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Dec 2019 · 270
Again and Again
Serpent King Dec 2019
Must I be bound to an endless loop of routines,
flavorless, meaningless, maddening repetition?
Can there be a way to break out,
be free, spontaneous, full of life?

I've tried my hardest, put in the time,
stared insanity in the face and kept my spirit,
yet I've seen nothing but roadblocks,
in the way of progression, in the way of my life.

I've been screaming into the oblivion,
but all I've heard back are whispers.
They insist that I give up, conform.
They want me to be like them. Dead.

I won't give up. I will be free.

And they will be sorry.
Jan 2019 · 288
Lost Blood
Serpent King Jan 2019
Today you've won,
You've claimed one that I hold dear,
You stand there, cloaked in black, scythe firmly in your grip,
Stained red.

You care not for fairness, for mercy,
You're an agent of the next life,
Indifference painted all over your face,
So cold.

You speak not, but your words echo loudly,
A flash of a knife across the night sky,
"Everyone has their time", but when is mine?
I'm alone.

But I don't fear you.
Jan 2016 · 641
Serpent King Jan 2016
Today is a good day, the sky is a clear blue,
drifting away on the wind, a bright red feather can be seen,
and before my eyes, it transforms, such a beauty to behold,
for now before me is a gorgeous fiery phoenix, it's wings spread proud.

Today is a good day, the ground is soft on my bare feet,
gliding on the breeze, the phoenix speeds graciously past,
and before my eyes, it transforms, such a beauty to behold,
for now before me is a white-hot fire, burning with grace.

Today is a good day, the wind sings a blissful melody,
Fed, by the gust, the inferno burns forth,
and before my eyes, it transforms, such a beauty to behold,
for now before me is a single bright red feather, drifting away on the wind.
May 2015 · 529
She's Here
Serpent King May 2015
Right now as I sit,
I find my self surrounded by nothing,
No one is around, the room appears very empty,
But I know better.

Right now as I sit,
I can feel her creeping up on me,
The hairs on my neck are standing up on end,
She's near.

Right now as I sit,
I am beginning to shiver uncontrollably,
She's whispering barely audibly in my ear,

Right now as I sit,
I know I cannot help her, for I will lose myself,
She's a tempting force, revenge, but I mustn't cave,
I won't.
Jan 2015 · 593
Shots Were Fired
Serpent King Jan 2015
It was a cold winter day,
That started like any other,
Who could possibly know,
That this day would be stained red?

A man with evil in his heart,
Made dead who had given him life,
A mother's life cut short by spite,
Shots were fired.

A traveling to a place of learning,
Brought tragedy on the innocent youths,
Their families have scars that will never heal,
Shots were fired.

Bangs echoed through the hallways,
Two elder lives had already been ended,
Fear plagued the eyes of the children,
Shots were fired.

The man visited a room of many youths,
Cowering, trapped in the back of the room,
One survived, the room reeked of death.
Shots were fired.

A second room saw the attacker,
A brave hero gave her life to protect the children,
Still five children would meet their untimely ends,
Shots were fired.

Now recognizing the end,
The man took his own life through the barrel of his gun,
A disgraceful death, one wrought in hatred and disgust,
Shots were fired.

Five minutes were all it took,
The lives of many, many innocent people,
Ended violently and prematurely,
Shots were fired.
This poem is very, very late. I actually wrote it on December 15, 2012. The poem was lost, but today I found it!

Rest in peace Nancy Lanza, Dawn Hochsprung, Mary Sherlach, Rachel D'Avino, Lauren Rousseau, Anne Marie Murphy, Victoria Leigh Soto, Allison Wyatt, Ana Marquez-Greene, Avielle Richman, Benjamin Wheeler, Caroline Previdi, Catherine Hubbard, Charlotte Bacon, Chase Kowalski, Daniel Barden, Dylan Hockley, Emilie Parker, Grace Mcdonnell, Jack Pinto, James Mattioli, Jesse Lewis, Jessica Rekos, Josephine Gay, Madeleine Hsu, Noah Pozner, and Olivia Engel. My condolences to their families.
Nov 2013 · 1.0k
So Be It
Serpent King Nov 2013
Come, he who seeks my disquiet,
Does it please you to see my total fury?
Must you enrage my soul, enflame my emotions?
You’ve awoken the volcano in me, and it writhes in waves of anger,
So be it.

Come, he who seeks my grief,
Does it give you satisfaction to see my despair?
Must you depress my heart, dampen my sentiments?
You’ve awoken the ocean in me, and it flows in waves of sadness,
So be it.

Come, he who seeks my insanity,
Does it comfort you to see my struggle?
Must you sever my mind, obliterate my senses?
You’ve awoken the cave in me, and it echoes in waves of madness.
So be it.
Jul 2013 · 514
One Day
Serpent King Jul 2013
One day, oh one very happy day,
I will break out of this prison,
I will breathe freely and walk with purpose,
But that day, it is not today.

One day, oh one very happy day,
I will step into the world with grace,
I will live without looking over my shoulder,
But that day, it is not today.

One day, oh one very happy day,
I will leave all that ails me behind,
I will be me, not who everyone wants me to be,
But that day, it is not today.

That day is tomorrow.
Sorry for my absence guys, I've been too busy to write lately. Hopefully, I'll get more opportunities soon!
Apr 2013 · 937
Seek and Tell
Serpent King Apr 2013
Come toward me, seeker of fate, come,
And listen to my words as they flow,
Wrapping themselves around your being,
Singing the notes of the days to come.

Oh, seeker of fate, tell me,
Do these words entice you?
I see the cleverness in your eyes,
Surely you must understand them?

Think now, seeker of fate, of my words,
Do they bring you pleasure? Euphoria perhaps?
Or do they cause you despair? Possibly disappointment?
Could it be a little bit of both?

I address you, seeker of fate,
Who I, teller of fate, am genuinely curious,
Your fate, now written plain as day before you,
How does it feel to know?
Apr 2013 · 907
Two of the Same Story
Serpent King Apr 2013
I, the spirit of the living, have a story to tell,
T’is a tragic tale, one of 2 lovers,
They lived so happily, until embraced in fell,
T’was a day like any other, sunshine all around,
A man and his dearest sat on a beach,
Taking in its serenity, listening to the ocean sound,
But I could feel a darkness lurking behind a distant cloud,
My counterpart, yet my second half, was approaching,
The spirit of the dead had entered, the girl he took under his shroud,
Such agony resulted, such weeping, such sorrow,
Oh, the spirit of the dead would be back soon,
For the boy would not live to see tomorrow.

I, the spirit of the dead, have a story to tell,
T’is a heartwarming tale, one of 2 lovers,
They lived so happily, in love forever they’d fell,
T’was a day of disaster, chaos all around,
A man and his dearest sat on a beach,
Not noticing its blood thirst, not hearing its deadly sound,
I could feel a lightness visible from behind my cloud,
My counterpart, yet my second half, was approaching,
The spirit of the living was there, yet powerless against my shroud,
Such happiness resulted, such joy, not leaving any room for sorrow,
Oh, the girl and I knew I would be back soon
For the girl knew she would see the boy tomorrow.
Feb 2013 · 609
Raven in the Moonlight
Serpent King Feb 2013
Your wings are the darkest of blue,
Feathers all uneven and disturbed,
Yet they whistle in the wind,
Your eyes are the brightest of silver,
Their sparkle long since vanished,
Yet they search the ground,
You’ve searched for many hours,
But to no avail,
For the land is void of life,
Life has been entirely removed,
You’re alone,

Whosoever shall enter your world when it contains only you?
Your world once possessed life in splendor,
But in one great gust of the wind,
It was gone, just like that,
It may well be time to give up,
The fire that is existence has been extinguished,
All except for one minuscule ember at the bottom of the pit,
There is no point to leave one single ember alight,
Oh, Raven in the Moonlight,
You’re alone,
Feb 2013 · 507
Little Leaf
Serpent King Feb 2013
Oh little leaf on the wind, to where will you fly?
Spreading your body across the night sky,
Will you drift over the banks to eventually rest on the stream?
Floating atop the water bathing in the sun’s longest beam,
Or will you float over a forest to eventually join your kind?
Blowing in the breeze, a threat in the air you shall not find,
Oh little leaf on the wind, to where will you fly?
I envy you so.
Dec 2012 · 1.7k
The Dove
Serpent King Dec 2012
I have been taken to someplace new, someplace with ample beauty,
Above me, pearly white clouds drift lazily on the clear blue sky,
Below me, luscious grass licks my ankles, blowing in the warm breeze,
Behind me, a clear river flows, its water clean enough to see the trees’ reflection,
In front of me, baby blue mountains pierce the sky in abundant numbers,
To my left, a thick forest of a seemingly endless assortment of trees flourishes,
To my right, a single snowy white dove sits perched on a very large evergreen tree.

The dove lives in harmony with me, alongside me, within me,
The tree on which it rests is the largest tree within my view,
As long as the tree exists, the dove exists; as long as the dove exists, I exist,
The dove and the tree tell a story of great friendship and harmony,
For without the dove, there is no tree; without the tree there is no dove,
I am its only audience, the only one who is listening, yet I listen with great attention,
Their story is that of life: what it was, what it is, what it will come to be.

The sun is rising, but something is different, something is not quite right,
The river exhibits a shade of ****** red; the forest reeks of damage,
The mountains sing a sorrowful tune; the clouds obliterate the sky,
The grass has hardened, now a gloomy gray; the breeze has turned frigid cold,
The dove has gone, its once green home reduced to a defeated ash,
The once great land has vanished, and with it, the feathered wing had vanished too,
For without the dove, there is no tree; without the tree there is no dove.
Nov 2012 · 2.6k
Friendless and Alone
Serpent King Nov 2012
I live here, in this land of filth,
Here I sit, prosperity beyond that which I can achieve,
Oh, this land, it keeps me prisoner,
I cannot move on, I cannot leave.

This land needs no fence or guards to imprison me,
For it has already drained the fire inside, the fire of hope,
Oh, this land, it shackles my soul, locks my heart.
The land supplies the darkness through which I *****.

Here I wander, friendless and alone, across the land,
I wander through the forest of despair, all is gray,
Oh this land, it cages me in the bars that are my intelligence,
This land controls me, commands my mind, I’m forced to stay.
Nov 2012 · 1.4k
A Fell Wind
Serpent King Nov 2012
I hear it, outside, whistling with menace,
An ill intent exists within,
Behind it, the sordid remains of its last victim,
It cannot be stopped; it is invincible, omnipresent,
T’is the wind, a fell wind,
Think of it, it is to be feared,
But do not join it, corruptness spawns from it.

One may ask, “how did this wind come to be?”
Oh, curious one, t’is a most gruesome tale,
The wind of evil was fed, not created as it is now,
T’was weak, unable to harm a leaf,
It grew strong, feeding on the substance which it was made,
That which human holds in great amounts,
T’is greed, horrible, destructive greed.
Nov 2012 · 1.9k
Serpent King Nov 2012
A wave of sadness,
Crashing like a great tsunami,
Smothering the fire of ecstasy,
Drenching the towers of hope,
Flooding the meadows of courage,
Demolishing the forest of pride,
But one thing stands tall, just one,
It’s love, love will not crumble.
Oct 2012 · 1.7k
The Seven Powers
Serpent King Oct 2012
Oh, of the powers acting onto our world,
There exist seven powers, those which are stronger,
Much more dominate than the others,
These seven powers, they live with us, affect us,
Fear them, understand them, embrace them.

Oh the sea, the first of the greatest powers,
The sea, destroyer of sediment, home of many,
The sea is to be loved, worshipped,
For it is alive, and it is worthy of its power,
Fear the sea, understand the sea, embrace the sea.

Oh the wind, the second of the greatest powers,
The wind, vanquisher of creation, realm of none,
The wind is to be relished, awed,
For it is alive, and it is worthy of its power,
Fear the wind, understand the wind, embrace the wind.

Oh the earth, the third of the greatest powers,
The earth, demolisher of itself, domain of many,
The earth is to be valued, appreciated,
For it is alive, and it is worthy of its power,
Fear the earth, understand the earth, embrace the earth.

Oh the fire, the fourth of the greatest powers,
The fire, conqueror of vegetation, province of none,
The fire is to be respected, coveted,
For it is alive, and it is worthy of its power,
Fear the fire, understand the fire, embrace the fire.

Oh the nature, the fifth of the greatest powers,
The nature, defeater of construction, territory of many,
The nature is to be cared for, protected,
For it is alive, and it is worthy of its power,
Fear the nature, understand the nature, embrace the nature.

Oh the dark, the sixth of the greatest powers,
The dark, dominator of hope, dominion of none,
The darkness is to be dreaded, envied,
For it is alive, and it is worthy of its power,
Fear the dark, understand the dark, embrace the dark.

Oh the light, the last of the greatest powers,
The light, subjugator of despair, provider of many,
The light is to be cherished, revered,
For it is alive, and it is worthy of its power,
Fear the light, understand the light, embrace the light.
Oct 2012 · 2.0k
Portal of the Future
Serpent King Oct 2012
There exists an opening, a portal,
A portal of the future, hidden somewhere,
Hidden somewhere deep in the world,
The world in which we live,
We live to find that portal,
That portal will take us on a journey,
A journey to our futures,
Our futures which we aspire to learn,
To learn our fate,
Our fate for which we strive,
We strive for love and peace,
Love and peace is our lives,
Our lives in which we choose,
We choose the path,
The path for greatest success.
The well is starting to run dry...sorry guys ;D I'll think of more ideas soon.
Oct 2012 · 1.7k
Years Pass
Serpent King Oct 2012
A grassy field, blowing in the breeze,
A peace surrounds, entirely at ease,
A deer stands guard, basking in the heat,
Unnecessary, trouble it won’t meet.

Years pass.

A nice corn field, blowing in the breeze,
A distant house, shelter under lease,
A cattle herd, grazing in the field,
Hay barrels lay, rising like a shield.

Years pass.

An asphalt road, blowing in the breeze,
A near city, old ways had to cease,
A few cars pass, bullets to the past,
Lights gleam nearby, piercing the field’s cast.

Years pass.

A barren land, blowing in the breeze,
A tumbleweed, bouncing across the freeze,
A netherworld, being void of life,
Only darkness, result of time’s strife.

Years pass.
This was a poem I wrote about a year ago, but it got tossed. I went through my files and found a copy and edited it. So here is the revived poem ^_^
Oct 2012 · 1.5k
Message from Nature
Serpent King Oct 2012
Look outside, do it now,
You see the trees swaying in the wind,
The clouds peacefully drifting across the sky,
Flowers are erected in a nearby garden,
Possibly a creek, water running happily through it.

But look farther, you will see smoke,
The smoke that symbolizes the end,
Below the smoke is a building of brick,
A cone shaped tower is erected on top,
Releasing that smoke, releasing the end.

Think of all these things,
The trees, the wind, the clouds, the sky,
The flowers, the gardens, the creeks, the water,
Imagine it gone, completely obliterated,
Forever, never to return.

That is our future, should we so choose,
Destroying our own world, smashing it to pieces,
Nature will die, and it won’t be reborn,
So go ahead, continue human’s practice,
Wallow in the consequences.
Oct 2012 · 556
The Great Light
Serpent King Oct 2012
Look now, into the great light,
Isn’t it entrancing?
One could be ruled by that light,
Commanded, directed, controlled,
But it doesn’t want control,
It only wants to exist,
Exist, may we let it,
For without it, life is nothing,
Without light, time has no meaning,
Without light, there is nothing,
Look into the great light, and tell me,
What do you see?
Oct 2012 · 1.6k
Serpent King Oct 2012
O, Preacher of Judgment,
Won’t you confide in me,
The ways in which judgment will befall?
O, Preacher of Judgment,
Tell me the secret.

Will I be condemned to a heaven,
Where I will find angels and spirit?
Where I will find loneliness and despair?
O, Preacher of Judgment,
Tell me the secret.

Will I be banished to a hell,
Where I will find torture and pain?
Where I will find friendship and a common enemy?
O, Preacher of Judgment,
Tell me the secret.

O, Preacher of Judgment,
Won’t you confide in me,
What I should aim for?
O, Preacher of Judgment,
Tell me the secret.
Oct 2012 · 776
Serpent King Oct 2012
The sun; it is beginning to set,
Paving the fields bright gold,
As day turns to night,
The wind is becoming cold,
The sun is disappearing out of sight.

Through the night, a storm brews,
Rain crashes to the earth,
A thousand streaks falling to the ground,
One drop's death is another's birth,
The night is listening to the pattering sound.

But light appears over the horizon,
As the sun rises to claim its spot,
In the sky, the sun is placed,
The dew on the plants begins to rot,
The sun's light pierces, its beams forever laced.
Oct 2012 · 2.9k
The Shrouded One
Serpent King Oct 2012
Hidden in the darkness, an entity of no real significance,
Cloaked by despair, ruled by regret, acknowledged by few,
The shrouded one lives, misunderstood, banished, forgotten,
But it lives, it lives.

Concealed in the shadows, a being of no hope,
Masked by lies, commanded by sorrow, Befriended by none,
The shrouded one lives, misconstrued, expelled, obliterated,
But it lives, it lives.

Obscured in the black, a presence of no ecstasy,
Veiled by self-hate, ordered by fear, hated by all,
The shrouded one lives, misinterpreted, rejected, meaningless,
But it lives, it lives.
Oct 2012 · 2.3k
Serpent King Oct 2012
Here I am,
Held against my will,
Bound by the rope that is my mind,
My own intelligence constricting me,
Swiping aside creativity and imagination,
It’s alive, it’s strong, and it’s terrifying,
Soon, it will consume me, devour my soul,
And I’ll be just as machine-like as everyone else,
Our minds will take over our bodies,
Brace yourself, you’re next.
Oct 2012 · 2.6k
Choose Your Fate
Serpent King Oct 2012
A choice is to be made,
A choice that will decide fate,
That choice rests within your hand,
Pick wisely, your choice is the difference,
The difference between success and failure.

Will you choose what is right?
The path that is certainly the hardest,
The path that may lead you to your demise,
The path that consists of morals and rectitude,
Choose: to benefit yourself or to benefit others.

Will you choose what is easy?
The path that is somewhat corrupt,
The path that may lead you to prosperity,
The path that consists of the wicked and decadent,
Choose: to benefit yourself or to benefit others.

So go on, don’t be shy,
Step up to the poll, the poll of fate,
And choose, do not choose flippantly,
Choose correctly and be rewarded,
Choose erroneously; no help will come.
Oct 2012 · 1.5k
Existing on the Wind
Serpent King Oct 2012
The wind, the wind, oh the howling wind,
Retaining great beauty, inspiring much splendor,
Consuming the foul, producing the wonderful,
Awe exists on the wind, awe is the wind.

The wind, the wind, oh the howling wind,
Seeking to overtake, existing to dominate,
Feeding on destruction, stamping on hope,
Damage exists on the wind, damage is the wind.

The wind, the wind, oh the howling wind,
Living with the unknown, striving for the new,
Holding cryptic secrets, possessing enigmatic tales,
Mysteries exist on the wind, mysteries are the wind.
Oct 2012 · 3.6k
Create and Destroy
Serpent King Oct 2012
Waves crash on the pier,
Pure force, a violent bludgeon,
An entity of rage; never ceasing,
The earth in a hopeless war with the sea,
Sediment crumbling; drifting into the expanse,
It is over; it always was, the land in inevitable doom,
The sea has victory, basking in the ruins of ravaged land,
But there emanates a sliver of hope, of rebirth, of prosper,
Ample time has passed; the time has come for a new beginning,
A rumble, a blast, liquid earth explodes out,
Out of the cone, the cone created and of the land,
New earth is born, standing proud, a symbol of persistence,
But the once victorious sea, it is maddened, frustrated, upset,
It is preparing, formulating a new attack,
Thus, tis a cycle, a cycle of create and destroy.
Oct 2012 · 1.2k
Shadow of the Night
Serpent King Oct 2012
Oh shadow, shadow of the night,
Replicate me, my every move,
Oh shadow, shadow of the night,
Duplicate me; however distorted.

Oh shadow, shadow of the night,
Created by light, made of darkness,
Oh shadow, shadow of the night,
Destroyed by the very same.

Oh shadow, shadow of the night,
Ephemeral imprint upon the ground,
Oh shadow, shadow of the night,
Intangible being of darkness.

Oh shadow, shadow of the night,
Trailing me, forever bounded as one,
Oh shadow, shadow of the night,
Trying to speak, to pass on a message.
Oct 2012 · 1.1k
Realms of Silence
Serpent King Oct 2012
Silence yourself,
Lessons exist in complete quiet.
Listen to the nothingness.
Silence is power, wisdom, and courage.
Above all, silence is beauty.
Learn from it, study it.
Make no sound,
Sound is evil, vicious.
Seeking to destroy the ultimate power,
The power that can only exist in certain realms,
Realms void of sound.
Do not allow those voids to die.
Oct 2012 · 853
Serpent King Oct 2012
Words contain power,
Only the weak would not agree,
Strong enough to make one cower,
And strong enough to set one’s thoughts free.

Words contain wit,
Only the ignorant would not agree,
Wise enough to make one admit,
And wise enough to set one’s thoughts free.

Words contain valor,
Only the cowardly would not agree,
Bold enough to make one set the score,
And bold enough to set ones thoughts free.
Oct 2012 · 1.1k
Serpent King Oct 2012
Dreams take you to unknown lands,
So why not come with me?
For those lands are our destiny.

Dreams take you to places you thought impossible,
Whether to a land of love, sweet, or riches,
You will find me in those niches.

Dreams take you to your fantasy,
So while you search far and wide,
I will not cease to be at your side.

Dreams take you to good fortune,
While you try to find yours,
I’ll be along to open new doors.

Dreams sometimes lead you astray,
If you ever find you’ve fallen off track,
I shall help lead you back.
Oct 2012 · 696
What Would It Be Like?
Serpent King Oct 2012
What would it be like,
To know everything?
To be able to answer all questions?
What would it be like?

Would it be great,
To know everything?
To answer the worlds unanswered questions?
What would it be like?

Would it be boring,
To know everything?
To never again learn the new?
What would it be like?

Would it be horrifying,
To know everything?
To realize life's most evil secretes?
What would it be like?
Serpent King Oct 2012
Love is slippery and fickle,
Yet it can exist without a single nickel,
When you have feelings of doubt, to say the least,
Won't you look into the eyes of the Blue Eyed Beast?

Love is not always as it seems,
What may seem good may lead you to dark desolate realms,
When all feelings of hope have thoroughly deceased,
Won’t you look into the eyes of the Blue Eyed Beast?

Love is able to possess one into doing the unwise,
Such acts will certainly lead humanity to its demise,
When your optimism is completely released,
Won’t you look into the eyes of the Blue Eyed Beast?
Oct 2012 · 857
The Facts of Life and Death
Serpent King Oct 2012
The sky is blue,
The grass is green,
The wind can blow,
The trees can sway,
The birds may fly,
The fish may swim,
The time shall pass,
The space shall remain,
The sun will shine,
The clouds will rain,
These are the facts of life,
These are the facts of death,
The clouds will shine,
The sun will rain,
The space shall pass,
The time shall remain,
The fish may fly,
The birds may swim,
The trees can blow,
The wind can sway,
The grass is blue,
The sky is green.
Oct 2012 · 1.9k
The Forest of Hope
Serpent King Oct 2012
In the forest of hope,
One will find tranquility, prosper, and love,
In the forest of hope,
One is all and all is one.

In the forest of doubt,
One will find hostility, failure, and evil,
In the forest of doubt,
One is none and none is one.
Oct 2012 · 2.5k
O, Goddess
Serpent King Oct 2012
O, Goddess of the Rain,
Won’t you keep me sane?
May the rain obliterate my pain.

O, Goddess of the Fire,
Won’t you hear my desire?
May the fire rid me of every liar.

O, Goddess of the Earth,
Won’t you show me what I am worth?
May the earth explain my birth.

O, Goddess of the Wind,
Won’t you forgive my sin?
May the wind restore my grin.
Oct 2012 · 1.8k
There Comes a Time
Serpent King Oct 2012
There comes a time,
When darkness will sadly shroud,
When one must be strong,
Strong enough to see that darkening cloud.

There comes a time,
When a rose will not be found,
When one must be strong,
Strong enough to hear that heartbreaking sound.

There comes a time,
When sadness will overcome cheer,
When one must be strong,
Strong enough to taste that painstaking tear.

There comes a time,
When cities will crumble, spent,
When one must be strong,
Strong enough to smell that enflaming scent.

There comes a time,
When evil will start your death,
When one must be strong,
Strong enough to feel that life-ending breath.
Oct 2012 · 1.6k
The Fate of Prey
Serpent King Oct 2012
Owl, owl how you do fly,
Your wings spread over the night sky,
And in the dusk, a hoot you cry,
Your feathers sing to the wind’s sigh,
Prey is found, your eyes do not lie,
You swoop down as a life draws nigh,
Talons out, your prey starts to die,
Life has been reaped, none can deny,
You savage beast, and none too shy,
And yet, even now, you soar high.
Oct 2012 · 1.3k
Serpent King Oct 2012
Life will always go on,
Through hardships and through prosperity,
Through hate and through love,
Through below and through above,
Life will always go on.

Life will always go on,
Through darkness and through light,
Through hot and through cold,
Through the weak and through the bold,
Life will always go on.

Life will always go on,
Through sickness and through health,
Through give and through take,
Through romance and through heartbreak,
Life will always go on.
This is by no means my best. Actually it's my worst that I've bothered to save. I shall post better, I promise :3

— The End —