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A woman drew herself up from wrecked wood at the bottom of the ocean;
whispered sea-songs into the wistful ear of a long lost love;
shook her locks 'til his heart beat faster;
looked longer than she should into the deep pools of his pleading eyes.

"I will call you when I want to;
I will call you when I want."

Cooled his temples;
breathed her watery breath
as silvered beads streamed down his shocked skin.


Rumors rock an empty drifting boat;
a glazed shell faced with priceless pearl
broken from its moorings,
strangled by a knotted rope.

"You have not chosen me, but I have chosen you"

Hold fast the bestowed gift,
your Quinquireme of stowed treasure.
Protect its precious structure.
"Who are you, the one who stripped my soul?
Who is the third who stole yours?"  


B­roken from netting I lie
a beached starfish on burning sand,
wishing the waves to wash me
back through Time's receding current
to find the silence that once was;
to turn away before the sacrifice,
before the Eye of the storm.

copyright © Caroline Grace 2010
This is hard,
And it kills me to say this,
But I've found someone new,

I'm not going to lead you on,
I have more class than that,
I just need you to know,

I didn't do this to hurt you,
I didn't do this because I don't love you,
I did this because I'm afraid of getting hurt,
And while this may bring some emotion,
It needed to be said,

I wasn't just going to not tell you,
That would be unfair,
I am not going to stop talking to you,
Because I'll always be there,
To help you with whatever you may need,

And while I may have really loved you,
And I still do,
There's an ocean between us,
The water will always seperate us,
And its too deep to cross,

I still want you in my life,
I just you need to know,
I've moved on,
And as much as it kills me,
You should as well.
I wasn't going to keep it from you, that would be unfair to both of us, I'm sorry.

— The End —