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Jan 2011 · 729
I Might Have Loved Him
Sequoia Holland Jan 2011
"I never saw his glimpse more than once at a time. That one look was always enough to make my heart leap into my throat, though. I knew he was not perfect, how could he be? But still, his grapevine hair, almost lighter than his skin, and those lips, ragged, but still the most delicate shade of pink, curled around his ever-burning cigarette, whose smoke reflected in his deep, clear, dark eyes... It all had an air of age unfitting to his cherubic smile and his childish voice. He only ever looked at me very briefly, even when we spoke. I don't know if we could have become friends, and there still sits in me something that doesn't want to find out."
True story. We were both in the right place at the wrong time, I suppose.
Jan 2011 · 672
Like Smoke
Sequoia Holland Jan 2011
Softly whispering,

Like smoke she drifts away


By words you might have heard

But never really listened to...
I wrote this as a textual additive to an art piece I did after a particularly vivid dream I had. I was smoking a lot in the dream..
Jan 2011 · 824
Tea, Instead
Sequoia Holland Jan 2011
Take me out for coffee;
         I'll ask for tea, instead.
   I'll burn my tongue
     On phantom blackberries
While I try to find
            A way to say
        'I love you'
It's all true.
Jan 2011 · 637
Precious Stones
Sequoia Holland Jan 2011

                                       s     d
into glistening eyes
         which no one can tell
  whatever precious stones

                                        lie beneath
Sorry if this is a little annoying to read, it was a really "in the moment" thing. I rather like it, though.
Jan 2011 · 1.5k
From Your Secret Admirer
Sequoia Holland Jan 2011
His moods are made of earth,
Silent laughter bounds through him
Like lithe and limber creatures,
Creeping, crawling,
Slithering through woods,
Then breaking into the electric chase
For playful eyes,
Staring with a wanting gaze
Through deep, dark pools
Of liquid love.
I wrote this for my boyfriend, anonymously, back before I knew how to tell him I loved him. I think I was fifteen.

— The End —