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Oct 2015 · 394
for ryan
seth Oct 2015
it was 3am
i was wandering downtown
with a bottle of *** in one hand
and a penchant for bad decisions in the other
so i did not know what i was doing

i ending up buying a medium shophouse
2 floors and many doors
several rooms id assume
i said to myself
what could i do to brighten up this place
so i filled the space with pictures of your face
Nov 2014 · 480
destiny is a clever idea
seth Nov 2014
on the bus ride home
you look around
so many different faces
so many different stories
you think about how they individually got to that point
in their lives sitting in the bus with you
how insignificant you are to them and them to you
yet their stories are incredible just like yours
you get off at your stop
life goes on and probably never seeing those faces again
yet their presence might have impacted your life
in ways you cannot comprehend
and you will never know
Nov 2014 · 458
it's unfair
seth Nov 2014
you ask life for lemons
life kicks you to the ground
someone else asks life for lemons
life gives him everything he has ever wanted
Jul 2014 · 284
seth Jul 2014
plastic roses will last the longest
Jul 2014 · 342
seth Jul 2014
i wonder where the birds go
i wander where the birds go
Jul 2014 · 242
seth Jul 2014
this is a private message:
Jun 2014 · 495
seth Jun 2014
turn into a narrow quiet street
go down it
and all you will find are
empty desolate houses
and end of the road
you've been here before
the dead yet magnificent oak tree
lifeless swing hung on the bough
withered grass all around
milk coffee brown
the birds have long gone
the road cold and uneven
memories are not for the faint hearted
more often than not the past is prettier than it seemed to be
but don't recount your steps
Jun 2014 · 260
seth Jun 2014
memories collect
like dust on an old bookshelf
dreams die and gather
like leaves in fall
May 2014 · 244
seth May 2014
i dream of tomorrow
the future
where cars fly
and people don't die
because the present
is anything but
May 2014 · 325
seth May 2014
look to the left
look to the right
cross the road
the sun rises
the sun sets
the question is
did the chicken check both ways?
or splat into hot fat
May 2014 · 279
seth May 2014
everyone makes mistakes
but these mistakes don't make us
May 2014 · 497
the end
seth May 2014
dressed in black
death walks up to my front door
bangs three times saying your time is up
with a smile on my face
i put on my jacket for he is always cold
then i open the door and greet him with a warm handshake
you can only live once you have lived
so life starts now
May 2014 · 282
seth May 2014
You got blood on your hands
I knew it was mine
Stabbed me in the back
With the love I gave you
May 2014 · 315
seth May 2014
as a child
reality left it's bitterness on our tongues
we craved sweetness
but when we grew up
it became humdrum
we realised our entire life
was in pursuit of that taste
May 2014 · 498
seth May 2014
you were a stranger to me
i didnt want to know you
i didnt want to understand you
i kept running away from you
one day i succeeded
chains off
i was happy
all roads led me to your grave
i realised my mistake
but i am a whole new person
i cant resurrect you
i should have loved you
i should have cared
alas you are dead and gone
six feet deep
so au revoir what couldve been
from the present to the past
May 2014 · 705
seth May 2014
love is quirky
for i'm attracted to you
like flies to ****
May 2014 · 294
seth May 2014
you're upside down
lying on your back
each breath you take could be your last
you're in my hands fighting death with all your might
i know you're going to die
and i can't do anything about
i can't tell you it's going to be alright
because it's not
i wish you could hear me
all the what ifs start running through my head
don't be afraid you'll be in a better place
close your eyes inhale one last time
i will not cry that you're gone
i will smile that you were and still are a part of me
i guess this is it
i'm leaving now
if you love something let it go they say
now go to sleep my dear
for heaven could use someone like you
goodnight eternal dreams
we'll see each other up there one day
May 2014 · 302
seth May 2014
it's free therapy
May 2014 · 330
seth May 2014
there's nothing wrong being sensitive.
it just shows me you are not a robot.
May 2014 · 1.3k
seth May 2014
bees without stings
sharks without teeth
bulls without horns
humans without minds
May 2014 · 368
seth May 2014
a hellish nightmare i had
where i lived in a world populated by zombies
where people cared not for others
where dreams were not meant to be pursued
where hope of a better life crushed again and again
where solace was sought in the alleys of hell
where people lived to die and hoped they died to live
and then i fell asleep
May 2014 · 251
seth May 2014
life is like a bus ride
people will come
and people will go
but some will stay with you till the end of your journey
and thank you for being there
May 2014 · 313
seth May 2014
in prison,
bodies are incarcerated
but souls are free

— The End —