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May 2016 · 579
Quizás, Peut-Être
Sergio MP May 2016
Quizás, peut-être
Les étoiles nous sourient
Et dans la gare du destin
Nos deux trains arrivent

Quizás, peut-être
Me atrevo a decir
Que el tiempo no sabe
Si parar o seguir

Quizás, peut-être
Il est temps d'ouvrir
Les portes qui entourent
Nos cœurs et désirs

Quizás, peut-être
Es la suerte de esos
que caminan de la mano
y se bañan en besos

Quizás, peut-être
C'est la vie qui m'invite
À être gardien
de tes jours et tes nuits

Quizás, peut-être
La vida te propone
ser de mi ser la columna
y yo ser tu soporte
May 2016 · 548
Sergio MP May 2016
When the earth splits in two
and you're caught in the middle
de dos tierras que son yo y son tú
la gruta donde en lágrimas la distancia se mide.
Tiens toi au chaud
Tiens moi contre ton coeur

Cuando no me sepas llamar a gritos
y abraces a tu vida sin mi
I will cry to the void, hitherto
that bed were you cradled me
C'est bien toi et ton sujet
ce que je me force à oublier

Je dirai à mes enfants
qu'un jour j'ai rencontré un homme
et en jouant avec du feu
j'ai su resister sa chaleur
le noir a remplacé ses couleurs
et j'ai pu dire 'non' à son jeu

Practice in front of the mirror, ma chère,
your speech is not for them but yourself
Feb 2016 · 374
The Journey
Sergio MP Feb 2016
Let the Clouds run out of water,
See that Wind takes his air back.
Tell the Sun she's to go black,
And the Stars that they may falter.

In drought I shall not thirst!
Hither shan't I suffocate!
Despite the dark I will come first!
The skies won't decide my fate!

I've learned from Eagles the rails to captain,
And from the Wind Steed the steppes to soar.
I've learned from Dragons to climb up mountains,
And from the Lotus to bloom from blood.

Orange-clad Monks taught me how to spell love,
In lands where once in rouge hatred was forged.
As the Gibbons I flew in canopies of evergreen,
Ambrosia be the fruits I tasted from their trees.

I journeyed far in a kingdom of smiles,
And bent both my body and my mind.
Where Elephants stomped I worked the soil,
Sweat and tears were both my toil.

Let the Clouds run out of water,
See that Wind takes his air back.
Tell the Sun she's to go black,
And the Stars that they may falter.
For lo! I've learned to live anew,
And a-journeying, my soul, it grew.

The Hearth it calls me in the distance,
Long I've longed to see its glow.
Yet I know now there's no hindrance,
Between my feet and the Road.
I'll settle now, won't grudge time that's gone,
My heart knows, more adventures are to come.
Nov 2015 · 587
Sergio MP Nov 2015
Sonríele a la luna, que se muere de la envidia
Del brillo de tus ojos y el rubor de tus mejillas;
Sonríele al sol, que no puede del rencor,
Y susurra a tus espaldas que él es mejor.

Sonríele a los astros, que refunfuñan en lo alto,
Que no saben reaccionar ante este error humano,
Que los hace estremecerse allá en el cielo,
Y que no saben qué hacer, con estos celos
Porque hoy los poetas te cantan a ti, linda, y no a ellos.
Oct 2015 · 511
Sergio MP Oct 2015
Qué quieres que te diga, Danaë?
Que mis labios se deshacen en suspiros?
Que no me alcanza el aire por bañarte en cumplidos?
You lay your thirsty eyes upon pray, Danaë,
And mine them boys for the gold of their attention.
You're up high in your tower of doubt, Danaë,
And yet you're both the captive and the captor.
You bathe in their raining gold, Danaë,
With your malice gilded in good intentions.
But the mines run dry, Danaë,
And aureate satisfaction comes from within.
That's what I learned from you, Danaë,
One's not content until content with one's self one's been.
And yet it's easy, Danaë,
For both you and I carry eternity inside.
We've been blinded by raining gold that soothes our skin;
But we shall see once our tears have all been cried.
Sep 2015 · 656
Sergio MP Sep 2015
We're one for now, for now we're holy
for feelings like these cannot come but from glory
from god's little minions that selfishly imprison
that nectar of life, that sweet, thick Ambrosia.

Open your eyes lover, open your eyes to this rapture
life as we know it ends with the moon's departure,
we're no longer one, our Ambrosia's been captured

we're mortal again, we're subject to day.

Beg for it, darling, pray for it with me darling
let god hear our voices, let him see us complying
with the pain that is life, with the pain that means lying
far from you one whole day, far from you and your smiling.

Scream for it darling, and fight for it darling,
don't let the clocks win, they're nothing but frightening
the time it shall pass, and it passes regardless

of how many clocks god's minions might send.

Come quick darling, the sun has been hiding
it is our chance to go on and steal from that chalice,
to drink from each other, unlock from each other
that sweet thick Ambrosia reserved to the lovers.

Can you feel it darling, can you hear it darling?
the key to our Eden the key to our heaven
the key that is kept the key that is wanted
the key that unlocks everything to be granted

the key that allows life to be worth it
the key to Ambrosia is reserved to those holy

And I shall be ****** if our love isn't worthy.
May 2015 · 642
I hereby sing to Winter
Sergio MP May 2015
I hereby sing to Winter, to Death and to Fall,
to listen to the plea that rips through my throat:
to descend upon this bed, far from your own;
pour qu'ils arrachent vite de ma poitrine ta fleur
qui pousse depuis le coeur, mon corps traversé
par ses épines faites d'espoir, à force des larmes aiguisés.

I hereby sing to Silence, to Quiet and to Calm,
to please come and deaden the voices that call
with words so complicated, I cannot comprehend
qui poussaient de ta langue, bouche que moi j'ose désirer;
des phrases qui m'ont promis pouvoir la mer traverser,
des chants qui sortent de ****, des lèvres étrangers.

I hereby sing to Sleep, to Dreams and to Dark
to come to my rescue and let my lids abide;
that Morpheus he may take me by his hand to your side;
et même si ce n'est qu'Iris qui touche mes mains,
elle connaît tes seins, tes yeux, ton bassin,
et en mes rêves me laisse un cher gout à toi.
Mar 2015 · 893
Sergio MP Mar 2015
Me escuchas? Descalzo
camino mirando
tu pecho desnudo
subiendo y bajando

Te mueves ligera
sintiendo mis pasos
te miro de nuevo:
tus ojos cerrados.

Pero hay sin embargo
una diferencia:
sonrisa secreta
susurra "sutil" y
se posa discreta:

Te estás despertando

me rindo y sonrío
y sé que mañana
volveré a intentarlo
Mar 2015 · 941
My Country
Sergio MP Mar 2015
I want to build a country,
not just some dirt, not just a land
a nation so great, a fatherland.

Tú estarás ahí, mi amigo,
sonriendo, mirando al frente,
haciendo camino conmigo.

Nous ferons un pays sans frontières,
sans limites, avec des montagnes
faites de sable, prêtes à être soufflées.

Elle sera une patrie où les mers seront des étangs
et nos ciels ne seront qu'à un saut de distance.

We'll have families and friends,
todos los paisajes que el mundo nos ha de ofrecer
sans préjugés ni douleur qui puissent nous confiner.

We'll build a land where friendship will prosper
and traveling will be the fuel of our hearths
Construiremos un hogar que sea propio
sin esas reglas que nos separan
Nous ferons un refuge des distances
où on habitera sans peur aux menaces.
Feb 2015 · 311
Sergio MP Feb 2015
They say no man is an island,
but I'm willing to be,
If you can promise
my ocean to be,
my fields to seed,
my houses to build.

I'll pass my mornings with thee,
lost in you as I swim,
found in you as I feed,
safe with you as I sleep.
Feb 2015 · 305
Descent to Hell
Sergio MP Feb 2015
When you descend to hell,
be sure to take courage with you.
Some awareness as well,
a little cunning, too.

You'll meet me there,
the person I am, and you're not.
The person you wanted but chose not to.
The person you could have been,
                                       but aren't.

Take my hand, dear, I'll show you:
The woman I loved and you didn't,
that daughter I had and you feared,
the son I cherished and you missed.

Follow my lead, dear, I'll take you:
to cities you dreamed of but skipped,
all the wines that you wanted, I sipped,
all the places you forfeited, I didn't.

Come and see me in Hell,
all that you wanted I am,
all that I am you are not.
Let life cast her horrible spell,
Let the taste of that "could have"
                                    invade you,
For all that you wanted I am.
And all that I am you are not.
“Someone once told me the definition of Hell: The last day you have on earth, the person you became will meet the person you could have become.”
Jan 2015 · 293
Haiku # 4
Sergio MP Jan 2015
"I need air no more",
he breathlessly said to her,
"If it's you I breathe".
Jan 2015 · 538
Sergio MP Jan 2015
She forced a mask upon your face;
the evil wolf she dared not slay.
You were the trap, she was your prey;
the same lover with whom she lay.

She's the moth and you're the flame,
Put me out for heaven's sake,
turn your back and face away

Fire too, consumes itself.

You pulled her down, when she was weak.
She's your toy, vile puppeteer.
You like to see her on her knees,
make her cry, hear her weep.

You wanted out but you were drowning,
a sea of tears with your name on it,
your boat of sanity, capsizing
you were crying, she was moaning.

You signed her sentence with your lips,
she was meant to go downhill,
you could've saved her, set her free,
you went away and let her sink.

She was a game, one of three,
but you don't mess with sanity,
you played her joy, you gambled tears
you lost the bet, cry miserably.
#Destructive #Relationship
Jan 2015 · 360
Sergio MP Jan 2015
I don't get you,
with your brown eyes and that spice on your lips.
I have had you,
with your gold hair that goes down to your hips.

I was happy,
with your arms 'round my neck in that sweet wet embrace.
I am hurting,
with the lack of your gaze and the ghost that's your face.

And yet I am here,
standing loosely at the tip of my feet;
caring for a girl that'll never be mine.
And yet you are there,
your memory became pain in a flare;
my life burdened by the weight of your smile.
Nov 2014 · 1.4k
Sergio MP Nov 2014
I need to build a safe-house
a place where I can hide.
No way in, and no way out
and stay deep, deep inside.

I'm gonna build a safe-house
a beacon in reverse.
It's gonna be my lighthouse
when my life makes no sense.

It's gonna be strong and stable
My safe house from the world;
With columns made of fables,
and fairytales of old.

My pain will be the concrete.
Impatience for the bricks.
My regrets will make for tiles
I'll paint it with my sighs

My heart will be the ground.
You won't come in, I won't come out

My words will shut the door
Your bitter tears will lock the lock.
Sep 2014 · 229
Sergio MP Sep 2014
I want this to be something
that lasts longer than your mouth's moan
I want  it to have meaning
bigger than a one night call.

I want this to be us
your eyes my lips your hips against me
I want you to be close
no air no space no distance no fear

I want to see my soul
amalgamate into yours
as shards of it flow through my skin
and into the arm hairs that rise
when your breath brushes my neck

I want to see you consume the air I breathe
and our heartbeats become harmonic.
I want to lose myself into you as this poem lost its metric to passion.
Aug 2014 · 251
Sergio MP Aug 2014
When I stand next to you
battles won and battles lost
when I see into your eyes
are you gonna be just?

When I see what I have built
with my hands and with my tears
when we look into the past
is it gonna be enough?

When we meet and we greet
wether friend or wether foe
standing over desolation
times that passed so long ago

When I see there's no return
no forgiving, no forgetting
Will you be a welcome sight
or will I dread the day I die?
Aug 2014 · 307
Morning II
Sergio MP Aug 2014
Sun streams through my window,
and I sink in my pillow,
as I fear the upheaval
of our shared night.

Your body approaches
but the sheets that enclosed us
are no longer a fortress
against the dreaded light.

You smile through the haze
in a redemptive attempt
to savour what's left
of our ended delight.

And I must abide
as I bid you goodbye
that I'd trade off my life
Just to see you tonight.
Aug 2014 · 345
Sergio MP Aug 2014
I felt love flowering on your skin,
pushing through fear and anguish.
I saw love flowers sprout up to your chin,
insecurities and  pain banished.

I saw petals of "forever"
and petals of "after".
I saw no thorns, as ever,
just glimpses of laughter.

I felt love buds opening all around;  
and our hearts pumped spring through our veins.
Our souls were the fertile ground,
and your smile was the nurturing rain.
Jun 2014 · 841
Goodbye Letter to France
Sergio MP Jun 2014
Dear France,

I say goodbye today, after so many beautifully painful moments. I want to thank you, from the bottom of my heart.

I thank you for showing me what it meant to be myself, to fend off my fears and win over my confidence. To know my weaknesses and reassure me in my strengths. France, you're more than a country to me. I thank you for all the hard times, the endless nights and the painful, lonely sundays. For the fun times and the bad times. You made me grow in unthinkable ways. I learned to be comfortable in solitude and joyful in company; I learned the value of long relationships and the ephemeral amusement of short ones. I learned that life is not easy and yet you don't have to worry so much. But most importantly, I learned what it means to be a stranger, a foreigner, an outcast. I learned to love who I am, where I come from, and all that it means.

I thank you for the people I met. For the dully predictable clichés of your society, and the wonderfully astonishing beauty of what each French hides. Parisians so pretentious you'd think their stares are stabbing you, and women so flirtatious your heart stops and you find out with a bittersweet taste what a coup de foudre is, as she walks out of your life as fast as she walked into it. People so nice they'd go out of their ways to give a ride to a lost colombian kid who can't find home. People so nice they take the time to talk slowly so you understand that fascinatingly complex language of yours. People so nice they invite you with their friend even if you're a drag, not getting the jokes and trying to fit in. You have so many wonderful people France, you make other countries envious, don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

Your culture is unique, surprising and oh-so enjoyable. I learned so much that I think I owe you a lifetime of gratitude. I walked your museums, visited your endless castles and read your writers. I learned your architecture, memorized your history and recited your poems.

I thank you for being a meeting point of cultures, the heart of a continent and the boiling stew of a thousand spices. I had a taste of everything I could, I swear. I fought off my prejudices and made friends wherever I could, changing people's minds about my Homeland as I went. I fell in love with girls I met in your soil, and your language was the bridge to countless encounters.

I leave having seen your lands, smelled your flowers and soared your skies. I leave after climbing your mountains, swimming your seas and sailing your rivers. I leave with love for Bretagne, Provence, Alsace, and everything in between them. I tried all the cheeses I could, all the wines I found and all the foods you have to offer. I fell in love with the traboules in Lyon, the park in Strasbourg, the lights in Paris, the beautiful port that is Nantes. You took my breath away so many times in so many vast landscapes and little towns that I might never breath again if it's not your air.

Oh France, I tried so hard to find out all there is about you, and I thoroughly enjoyed the ride you offered me.

You are easy to love, France. Beautifully enticing and glamorously inviting. You make my Homeland jealous, and She's gorgeous as well. You make me wanna split in two and live two lives, so as not to miss anything you have to offer. It's so painful loving you, France. You're a demanding lover. Friends, family, costumes and comfort were prices I had to pay for your charm.

I leave having learnt your language. People even take me for a Frenchman sometimes now! I leave having studied, worked, loved, loss, cried and laughed here, and having done my best effort to breath you all in as best as I could. I promise you, I will never speak ill of you.

I leave with pain in my heart and tears in my eyes, a knot in my throat so big I had to write down my feelings as to not let them go unnoticed. You were such a wonderful friend, France.

I leave with Marianne in my heart, knowing one day I'll call you home.

With all my love,
Feb 2014 · 299
What About Vows?
Sergio MP Feb 2014
What about the times we shared and the love we promised?
What about the nights in bed and the afternoons cuddled?
What about the "you can trust me" your eyes whispered as I gave you my heart?
What about the unspoken truth of being the only one wrapped in your arms?
What about the safety your breath brought while blowing away my insecurities?
What about the "the games are over and it's time for maturity"?
What about the you're-the-only-one's your smiles carved in my soul?
What about me, lying broken, cheated, fooled in this empty hole?
Feb 2014 · 1.1k
Abroad (Tri)
Sergio MP Feb 2014
While I sit alone wondering why,
I came this far, and yet so nigh.
El sueño viene, me atormenta,
y dice "no gana quien no intenta"
Mais quel faux rêve m'a attiré?
quel prix y a-t-il à gagner?
quel prix y a-t-il à payer?

Borders are set, love is far,
"living abroad will sure be hard",
everyone said; with goodbyes in their hands.
Y la vida anda, corre, sigue,
y mi ausencia se cementa,
se vuelve firme.
Je serai un souvenir,
un sourire nostalgique

My friends will love the past of me,
the times we shared, the best of it.
Pero yo ya no existo, y cada día me pierdo más;
y ellos no existen, la rutina puede más.
En sentant trembler
ma réalité,
je dis à Dieu, à l'Univers,

"This adventure
better be great;
for love and life
behind are left"
Jan 2014 · 653
Fake Anger (Tri)
Sergio MP Jan 2014
J'aime la façon dont tes yeux sourient
quand ta bouche est triste;
And the way your nose wrinkles when your teeth show up
as laugh ruins your sadness.
I like how your eyebrows loosen and the valleys

en tu frente se vuelven planicies de alegría.
Me gusta que tengas que esforzarte para estar molesta conmigo.
Et j'aime encore plus  *that I need no effort
for smiling whenever you show up
Sep 2013 · 483
The Sun Charmer
Sergio MP Sep 2013
I see the sky in my window frame
there is no light, no dark, no haze.
I saw no star, and I could tell,
The sun, like me, fell under your spell.

The sun shall rise and the sun shall fade,
when you say "good morning" and you say "sleep well".
No minute early, no minute late,
the sun is bound just to your face.
My life will keep this new-found sense,
my breathing tuned to your heart's pace.
The days don't follow the sun's advice,
'cause time will stop whenever you smile.

My world turns no more around a star,
but around the curve that is your mouth,
around the sea that is your laugh,
my simple world turned inside out.
Jun 2013 · 380
Sergio MP Jun 2013
it was before my chest hurt,
when my feet weren’t sore,
and my hands were smooth.

you loved me before my hair was ash,
when my smile wasn't crooked,
and my speech was fast.

before life came,
before pain came.

before a shadow took over my heart
and we grew apart.

my story went by
wishing i'd done
what was to be done

a lifetime passed by
seeing you be
all you could be

(but without me)
Apr 2013 · 557
Sergio MP Apr 2013
What are you, if not a whisper?
a knot in my throat, a feel of used air,
a blurry vision, a light that smells?
What am I, if not a mess?
a pain in the heart, a sense of regret,
painful collision, a flickering smell?
No, you're not,
and no, I'm not.
A long-gone memory,
a mesmerizing melody.
Aug 2012 · 1.3k
Sergio MP Aug 2012
Gratitud y amor: eso es lo que siento.// Gratitud and love: that's what I feel.
Las palabras no duran, // words don't last,
pero quiero que recuerdes esto: // but I want you to remember this:
Fueron tu fuerza y tu ayuda // It was your strength and your help
los que me hicieron ser quien soy // the ones that made me who I am
y son tu querer y tu apoyo // and it is your loving and support
los que me llevarán a donde voy. // the ones that'll take me where I'm going.

En mi vida tengo metas importantes, //In my life I've got important goals,
pero ninguna tan relevante, // but none of them as relevant,
como que mis logros sean siempre tuyos // as making my accomplishments yours
y ver en tus ojos siempre orgullo. // and always seeing pride in your eyes
Hacer que tu pecho se hinche // make your chest swell
cuando me llames “tu hijo” // every time you call me "your son"
y que sepas que cuando ríes // and that you know that when you laugh
yo me alegro contigo. // I rejoice with you

Esté donde esté, // wherever I am,
y estés donde estés, // and wherever you are,
siempre serás mi papá, mi amigo, // you'll always be my dad, my friend,
el mejor que pude haber pedido. // the best one I could have asked for.

El día que me muera, sabré que he vivido // The day I die, I'll know I've lived
si viví mi vida tratando de ser  // if I lived my life trying to be
el increíble hombre que tu has sido. // the incredible man you've been
Aug 2012 · 447
The Morning
Sergio MP Aug 2012
Opening my eyes this morning,
was a mistake.
´Cause you left my side,
and cold took your place.
The Morning, she came,
and her eye took away,
all the time we had,
all the smiles we shared.
Jul 2012 · 488
Sergio MP Jul 2012
I fear that in the dark
the one I know as “I”
will be so scared,
he’ll wear a mask.

I fear that if life makes my fight
my pride will fade
and my head won’t be held high.

I fear my ideals will be gone
and what I believe in will be lost.

I fear I’m only me because I'm not afraid
Sergio MP Jul 2012
I still remember those lonely nights,
when the moon kept crying in front of me,
bathing me in tears of silence.

Those lonely nights where I saw my truths,
when I felt the weight of her judging me,
and her moonlight met my dark desires.

I hated those cold, starless nights,
when I felt small and had no choice,
but to face my fears and my inner voice.

I was ashamed of the things I'd done,
just hoping for the sun to show.
'Cause in his light resides my hope,
of better things yet to come.

And when they do, I'll be absolved,
and all the Stars will cry "behold,
the man whom the moon no grudge against holds,
the man whom the moon won't shed tears for"
Jul 2012 · 1.2k
Today I'm Free
Sergio MP Jul 2012
Today I'm free,
of your smile's oppression,
and the sweet way,
you used to say,
"me and you,
                forever and always".

Today I'm free,
of your false affection,
I look away,
and finally say,
"Je n't'aime plus,
                 je n't'aime pas".

— The End —