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Selene Nov 2014
Even though how much they try to treat you right
Sooner or later, they would still be breaking your heart.

Though it can give so much happiness to you
At some point there's a hell that it will put you through.

You can try to escape all the pain
But you can still be haunted even in your dream.
Selene Nov 2014
I will trust what I have chosen
If I won't, no one else will

I was the one who laid my own path
The path where I must tread
I can't falter, not now or ever

I know I sometimes let the evil inside me speak for itself
But that is to let out some of its poison
Before it could further taint my soul

There is neither a beginning nor an ending to the Wheel of Time
But I will accomplish what I have come  for this lifetime.
Selene Nov 2014
I dreamt of him holding my hand as we sleep together.
Holding it tight like he tends to keep me forever.
I wanna stay like this with him...
If only it wasn't a dream.
Selene Nov 2014
I thought there's nothing worst than unrequited love
But now I know there's one more vile
Its to hold back love as if I feel nothing
Simply because the feeling isn't right

Its like swallowing a huge ball of fire
Forcing it into my very mouth
And the more I push the flame inside
The more it burns me alive

Oh fate! Why this? Why does it have to be this?
Why do you have to rip my heart over and over?
Perhaps, you misses my tears?
So now I'm broken and as worst as ever!
Selene Nov 2014
Early morning and they stand face to face
Staring, holding each other's gaze
One lies in the East, the other's in the West
Such a cruel grace

Though they belong in the same place
For how long? an hour, or maybe two or three
It's always not enough, oh! It will never be
For they'll never cross the distance in between for all eternity

They can drink each other's light
Bask in each other's presence
But that is all there is
For soon, one will be out of sight

Theirs is a baneful curse
And it fills my eyes with tears
For I'm sealed with the same fate
To love a man I can never be with.
Selene Nov 2014
What is love that it could inspire people
Wake in the morning with a sweet smile
And lay in bed at night dreamy-eyed

It gives such a hard drive to go beyond one's limits
Soar to higher heights
All just to show and prove such love

It makes one dive deeper into understanding
To give beyond the usual bounds
Be braver than the newly annointed knight
Though ******, wont give up the fight
'Till it seems like death could give more life

But then, what is love that it could hurt much
Once innocence is broken, it could taint one's soul
Then pain, misery, despair, all these.. Will be surely known

Revenge will always be bitter-sweet
Like forcing poison to another's mouth with one's own lips
The ranging fury inside is easily embraced
Anger, hatred, turning into evil is a bliss

One descends into hell without dying
Life is gradually escaping, though still breathing
And then death, death is not even enough

And so, what is love truly?
Ahhhh, i can hardly tell..
Perhaps, a double-edged blade..
Or a two-sided coin?..
But it will always be a Mystery.
Selene Oct 2014
I stand here empty, never so alone
Drowned into the sound of a waterfall
Waiting for the cold cascading waters
To fin'ly take away my soul

For there can't be any reason to live
I have no life to give
I'm but a ghost, seeking refuge
By my own self, i was deceived

I thought i could at last reach you
Say words i'm longing to tell you
Hoping we could be together
But why even here, it holds untrue

The wheel of time continues to turn
The lighted candle will soon cease to burn
This world I've created will be gone
And all i could ever do is mourn

Please throw me one last glance
Let me hold your face in my own hands
Let me hear your voice one last time
Before I turn away from this trance.

— The End —