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Feb 2017 · 360
The hearts rehab
William Stoddard Feb 2017
I'm falling for you, while you've fallen a victim of your own circumstances.
at first glance, I knew there was a chance for romance
Push past the surface perception, deep down I knew there would be a fat chance of deception
But to my recollection and the scars I've collected. I'll take my chances,  the decision I've made will not be neglected.
See my heart is protected and that's something I'm content with. But
When two soul's collide they say that loves blind and I'm starting to fall in contention.
See from the start we had a connection between all the scars collected means many wounds that I've mended. And
I'll do that for you no question. Till you can smile when you see that reflection. Till you know from the start that your  souls in protection.
I'll hold your hand threw all the flurry's so you don't have to worry. I'll calm all the fury,and disinfect situations that gets murky.
So youSee the light
So youSee the light
See the time is now,
My mindstate is critical
My moves are like a ritual
N love becomes habitual
But yet we far from traditional and
My love is unconditional
my passions uninhibited
The potential is unlimited
As our energy connects threw many of the constellations  I know
This is the hearts rehabilitation
Not finished lost my thought half way threw
William Stoddard Oct 2016
I want to lift people soul's higher than the highest mountains
I want to encourage people to a point they thought was non existent
I want to spend all my energy giving it
I want to be the reason people find success within themselves
I want to inspire the uninspired

I want to help I want to help

I will walk down every road with you so you can run down the road of happiness
I will hold your hand and guide you threw the dark  
I will be light
I will be the no trespassing sign
I will be your oxygen when you're drowning in your sorrows
I will be your morning coffee to get you threw the day
I will be the current that moves you in a sea of disappointment
I will be the compass that navigates
Take my hand let's do this.
If you'll let me

I can be the greatest teacher

And the greatest student

Remember there is NOTHING in life you cannot conquer
Oct 2016 · 242
William Stoddard Oct 2016
What is love; many people think love will just happen. It doesn't.
Love is a choice not a feeling
Love is work, love is hard,
Which is why it's so ******* beautiful
You choose who
You choose to court
You choose to care
It's a decision
The decision to make that person happy
The decision to open up
The decision to let the soul's connect
When love is appreciated
It's beautiful
When it's not it's not love
It's a two way Street
Idk tho I never been just a thought
Oct 2016 · 263
The power in faliure
William Stoddard Oct 2016
So life takes it turns
But it always comes back full circle
Being positive threw the bad times is power
Power to control
Power to prosper
Failure is a decision
The minds of many have the ability
To open eyes and open minds
Life's simple why make it hard
And a positive mindset
Life's simple
That's it
Invert the energy
Focus on yourself
Get a goal
Be empathic give advice
It will help you more than you think
Karma is real make sure yours is good
Things come full circle
The fool rushes in
The wise are methodical
Think be4 you move
Think be4 you act
Think be4 you loose
Failure will come regardless
Don't get discouraged
The best people fail
The best people failed more than most
Failure will ***** smack you into a reality
You once thought didn't exist
Failure is beautiful it's the
The best teacher
The biggest discouraging act
Fail repeat
You'll never fail the same way twice
There is power in failure
May 2016 · 415
The girl and the sea
William Stoddard May 2016
Ole girl your stubbornness far exceeds your aptitude
Ole girl your souls confined by your attitude
Ole girl remember happiness don't mix with arrogance
Ole girl  your imagination far exceeds your ignorance
Your The same ole girl with the same ole problems
same ole girl that refuses to be forgotten
The same old girl with the same ole style
The same ole girl with the same ole smile
The same ole girl that gives up her morals and beliefs
to be happy with a guy who he claims to promise happiness
Ole girl your depth compliments everything your about you
but your actions leave your mind wondering around
you float freely in murky waters of discomfort
trusting the current will halt your mind as it wonders
But do you ever notice those currents of desperation has gotten you floating towards the sea of depression
You can spend miles floating you'll never be free
You need simplicity
you need gravity
Get your two feet under you and start walking free
But youll
never float again
be broken again
You will React and boast and then
Then you will see
The sea ain't for me
The sea ain't for you
The sea is the reason you do what you do
Apr 2014 · 409
William Stoddard Apr 2014
You didn't give me a job you gave me a skill you didn't teach me lessons you gave me knowledge you didn't give me words of advice you gave me a mindset you didn't lecture me you taught me a craft:
   To the man that said sugar over vinegar and blood over water pride over ego and lessons are in disguise-

My ego blinded me from the life lessons I so desperatel needed
Now my ego has depleated and my eyes are open more than a 24/7 gas station - clarity finally; t
But Its clear to me that the clarity  I so longed for was impairing my morality and that aint fair to me
So I recoup regroup revision  all my decisions  and invision a day I actually listen
Mar 2014 · 419
the bird
William Stoddard Mar 2014
Friends foes and close enemies I'm hear for your clarity
Realize while you contemplate lying, in disguise you really just saying you can't look yourself in the eyes
The deception you pride yourself off of is just the tip of the iceberg named hypocracey
The perception on thyself is everything and my friend you have nothing
so to set fire to the man you once were,
I stand beside you with a torch and a bottle of butane to lite past away like its a cure
This message will be replayed for you to relay when you see some one in the exact bed you had once layed.
Positivity spreads like a plague and I'm the friend that will give his arm and leg so I can rest easy on my wooden pegs knowing your still here to help me **** this keg  
If not
I will have flown  like a bird gotten released from the heard and studied why It never worked
If not I'll just give you the bird

— The End —