Let's stop putting the label Bad
On our delicate little planet.
Yes, she has ugly skin on parts of
Her continents. Some sour rain,
Some rash from her seven billion fleas.
But she deserves more.
Yes, so perhaps she's only one blue
Eye on the face of the solar system.
A shivering cyclops
Afraid to meet the gazes of duality,
Yet standing tall against
The Jupiters and Red Giants
Of the immediate Universe.
But there, in the black eclipse-dot
Of her iris,
A smoker quits
For the sake of his children,
And I see what it costs.
So I recline, eyes closed,
In the warmth of a cigarette ****
Crushed under a heel
In its lastness; a little, empty
Crucifix -now a cross-
That reminds me that the sacrifice
That any non-smoker (not an ex-
Smoker) would never understand,
Comes from the same place as
Those things that make us stop and
Wonder at the selflessness that
Makes Earth
Not a victim orb of crap, but a spaceship
Where angels hike on their time off
Just to experience
The factors of Humanity
That make us stop putting **** in
ourselves, and start loving.