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Nov 2017 · 398
Childhood Ruined
SakuraSkye Nov 2017
Cinderella, dressed in yella,
went upstairs to kiss her fella,
What she saw there wasn't great,
Prince Charming's got another date.

Jack and Jill went up the hill,
to fetch a pail of water.
Jack fell over and broke his crown,
now he's paralysed from the neck down.

Hickory dickory dock,
the mouse ran up the clock.
Got stuck inside and slowly died,
hickory dickory dock.

Hey ****** ******, the cat and the fiddle,
the cow jumped over the moon.
Cow falls on the cat, and squashes it flat,
his 9 lives were taken so soon.

Twinkle twinkle little star,
how I wonder what you are?
Soon you'll be gone from the sky,
for like my dreams you'll burn and die.

Hush little baby, don't you cry,
'cuz mummy left daddy for another guy.
Daddy's gonna drink another shot,
then drunkenly abuse his tiny tot.
Dark versions of nursery rhymes!! What do you think?
Nov 2017 · 387
SakuraSkye Nov 2017
I'm trapped.
Trapped in a bubble.
A bubble of my own cruel thoughts.
A bubble of my own cruel emotions.
Emotions which leave me numb, empty, lonely.
Emotions which pain me so, beating me, slowly.
I scream out for help; but I cannot be heard.
The bubble is invincible, inside it is my own harsh world.
On the outside, others see me.
Or what they think is me.
Their happiness; reflected upon the shiny exterior.
Their happiness; which they think is my happiness.
Although; my happiness abandoned me long ago.
Leaving me to live a joyless life inside the bubble.
A life that doesn't belong to me.
A life that belongs to the bubble.
It owns me.
It rules me.
It hurts me.
Save me. . .
Oct 2017 · 409
Scary things.
SakuraSkye Oct 2017
Clowns and bears and bumblebees.
Being lost amongst big trees.
Getting eaten by a shark.
Walking around in the dark.

Blood and bones and all things gory.
That one awful, spooky story.
Giant crowds and tiny spaces.
High up buildings, unusual faces.

Going out without your phone.
Paying off your student loan.
Mortgages, debts and bills galore.
That sudden knocking at your door. . .

Happy Halloween!
I decided to be a little festive and write about common fears we all have, with a humorous twist.
Of course, the final stanza is coming from a teen's point of view, so I'm not sure if it applies to you more mature folks!
SakuraSkye Oct 2017
Hi there!

Wanna sleep? Too bad!
Are you smiling? Now you're sad!
Party invite? Lets not go!
Suffering? No one can know!

Seeking help? Think again!
Relaxing? Oh remember when. . .
Working hard? Why even try?
Feeling good? Oops, time to cry!

You look pretty? No you don't!
Wanna eat? Well now you won't!
Getting better? Or so you thought!
Will I leave you? Probably not!
Oct 2017 · 236
Snakes and Ladders
SakuraSkye Oct 2017
1,2,3,4, players gather on the board.
4,3,2,1 roll the dice, the game's begun.
Moving forward space-by-space,
how unfortunate that I'm last place.

I see the others moving,
ahead again-and-again.
1st,2nd,3rd they've got me beat.
I am in 4th, a tragic defeat.

They climb the ladders,going far,
space 50, 51, 52.
Look at me, I'm stuck on 9,
Everyone, please don't leave me behind.

Sooner or later, they reach the end,
celebrations all around, except for me.
Sliding down snakes, time-after-time,
I don't have a chance, victory will never be mine.
Hello all! It's been quite some time since I've last posted anything.
Anyway; here's my newest piece. I'm a little rusty seeing as I haven't written anything in a fair number of months. Nevertheless, what do you think?
I got my inspiration from the idea that life is like a game of snakes and ladders, where I am stuck at the bottom of the board. Trying to climb ladders but always being met with a slippery doom.
Feb 2017 · 289
Paper Dolls
SakuraSkye Feb 2017
Snip, snip, snip,
the scissors slice right through the page.
A pack of paper dolls created,
to now take centre-stage.

One of those dolls are different,
and that doll is me.
I have so many faults and flaws,
my life wasn’t meant to be.

So many bumps and scars,
and a torn-up outline.
I’m covered up with nice bright colours,
to appear like all is fine.

Then we each receive a smile,
so glowing, fresh, and new.
But upon my face she paints a frown,
I’m not like the rest of you.

My sad looks soon stand out,
and they hate my imperfections.
So she takes out a pair of scissors,
to make a few corrections.

My weightless,worthless body,
floats gently to the floor.
As the other paper dolls,
are hung up for all to adore.
This week I have felt absolutely horrible, even more so than usual. I decided to take out pad and pen to see if it could lift my spirits, even in the slightest.
This is what I came up with.
Feel free to leave suggestions as to how I can improve it.
Jan 2017 · 252
SakuraSkye Jan 2017
I am alone
Alone at school
Alone at home
In my room, on my own.
Alone when I laugh
Alone when I cry
Alone when I want to give up and die.
Alone by night
Alone by day
Alone by hiding myself away
No love, no life, just my wrist and a knife. . .
I am alone
Alone in life
Alone in bed
Alone with my arm covered in red.
Alone in pain
Alone in need
Alone as I let myself bleed.
Alone when healthy
Alone when ill
Alone when I take one final pill.
I die alone
I am alone
Sorry for the lack of activity from my account.

Finally got some emotional inspiration. What do you think?
Nov 2016 · 479
SakuraSkye Nov 2016
If I were a bird,
how joyous would life be?
I could live without stress and strife,
I could finally be free.

If I were a bird,
never would I have to talk.
Not a word could my bulky beak blather,
all I could do is sing and squawk.

If I were a bird,
oh, the places I could go.
I could soar above the clouds,
in the orange, sunset glow.

If I were a bird,
I could escape all my pain.
I could spread my wings and fly away,
never to be seen again.

If I were a bird,
how joyous would life be?
But sadly, I am not a bird,
and I must continue being me.
I wrote something different from my usual emotional pieces.
Today I was inspired by the birds I saw on my walk to school. I watched them in awe, as their black silhouettes took flight in the early morning light.
Is there any way I could improve it?
Nov 2016 · 243
SakuraSkye Nov 2016
I stand atop the railings,
and take in some fresh air.
If I were to jump now,
would anybody care?

The world is now retreating,
I feel myself getting further from the ground.
If I took my life a mile away,
would I even make a sound?

A crowd soon starts to gather,
they say "You have your whole life ahead of you!"
But life isn't some simple game,
if only those fools knew.

I fill my lungs with one breath,
as do others as I leap.
I smile, knowing what awaits me,
is joy and eternal sleep.

The world must truly despise me,
something just won't let me leave.
I lie conscious on the ground,
wiping my tears with a frayed jumper sleeve.

Strangers try to comfort me,
they say "It's okay to cry."
But crying won't change anything,
it's easier to give up and die.
I wrote this today when I had a spare class. I'm not sure how I feel about it, what are your opinions?
I've been having these feelings here and there recently. But I don't think I'll go through with killing myself ever. It's a permanent solution to a (possibly) temporary problem.
Oct 2016 · 260
SakuraSkye Oct 2016
Roses are red,
The violets are dying,
Outside I look fine,
But inside I'm crying.

Facing the world,
Such an arduous task,
Now that I must hide,
Behind a smiling mask.

You can tell life's a worry,
When the number of scars,
On your arms equal,
The total of all the sky's stars.

The roses now wilted,
The violets have died,
But never will someone,
Know what goes on inside.
What do you think?
SakuraSkye Oct 2016
I am a teacher's pet, I'm diligent and well-read,
But nobody knows that all this work wreaks havoc in my head.

I'm always punctual to my classes, moving swiftly across the floors,
But even so, it's a mystery what I do behind closed doors.

I may work hard in every class, and always have good grades,
But those marks can't be achieved without my knives and blades.

I smile sweetly at my peers each and every school day,
But in my head I want to cry, I'm worthless anyway.

I am a teacher's pet, and forever one shall I be,
But only for so long can I hide my scars, in places they can't see.
I wrote this during a free class the other day. What do you think?
Apr 2016 · 332
SakuraSkye Apr 2016
The monster utters the very words I feared, "Your turn to speak."
I looked around for help, feeling ever so weak.
I stood up at desk and to the front I walked,
And in my mind I knew I would surely be mocked.
I shuffled my papers and fixed up my hair,
I'm dying up here, yet they don't seem to care.
I open my mouth, but no words come out,
All I want to do is run away and pout.
I shiver, and stumble, and stutter, and sweat,
All the while thinking, "Is this over yet?"
I wish I could hide, I wish I could cry.
I just can't talk, but they don't understand why.
I want to get up, and try to explain,
My anxiety, and how it causes me pain.
But my mind tells me that they don't care,
I'm not meant to be happy, life just isn't fair.
This poem is from a few months ago.
Apr 2016 · 451
SakuraSkye Apr 2016
I am a silhouette.

I lurk in the classrooms, and scuffle along the corridors.

I give off not but a whisper as I pass by.

It's my call, my plea, my cry.

I live amongst the shadows where I am indistinguishable.

I am noticed not but when the spotlight is on me. It blinds me. It pains me.

I will someday become obsolete, but nobody will know that I was ever there.

I am just not meant to be seen.

I am just a silhouette.
Apr 2016 · 297
SakuraSkye Apr 2016
Anxiety is a snake,

It chokes me

Stops me from smiling, breathing, living.

It squeezes me to the point I feel my heart will burst.

Its sharp, forked tongue causes me to stutter,

Its brutal, cold blood makes me shiver.

Sadly; I will never be released, there is no escaping, no solution, no turning back.

I'm trapped.
Apr 2016 · 287
SakuraSkye Apr 2016
At school so many problems are faced.

Sitting alone, I feel so misplaced.

Questioning discussions made behind my chair.

Does anyone even notice I'm there?

I must be a ghost, a spirit of the old me,

Why else would I be so lonely?

I may as well disappear off the face of this Earth,

Because I'm not important, I have little worth.

I shall kick off the shackles of this lonesome life,

All I need to do is pick up the knife . . .
I wrote this just before classes began today, I was feeling down.
Mar 2016 · 253
SakuraSkye Mar 2016
The ocean shimmers as the sun begins to fall,

I stand alone, worrying about nothing at all.

I've been so stressed, I've had a rough day,

But oddly the tranquil scene takes my troubles away.

I could stay here forever, thinking to myself,

Because such a sight is worth all the world's wealth.

But I am reminded that as dusk comes from dawn,

That life is a show, and it must go on.
I wrote this poem during class a few days ago.

— The End —