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These are the hours of woken dreams
When silent screams
A recurring theme

Or so it seems

These are the hours of trepidation
The longer the wait
The greater the apprehension

That it just might not happen
Write me a song
It needn't rhyme
It needn't be long
Just something that
I can hum along
Write me a love song
Dear Mother

I must confess a secret sin
It may sound foolish
You might just grin
And should these words
Make little sense
Please tell me so
Avoid any pretense

I slipped into your skin today
How the weight of time wears
In memory's ***** I sought to lay
Antecedent memories I tried to bare

But I could not comprehend

A Pizzicato journey
Well-paved walkways
The darkest alleys
Waves of variations
Like the untried
Unconquered waters
Ripples and swells
Of every known emotion
And more

I slipped into your shoes today
Memory lane I threaded
It's not an intrusion I must say
But a lesson from the learned

Though I still could not understand

Interludes and episodes
I would never fathom
Actions, reactions
I failed to decode
Highroads, crossroads,
Byroads, no roads
Turbulence in truckloads

Pardon the rhyme
Allow me to switch modes

I slipped into your past today
And caught a glimpse of you
Like the most delectable spread
I feasted on the fleeting view

Yet that does not mean I comprehend

But when time unfolds
The truths to behold
In subtle forms
Or atomic bombs
Should I discern
The right lessons to learn
I'll go with the flow
I'll let you know
Peculiar Spring
Seeps through my skin
Invades my soul
And garrotes me within

Unhurried strangulation
My spirit weakens
A rush of horror
At the sight of the Warden

He's cloaked in death
Speaks with decaying breath
"It's all foredoomed
I'm threading this path"

Limbs frozen stiff
Hasten, flee … if
Death travels swiftly
Radiating a putrid whiff

A nipping hoarfrost
Spring slays those embossed
Come Summer, come
Before I completely exhaust

This peculiar Spring
Its nature - bristling
Beneath a flaccid quiescence
I'm being garroted within
The color of Spring
Is such a beautiful thing
It makes my heart leap out and sing
For the wondrous joy that it always brings
As wind chimes ****** and church bells ring
My soul takes swift flight on seraph's wings

I've been out in the fields these days
Strolling and bathing in the Sun's rays
Dreaming of you as I lay on cottony hay
"Are you thinking of me too," softly I'll pray
And with a gentle voice you will call and say
The sweetest of words in your own special way

The air of Spring
Oh what a lighthearted feeling
It makes my spirit go a-bubbling
As I watch birds glide in the early morning
And the glowing amber sunset in the cool evening
My emotions are set in fluid motions from reality slipping

I've been recalling our times together
Laughing, teasing and feeling so hyper
There wasn't a dull moment, Oh no never
For our love only gets much stronger and better
It's sort of like Tide with a new, improved formula
We'll be on the supermarket shelves forever and ever
Spring is a frail garment
In soft, sheer verdance
Dyed with chastely pigments
Laced with gentle fragrance
Light drizzles gently brushing on my cheeks
Misty pitter-patters
A butterfly flutters
A solitary stroll in the orchard of mystique
The dewy grass glitters
I am Mother Nature’s daughter

I saunter in the womb of the cherry orchard
Light-hearted tip taps
The squirrels take their catnaps
Gaily skipping under the falling blossoms
Spinning with laughter
Time is not a factor

From a distance, a pianist plays a chirpy tune
The jazzy anthem
A tune of welcome
Arm with passion, I caper windward
One with the flowers and trees
The birds and the bees

Mild winds gently combing my tresses
Soft, rhythmic strokes
My senses they provoke
Then reality came in a soothing ring
My baby calls
Oh, my busy, silly goofball!
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