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Shadoe Lange Nov 2011
We sit here and ponder
On whether we should be take a chance
So our minds wonder
Cause we can't honestly know from the first glance

We only want God's will
But tell me how to know
Cause that's all I want to fulfill
So are we meant to grow

We are so great as one
At least that's what people say
We didn't want this when it begun
So how do we know what God wants us to portray

We are both indecisive
Forever in my heart , your name in engraved
So why isn't it incisive
Maybe we just need to be brave
Shadoe Lange Nov 2011
Love is a beautiful thing
Butterflies turning into sparks
No where near a fling
Carvings on trees act as their beauty marks

Love maybe be beautiful and inspiring
But we find it confusing
Yet it shouldn't be expiring
Stay next to me for the moments we shouldn't be loosing

Love's beauty is undeniable
Completely amazing
Sincerely indescribable
There is not enough words for its phrasing

The beauty of love is true
Present all day
Especially when I'm tangled in you
Hoping our love will never decay

Love is a beautiful thing
Sneaky and nonchalant
We're secretively contemplating not pursuing because of pain that distance may bring
Resulting in the loss of love's beauty, is that what we honestly want
Shadoe Lange Nov 2011
My love for you is like a flame
Burning so bright the whole world can see
So wild it can't be tamed
How much do you love me?
So much that the number can't be named?

I want to stay this way
Everyday is so wonderful
Especially every moment I hear you say
"I love you", those words are like a tool
Fixing everything, so stay with me forever and a day
Shadoe Lange Nov 2011
I have something to confess
I think I could be falling
But, that would create a mess
So I won't say a thing

Don't get me wrong
I'll write it all down
Maybe even in a song
In that sense, I'll tell the whole town

Just not you
I won't even say who it is
That would cause drama, so I won't even give a clue
Though it could be a big opportunity I'd miss

However if you guess
I might tell you
I just don't want to cause stress
You may not even think its true

For now I'll keep quiet
So that way you stay by my side
Until i think you'll buy it
Praying for the moment that we will finally collide

That would be a dream come true
Its a real fantasy in my eyes
I'd **** to be with you
None of this is lies

So please collide
Crash Into me
Like an overwhelming tide
Oh what a love that would be
Shadoe Lange Nov 2011
You broke my heart
Too many times
I never wanted to be apart
But you keep committing the same crimes

You said you'd never hurt me
But you have so much
Happy together,I just wanted us to be
But how can we have a relationship as such

You meant everything
It kills me to keep you around
Did I even mean something
For failure, we were bound

You keep playing your game
I'll keep dying inside
This time its not me to blame
I'm not the one who lied

So I try to keep away
As I piece my heart together
Some day I'll be okay
Only, I'll be as delicate as a feather
Shadoe Lange Nov 2011
Mom, how have you been?
I can't believe its been so long
All the memories in my head spin
As I sing this 'I Miss You' song

Its still so hard to believe
You're not coming back to me
True happiness is hard to achieve
When I think how can this be?

Though you're my gaurdian angel flying high
I'd rather you be here
But I know God does not lie
This is how its meant to be and you're both near

It was our fate
Now we just have to learn
No matter what we wont truly seperate
Still for your embrace I yearn

Mommie, I love you
God had a good reason
Just know that it was for the best , thats true
He said for everything there's a season

I have to accept your time has came and gone
Before mine really began
Now we're both where we belong
Not going to forget , but I'm going to slowly get over this tragedy , I know I can

Promise me one thing now
Not to be sad
Because you're here somehow
For that I'm glad

Put a smile on your face
Your baby girl is protected by God's embrace
And is growing at a fast pace
Focusing on the beauty of grace

I'll see you in my dreams tonight
It'll be as if its real
I'll hold you tight
So the hole in my chest will finally seal

— The End —