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Dear Summer Selena,

you're too good for that.
put down that beer.
pick your clothes up off the floor.
he doesn't know
your valleys and hollows
or the way
you smile to yourself
when the sun
kisses your milky skin.

you know better.
step away
before his touch
burns across your flesh
and intoxicates you;
the smell of alcohol
and ***
hanging off your bones.

you deserve more
than his locust kiss
across your plains
and fields.
he will let you
dress in shame
and leave
without offering
those nourishing words
that you crave.

you are just
a body
to him.
and when
he is through
you will be
i'm a polyamorous bi-curious ***-machine girl
yessir i am.

i love my daddy
that never gave a ****
and would have rather
been with drunk women
which may be why
i feel beautiful
when i drink.

and by god
i love my cousin
that loved a young girl's body
and couldn't resist
touching mine
which may be why
i'm entranced
by a woman's form.

and holy hell
i love my ex
that grew cold
and became violent
over the smallest things
which may be why
i enjoy
being abused.

and jesus christ
i like my boyfriend
that truly loves me
and treats me right
which may be why
i don't know
came and went like the storm overhead
rumbling as your lines were drawn
in curls and side-swept bangs,
sinister lips to sink your teeth into, and
******* more supple than my own.

came and went
flashing as your fingers twitched
to race up and down that spine,
back and forth across those hips, and
lower to that sacred place.

came and went
crescendoing as your lungs inflated
to let out a sigh,
a gasp, a shout
a shuddering name.

came and went
as 3 AM watched
me arrange my pillows
into your shape,
to curl with
to tangle with
and to whisper to when
you're a million miles
reminds me of you
and the hot days
we spent
in your basement
among the sheets;
and rancid.
you smelled
through your
that soaked the hair
around your temples
and made your skin slick
beneath my fingers.
flies clung
to my hair
with the weight
of humidity;
buzzing languidly
in the heat
of your
cigarette breath.
your hands
stained black
with oil
you could never
wash away
left dark traces
on my hips;
trails of your sins
upon my body.
the air
tasted like filth
and ****
upon my tongue
that slid
over my
dry and cracking
our bodies were
shimmering and
in the midday heat
as we lay together
and wondered why
we were wasting our time.
i toss and wake beside you at 2am
eyes drowsily sliding open
and hands tiredly grasping at sheets
in the calm of a cool summer dawn.
i turn and watch your bare chest rise and fall steadily;
the rhythm of your breaths is a miracle in this moment
and your heartbeat a gift as i press close to you and listen;
my hair spilling across your warm body.
your lips part slightly as you stir
and the air is blessed to be kissed so gently by them.
i lean close and brush my lips against yours,
careful not to disturb your stillness.
your presence reassures me as i lay my head down beside yours
and drift back to sleep
secretly holding this moment.

— The End —