
She comes up with a plan
One by one, she will remove an item before she goes from behind the curtain to the audience
A year goes by...
She has removed the very last item: the mask
The audience gasps, "what has happened to her?"
"Wasn't she once beautiful, graceful, like an angel?"
She tells them, "do you not see?
"That mask was not me
"Those machines were not me
"Those things were not me
"I'm not as different as you think.
"We are not so different
"Do you not want to see who I really am?"
But they continue their derogatory comments
And she goes back behind the curtain, weeping
She moves to a different crowd, eventually
Knowing she could never face her familiar crowd again
Once again, she comes out from behind the curtain
She doesn't have the machines on or the mask
She is brave to do this
This different crowd shuns her as well
Saying, "she is not beautiful enough to be here."
Again, she moves to a different crowd, hoping they will accept her as she is
They don't either
Eventually she comes to like her place behind the curtain
But is it a curtain anymore?
No, it's brick wall
There's a door, yes
But it's hard to find
No one has found it yet
She goes through this door to act, adding different masks and different gadgets to her collection
Because she was forced back to her fake self
No one has found this door
So she continues her act as the beautiful, graceful one.
She is once again envied by all
And even though she is still sick of the cover-ups
She knows better than to try to take them off
Apr 2014 · 412
It's Coming
Shadow Black Apr 2014
Spring is coming
The flowers come
Red, orange, purple, pink, the occasional blue
The grass turns from a drab brown to a vibrant green
Because spring is coming
It's a time to look forward to the end of school
Finals are coming up
You race to get it all done
Because spring is coming
The sun shines
The rain pours
Because spring is coming
Mar 2014 · 5.9k
Shadow Black Mar 2014
You want to know my opinion on judging?
Are you sure?
You asked
So don't stop me
Judging is dumb
Everyone knows it
It tears everyone down
What right does anyone have to judge?
No one has the right to
We've all messed up at one point
Said something we wish we could take back
We've all done it
Admit it
You've done it too
Mar 2014 · 374
Shadow Black Mar 2014
For you
I'm here
I hear you
Your words speak to my heart
I long to help
And to do something for you
But I fear I don't have the words to conceal your pain
I can hold you
And I can murmur to you words of sympathy
But I can't conceal your pain
I'm here for you, though
But is it enough?
Feb 2014 · 417
Shadow Black Feb 2014
Speaks to me
Dances with me
Fills my heart with sorrow, lightness, joy
Makes me smile and laugh
Are you sure I can't float like a cloud?
Are you sure I'm not in hell?
To the deepest depths of the earth I go
To the highest levels of joy, I go
With music
Restores me
Reminds me
Feb 2014 · 561
Don't Belong
Shadow Black Feb 2014
Will I ever belong?
No, I didn't think so
I wear my shirts proudly
With the message to the world
It's contradictory to everything
And everyone else knows as home
Love instead of hate
Joy instead of depression
Smiles instead of tears
Kindness, not bullying
Being a friend to the new person
Smiling at your enemy
Serving the one who hurt you most
Saying "I love you" instead of "I hate you"
Love instead of hate
Light instead of darkness
Inspired by Outcast by Kerrie Roberts
Jan 2014 · 428
Shadow Black Jan 2014
Here comes that song again
It plays on the radio whenever I'm home
Anger wells up in my heart as I listen
It was once so precious to me
What happened to you?
Turned into a ****
Someone I no longer know
I knew you only four months ago
That was a lifetime ago
We used to have so much fun
The swings
We played on from ages five to seventeen
The bars
Taught you to do them at age seven
More recent memories are flooding my mind
They lyrics flow through my head
It's like a stream
That's boiling in my heart
Boiling with my anger at you
The best friend that I used to have
Jan 2014 · 377
Read Me
Shadow Black Jan 2014
Trying to read what I'm thinking again?
I know that you can't
I'm unpredictable
No one can read me
It's impossible
They are my thoughts
Mine alone
Don't try to read me
I can't hardly read myself
Dec 2013 · 456
So Far Away
Shadow Black Dec 2013
You're gone
I was the one who left though
I'm so far away from you
Why does it have to be this way?
You're so far
So out of reach
My heart seems to have left me long ago
When I left, I left my heart, too
I miss you
And I have the feeling...
You miss me, too
You're on my mind so often
I wish I knew if I was on yours
I look at the twinkling stars tonight
I can't help but shed a tear
Your so far away
I reach for you
But my arms are more empty than before
I want you here
Or maybe me there
I don't care
I want to see you
Because we're so far away from each other
Dec 2013 · 679
Shadow Black Dec 2013
I sit here at my desk
Attempting to compose a poem
So many subjects are going through my mind
The music is my ears
I hear the bass and drums
Friends in my life
I smile at the memories
Math in school
Proofs, postulates, and theorems
The skeleton trees blowing in the wind
Their branches are empty, for it is winter
Voices around me
Both high and deep, soothing and rough
Chills in my body
They go up and down my spine
Gum in my mouth
Sweet mint from Orbit freshens my breath
And I'm thinking of someone in my life
Who is special to me
I smile at the memories
And reminisce on the good times
Is this not a random poem?
I think it is
Dec 2013 · 586
Fiery Moon
Shadow Black Dec 2013
They sky was black
Except for the twinkling stars
Like cities on a hill
Is that why God made light?
I turn my head
And look at the globe-like shape in the sky
It's an orange-red color tonight
My imagination starts to run free
The moon is ablaze
The fire licks the top of the moon
Is it a prophesy?
I blink my eyes and it's gone
I sigh and go inside
Crawl into my bed
And dream of the fiery moon
Dec 2013 · 406
Do You Hear Me?
Shadow Black Dec 2013
I'm crying for you
Big fat tears running down my cheeks
I'm screaming for you
I feel my voice cracking
Yelling your name at the top of my lungs
I'm losing my voice
My brain is tired of your name
I'm losing my mind
My heart is barely alive
But still beating for you
Finally, my voice dies
I have no more air
I no longer have a voice
My pain, so immense I cannot feel it
I lay down and stare at the sky
They color, I'm unable to identify
A mixture of light blue, navy blue, and grey
Not a single cloud in the sky
I close my eyes and everything goes dark
Dec 2013 · 1.4k
Set Free
Shadow Black Dec 2013
Life could never be more pleasant than it is now
My soul has been set free
My hair blows in the wind
I close my eyes
I can feel the tension receding
I've never felt so free
My always-tense body is not that way now
My muscles relax as I fall
"I could sing of Your love forever,"
I sing as loud as I can
My melodic voice rings out over the cliffs
My eyes are still closed as I fall
Faster and faster
I take a deep breath and open my eyes to view the sky
Deep, dark clouds loom ahead
But I don't care
I have been set free from my prison
Being behind those titanium bars almost made me mad, insane
But I have been set free
I will no longer go insane
For I have been set free
Dec 2013 · 847
Shadow Black Dec 2013
You accept my accomplishments
My laughs
My smiles
My hugs
My optimism
My love
My praise
Every positive thing about life
But what will you do with all the rest?
My tears
My sobbing
My screaming
My hate
My recklessness
The ache in my heart
What will you do when I push you away?
Go willingly or pull yourself back?
Dec 2013 · 1.0k
Girl of Confidence?
Shadow Black Dec 2013
I say out-loud and my body language says,
"I'm confident."
"I know who I am."
"I love myself."
"I love everything about me."
"I have no flaws."
"I am beautiful."
"Everyone likes me."
"Everyone adores me."
"I adore myself."
"I proud of my accomplishments."
"You should be proud to know me, my name."
"I have no problems."
"I'm fine."
But inside, it's a different story.
"I couldn't be more insecure."
"I have no idea what I'm doing."
"I don't even know why I'm alive."
I look in the mirror and cringe at my reflection.
I can't believe I can even say such lies.
I look at that art project
That written paper
And want to rip it up and throw it away
Inside, I'm falling apart
I don't know who I am
I have problems, more than they are aware of
I hide behind the mask of fake confidence
The girl inside wants to be confident
She wants to be that way
But knows there's no way it will happen
"I don't know who I am."
"I cry myself to sleep."
"I'm depressed."
Nov 2013 · 379
Shadow Black Nov 2013
Is that all you do?
You sit here, at your desk
Pen or pencil in hand
Writing till your fingers and hands become numb
I never knew there was so much to write about
And yet from your lips, comes nothing
You speak so little with your tongue
Your hand speaks everything
What do you write about?
What do you think about?
You sigh much
You talk little
You sleep little
For your hand continues to write furiously
With much intensity
Let me see what you are writing
Your papers are stacked high
It must be something interesting
What do you write?
Nov 2013 · 481
Shadow Black Nov 2013
Do you not know
That it is the beauty on the inside that counts?
You are kind
Beauty on the outside lasts for but a second
Which you are beautiful
Inside and out
Your eyes glimmer like stars
Your smile, perfect
The look on your face, perfect
Do you not realize how beautiful you are?
You do not feel loved
And yet you are loved
By your family
Your friends
By me
Stay here and rest
Your feet are tired
From all the kind acts you've done
Your eyes are tired
From staying up all night with them
Your hands are tired
From the work that you do
Your heart is tired
From the pain you go through
Your mind is tired
From all that you think of
Stay here and rest
Stay here and rest my beautiful one
Nov 2013 · 2.1k
Shadow Black Nov 2013
Fading away
That's what it means
Fading away gradually
Eventually vanishing from sight
Is that all I am to you?
Am I like a mist in your life?
And then fading away until I'm nothing?
Is this what I am to you?
I wish I knew
I wish I had known
Before you left
I wish I had known
Before we met
Fading away from this pain
Fading away from this torture
Fading away from all of these problems
Because I can't run
But I can fade
So here I go
Fading ever so slowly
Fading from your life
And from my own
Oct 2013 · 436
Thought of You
Shadow Black Oct 2013
My friend,
I miss you, so very much
When will I be able to visit you again?
I haven't see you for a while
When will I hear from you again?
I haven't had any contact with you for a while
When will we embrace again?
I'm feeling lonely without you.
When will we speak again?
I miss the sound of your voice in my ear
I'm thinking of you as I look at the night sky
I thought of you this morning, too
When I sat outside, in this same spot
And watched the sun rise
I shed a few tears
I let them roll down my face
And wished you were there with me to wipe them from my face
But no matter
You're not here anymore
I'm getting up now and heading toward your place
The tears are building behind my eyes again as I walk down the sidewalk
Which is the same color as your house now
Stony grey
I walk through the gate and kneel
The tears burst from my eyes
"I'm sorry" I whisper
"I'm sorry I wasn't there often enough"
I lay these flowers by your grave
Alone with this note
I want to let you know...
You were my best friend
Mom once told me
"Marry your best friend"
I would've
But I never got the chance to tell you how much you mean to me
And as I walk away
I whisper these three words to you:
"I love you."
Aug 2013 · 327
Where Have You Gone?
Shadow Black Aug 2013
It seems that you've left me here
All alone
You moved
I stayed
I had no idea you were going away
You left without a trace
I don't know how you are
What you're doing
Really even where you've gone
Where have you gone?
What are you doing?
Why did you leave?
My head is bombarded with questions
My heart is left alone
I don't like this feeling
I don't like it at all
You were always there for me
Then you left
And I'm starting to doubt
And I'm asking myself
Were we ever truly friends?
I don't know where you've gone
I don't know what you're doing
I don't know why you left
I hope I'll know some day
But it's only hope
I don't know for sure if I'll ever know for sure of anything
Feb 2013 · 1.3k
Shadow Of You
Shadow Black Feb 2013
There's this shadow
That follows me eerily around
I'm not sure what it's from
It changes forms often
It's a human
Then a wolf
With fangs that drip with blood
I found it hard to believe
When I found out it was you
You are the one who haunts me in my dreams
Who follows me everywhere
Who so often changes forms
To a form that I often feel like
You seems to know my emotions
And feelings
You seem to know my every move
My every breath
My every emotion and feeling
My every thing
That I do
You know when I sleep
When I sit
When I stare blankly at the wall for hours
You seem to know everything
Except that I know that the shadow that follows me everywhere...
Jan 2013 · 448
These Feelings and Emotions
Shadow Black Jan 2013
I don't know where these emotions came from
I don't know how to react to them even
I don't want to feel this way
I hate feeling this way
I thought we were just friends
But in my heart, we are evidently more
You never seem to leave my mind
Even though, often times, I wish that you would
I don't want to feel this again
I don't want my heart broken again
There's already too much of it in the world
I don't want to add to the pile of broken hearts
I've been through too much of that
I hate feeling this way
The feelings and emotions often overwhelm me
And I hate it
I will them to go
To leave my body and inner soul
Why won't they leave?
I don't want to have them
Make them go away
I beg of you
Although, I guess you can't
Considering you don't even know I hold them within me
I wish they would go
I wish they would leave
Can't I just live a life of peace?
Can't I live without more heartbreak?
Why can't I just live without them?
Someone take them away from me
My heart is throbbing with the pain and love
My chest is tight with fear and hesitance
I feel as if I can't breath
These feelings and emotions...belong in someone else's body
Ever wanted to just get rid of those 'lovely' feelings that come when you have a crush on that certain boy or girl?
Jan 2013 · 850
Express Your Feelings
Shadow Black Jan 2013
Some express their feelings through sports
Others express them through reading
There are so many ways to do this
You can do it by punching a wall when you’re angry
Or cranking up the metal music in your room when you’re upset
You can pound on the keyboard when someone has disappointed you
You can make mellow words flow through like a spring of water when you’re happy and joyful
You can dance because that special person is in your life
You can stand in the rain as both salty tears and rain run down your face because you’re sad
You can be silent because you don’t have words to say
You can give a hug because you have pity on a person who is hurting inside greatly
You can hold her close because you love her deeply
You can laugh because something was funny
You can stand still, not breathing because you’re feeling fear
You can sit slowly as you realize something shocking has occurred
You can blink and stand or sit because you’re calm
You can smile because that one thing that they said made you proud
You’re eyes can shine with gratitude
You can yell because you’re steaming mad
And you can write as emotions of happiness, sadness, anger, love, and fear run through you.
Shadow Black Dec 2012
If you’re going to judge me then judge me for who I am
Judge me for how I act around you
Judge me justly
Judge me and keep in mind of the things that you’ve done
Keep in your mind that you probably not any better than me
When I curse, keep in mind that you probably have too
When I burst out in rage at someone, keep in mind that you have done the same at one point
When I slam my locker door, keep in mind that everyone has those bad days
When I’m ignoring you, keep in mind that I’m not perfect
When I disobey, keep in mind that you have, too
When I’m sitting in silence, keep in mind I’m either thinking or I’m not in the mood to chat
When I don’t want to talk, I don’t want to talk
When you judge me, don’t judge me by who I hang out with
Don’t judge me by just my negative actions
Don’t judge me by just my positive actions
Judge me by both my positive and negative reactions
Judge me by who I am not who that other person is
But before you judge me at all, get to know me well enough that you can judge me fairly
Dec 2012 · 603
Christmas Day
Shadow Black Dec 2012
The wind was bitterly cold outside the small cabin
And she sat alone tonight in her rocker
Sitting by the fire which was nice, warm, and cozy
With her warm blanket in her lap
And a pillow behind her head
But she didn’t feel nice, warm, and cozy inside
Her soul was empty
And her body felt numb
This time of year was always a dread to her dear heart
Her husband had died one too many years ago on a cold Christmas Eve
For some reason, she had just known that something would happen
He had been out in the snow
Shoveling it away
When a blizzard came by
And swept him away
He was found that gloomy Christmas morn
With white snow all around him
His face was ashen and cold
But peaceful and calm
She had wept that day until night dawned upon the sky
And, now, so many years later
She sat by the fire and stared at the flames as they popped and crackled
A single tear rolled down her face
And with a gloomy heart she prayed:
“Dear Father God,
Why did you take him away?
He was so dear to my heart
And just always full of joy
Yet you took him and left me here
With my gloomy heart
Pained soul
Aching body
And tear-filled eyes
What purpose am I to fill?
What is the reason that You have left me here?”
It was originally shorter and a class assignemnt.
Apr 2012 · 647
Shadow Black Apr 2012
Your my sister
And I love you
With all my heart
I'll never let you go
We miss you very much
I know I'll meet you someday
Just not here or now
You could've been my best friend
And helped me through the days
We could've had so much fun together
But since you are gone
I'll just have to wait
Jan 2012 · 727
Shadow Black Jan 2012
I deserted you
yet you forgave me
i hated you
yet you loved me
i cried
yet you smiled
i gave myself away
yet you took my heart
i neglected you
yet you helped me
i did nothing for you
yet you did everything for me
i was tucked away in my shell
And you helped me out
i discouraged you
yet you encouraged me
i pushed you away
yet you held me tight
i made you go away
yet you let me stay
thank you for helping me
my wonderful friend
Jan 2012 · 748
Shadow Black Jan 2012
I pray for you everyday
I think about you everyday
I feel bad everyday
For what I did to you
i dream everyday
about how it could've been
i remember you everyday
i fantasize everyday
about meeting you someday
i wish i could see you....
Jan 2012 · 514
Shadow Black Jan 2012
why do you stay?
can't you leave?
why do you grow?
can't you cease?
why do you cause death?
can't it be life?
why do you cause pain?
can't it be joy?
Jan 2012 · 1.5k
Shadow Black Jan 2012
My friends are impossible
your impossible
my parents are impossible
she's impossible
my cousins are impossible
he's impossible
everyone's impossible
even me
one day i wrote this poem when two of my friends were argueing and i felt really fustrated with them so i came up with this afterwards.
Jan 2012 · 541
Should I...
Shadow Black Jan 2012
Should i forgive you or
should i hate you?
should i desert you or
should i stay here?
should i call you or
leave the phone alone?
should i try to find you or
should i not?
should i apologise or
should i never?
should i hold you or
let you go?
should i make you leave or
make you stay?
should i go with you or
should i stay home?
should i let you talk or
should i walk away?
should i listen or  
should i cover my ears?
should i believe you or
should i doubt you?
what should i do?
Dec 2011 · 473
Am I...
Shadow Black Dec 2011
am i sad or
am i happy?
am i fustrated or
am i fine?
am i full of hope
or full of sorrow?
am i depressed or
am i blissful?
i guess i'll never know
until He tells me so.
Dec 2011 · 413
Shadow Black Dec 2011
There is only 1thing
                         2 do
                         3 words
                         4 you
                   I LOVE YOU
I actually didn't make this one up but i got it from a friend and i really liked it. Hope you like it too!
Dec 2011 · 491
My Heart
Shadow Black Dec 2011
My heart is a special thing
it can heal itself
it can do many things for me
it can hold my feelings
it can even hold a person!
these are the upsides,though
and with upsides comes downsides
so these are them
it can be taken
it holds my sorrow
and my fustrations
it holds my anger and confusion
and it holds me together
Nov 2011 · 467
A few seconds
Shadow Black Nov 2011
It only takes a few seconds
To hurt the people that you
Love, but it takes years to heal
I know of this example.
Trust me.
I have been on the bad side
Of this
It took only a few seconds for
Someone that I loved to hurt me
But it had taken years to heal
Almost three to be precise
It's been so long but I'm still
Trying to heal my broken heart.
Nov 2011 · 509
Take A Look
Shadow Black Nov 2011
Take a look at me and tell
Me what you see.
Do you see what others
See or do you see what I
You probably see what others
See because your one of them.
So tell me what you see
Do you see what is on
The outside?
The happy little girl
That has it all, or do you
See what I see?
Do you see my hurting
Do you see my shame?
Do you see my hidden
Or do you see a girl
Who's life is perfect
And without any
Troubles in her life?
Take a look at me
And tell me what
You see.
Nov 2011 · 472
Shadow Black Nov 2011
Hot tears are streaming
down my face because
of you.
Why did you have to leave
Why did you have to move
away from me?
Why does it feel as if your
dead to me, now?
Is it because you don't love
me anymore?
Is it because I'm not
worth it anymore?
Is it because you have
gotten tired of me?
Tell me, what is the
i wrote this poem because in the past there were people in my life that i met and then they left. so i wrote down my feelings on paper

— The End —