is protection from critical thinking
a safety net: if you don't tell,
i won't tell
it's the heart of security
in a land where babies are being spray-tanned
handed skin cancer and a shiny crown
where the people hand over their ***** for t.v. stations to gleefully shove in their overflowing purse
where the Bible is a buffet you pick and choose from,
fearful that you'll accidentally let something blasphemous touch the rest of your plate
where *** is such a taboo that teachers risk getting fired for even mentioning the word
and men learn everything they know about how to treat a woman
from the internet
and high school.
two very unbiased, reliable sources
brimming with respect and wisdom.
where it's natural to drink milk from a hormonal, sick cow with a machine ******* at its udders until it dies
but a mother nursing in public is
and all the other ladies avert their eyes so as not to catch a hint of a glimpse of another woman's
**** politics gangs government rapists religion
i can;t think of a system that
isn;t corrupt
and i think the knotted, gnarly, ancient root of this dying tree
is the idea that