What is love that it could inspire people
Wake in the morning with a sweet smile
And lay in bed at night dreamy-eyed
It gives such a hard drive to go beyond one's limits
Soar to higher heights
All just to show and prove such love
It makes one dive deeper into understanding
To give beyond the usual bounds
Be braver than the newly annointed knight
Though ******, wont give up the fight
'Till it seems like death could give more life
But then, what is love that it could hurt much
Once innocence is broken, it could taint one's soul
Then pain, misery, despair, all these.. Will be surely known
Revenge will always be bitter-sweet
Like forcing poison to another's mouth with one's own lips
The ranging fury inside is easily embraced
Anger, hatred, turning into evil is a bliss
One descends into hell without dying
Life is gradually escaping, though still breathing
And then death, death is not even enough
And so, what is love truly?
Ahhhh, i can hardly tell..
Perhaps, a double-edged blade..
Or a two-sided coin?..
But it will always be a Mystery.