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759 · Feb 2012
he is
Sedina Durmic Feb 2012
he's the stars in my night
and the worth to my fight

he's my eyes to my sight

and everything that's absolutely right

never been held so tight

with you I'll never put up a fight

for I am your princess and you my Knight

to my dark he is the light

He is the left to my right

and the sleepless to my night

and i love him with all of my might <3
653 · Jan 2012
Sedina Durmic Jan 2012
my confusion is one illusion,
my lifes a soap opera,
if there was one shoulder to lean on,
one arm to go around the lips to wispher to me everything will be okay,
confused by love,
confused by the work of life,
expressions of the lyrics of every song is everything i relate to,
happy i am not but nor am i unhappy,
this worlds delusional.
lifes a dangerous love affair,
i break the rules so i dont care
610 · Jan 2012
watch me ….
Sedina Durmic Jan 2012
close me down
take my crown

steal my shine

as we entwine
rip me apart

as you hold me close to your heart
hold me tight

as you watch me fight

listen to me weep

how my soul falls so deep

watch me drown

because of your gift given frown

watch me break and shatter

when all you did was just watch
594 · Jan 2012
Sedina Durmic Jan 2012
A woman none the less a dog
Losing my identity in the mist of the fog
Flush my self down the drain
Watch the person I was slip away 
Who am I 
I'm living your world instead of mine
Trying to be perfect for you 
But thats just impossible
Wishing I was good enough
Maybe we wouldn't argue
Maybe I wouldn't upset you
Pounding heart dying soul lost spirit
Looking at my reflection 
Seeing a lost life
Wishing on every star someone understood 
Wishing to be cared and loved for
Dreaming me and you were picture perfect
I'm the strain to your life
I just wish to be gone
Everyone would then be happy
558 · Jan 2012
Sedina Durmic Jan 2012
Where has the time went what has life done to me
where has happiness gone where do i stand
I have not learned to deal with this sort of pain 
Ive left my heart in your far away land
emptiness is my home; your hate is my sorrow
my happiness i strive for; my love i no longer have
only the rememberence of you of our memories 
The tears i fight back as much as i can and as painful but possible it is.
Dreams are no longer dreamt
you've become a nightmare something my soul desires so deeply 
I may be standing, breathing, and moving
but i no longer have the life i had
i no longer have the me i was but only the spirit 
I desire to regain myself but truthfully inside i am dead
my days are cold and will remain cold 
No matters no importance i am no longer here
My insperation is gone my heart is still weeping 
Ive lost myself 
Ive forgotten what it is to be happy 
I feel empty and in my sroryline and weather my days always rain and there are always dark clouds 
Emptiness and dark shadows are all i feel and see
529 · Jan 2012
Sedina Durmic Jan 2012
you dont gotta deny it,
i can see that the way you talk to me,
the way you look at me, the way you smile and how you read all my stuff,
that your love for me is more then alive,
you try to hide it but everything you do lets me know,
i know that glow in your eyes,
im your special one,
that love hasn't died yet because while you still missing me
and thinking of me your still loving me...
your denail is your cover-up
490 · Jan 2012
Sedina Durmic Jan 2012
Deep within lies a burning soul
Hopeless dying life
Slam me down break me open
Look me in the eyes say I don't love you
Squeezing my heart with your bare hands
Squeezing out every bit of life that beats within
My life what a strife 
I die within I cry deep down
Every day and every night
Slowly I fade away no one knows only I
This pain is my gain 
His love was my strain
These tears my fears 
Far away beyond my dreams
Happiness stands beyond my belief
Sadness and a broken hear is in my grief
As my life hangs on the edge
My love will always stand strong 
With me here or with me gone
You are my song to this sad poem 
You are my tears to these words
Your are the loss from my fears
And now I stand in despair 
For my love stands high 
I'll always love you
474 · Jan 2012
why won't you :)
Sedina Durmic Jan 2012
why wont you be my blue sky so i can be your sunshine,
you be my horizon ill come to you every night,
why wont you be my moonlight so i can be your night time
my life would be so dark if you didnt shine so bright,
ill be forever yours
463 · Jan 2012
Sedina Durmic Jan 2012
they say what a beutiful day

they say it’s always your way

but they never say it will always be the other way

looking out at the beautiful day

seeing it all shatter like glass upon my eyes

bright blue skies turn to dusk

bright days are now gloomy

dreams are only dreams

and stars are no longer worth wishing on

they say live it up

so give em’ a cup

pour the drinks let’s see your bodies move

but every movement is in slow motion

to escape would be to live

but to live you need to escape

the happy face turns into a frown

the bright happy eyes are now pouring down

warm waters rolling down the cheecks

splatters onto the ground and splash

all is quiet, you can almost hear it, you’re alone

no where to go or run or even trun

and then they say life is an amazing thing
446 · Jan 2012
Sedina Durmic Jan 2012
My soul it dies 
My body it cries 
For my heart can take so much
And my love can last so long 
My dreams have become my nightmares my wishes are no longer worth wishing for
For I am dead inside
My passion it burns 
My live it hurts
My heart it screams and pounds
It cries and it beats
I'm lost within and scared for life
This feeling it destroys and tears your insides apart 
But I'll never give up for I'll always love with all my heart and all my might
I'll be true till the day I take my last breath and my last words
And forgive all who have took my happiness and left me love lost
431 · Jan 2012
Sedina Durmic Jan 2012
Without you love is dead,

beliefs are gone,
happiness is long lost,

loneliness Settles in and darkness follows,
my heart contains you and I,

my love yearns you,

we aren’t what should be and what could be, is meant to be,

without you my world is lost,

when you’re gone then my all is gone,

my happiness flutters with you there,

with you i see the beauty in things i never seen,

how we feel i wish everyone can have,

feelings so mutual are so beautiful,

your love saves me everytime,

without you i don’t know how we could be anything,

it kills me to be just friends,

why can’t or won’t i let us be

what should be,


— The End —