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382 · Feb 2016
Heart With A Brain
Seth DeSotel Feb 2016
A heart is an *****
A heart can feel
Even without a brain

My heart has a brain
It can feel sadness
It can feel sick

My heart has been in hiding

As it lay in wait
In a chamber hidden in the dungeon known as my body

But my heart has been set free
It wishes to cry as it can finally see the sun again

My heart knows pain
But now it knows confusion


My heart is free
My heart with a brain
Is free
310 · Feb 2016
Seth DeSotel Feb 2016
Does one truly wish to be alone?
To be alone is not to be isolated
Alone can be an emotion
To feel alone means that one feels by himself
Even when in a crowd one can feel alone

Alone can turn to fear
Fear can cause pain
Pain is the accomplice of Fear
Fear and Pain refer to their group as the “Deadly Duo”
Don’t let the Deadly Duo get you
If they do they won’t let go
305 · Feb 2016
Seth DeSotel Feb 2016
Rage is a fiery red
Rage feels like the boiling blood in my veins
Rage sounds like a volcano erupting at full force
Rage tastes like blood filling my mouth as I bite the inside of my cheeks
Rage smells like burning metal on a stove top
270 · Feb 2016
Beginning Anew
Seth DeSotel Feb 2016
Life is whimsical
Life is fulfilling
Life opens many doors
Life is one lane on a highway
Life can end, but once it does Death will take its place

Death is not the end
Death is a new beginning
Death opens newly accessible doors
Death is not to be feared
Death is fearless
263 · Feb 2016
As A Child
Seth DeSotel Feb 2016
As a child
emotions are mild
At least that’s how it should be
simplicity is key

As a child
you play wild
like a dog with a toy

As a child
you experience joy
as you play in the McDonald’s PlayPlace

As a child
you have struggles
as your dad juggles
working fifty to sixty hours a week

As a child
your days are full of sun
mine aren’t as fun

As a child
you smiled
I did not

As a child
my tears were a waterfall
you played with a doll

As a child
your stress ended
mine only bent,
into new forms

As a child
life came easy
your days were breezy

As a child
my heart shattered
my heart scattered

As a child
I was left
to pick up the pieces

— The End —