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seBi Mar 2013
My writing is an art form that you will never truly see.
I can read you excerpts, though I choose to omit parts
The real parts that you just can’t swallow
Just can’t digest or fully understand
For I, like many others, speak Truth.
Truth unknown to the lowly peons, the sheeple of planet Earth.
You absorb information through loopy fun straws
Call mass-produced culture your own
Like sponges you soak this up
And roam the land with a sense of entitlement.
No, my writing is an art form that you will never truly see
Because you’ll bastardize it, bend it on one knee
While it begs for validation that it doesn’t really need.
No, you’ll never see it. Not even when I’m dead
seBi Mar 2013
The scent of gin flows
With every step it grows
More pungent
The bottles flow

They say,
"Why does a ****** ***** drink class like that?"
Class doesn't come from a bottle
She knows too well

A short round of laughs
Insecurities bubble up
Rage flowers in the garden
of Eden tonight

Hidden in her crimson
She slowly sneaks you in
Her best friend Gin

It's Dr. Jekyll and Mrs. Hyde
They will destroy you
But her heart won't.
seBi Mar 2013
The solution you pose is only temporary;
A bandaid over a bullet wound.
You can cover signs of pain,
But the bullet won’t heal.

I sat patiently all my life
Took the *******,
Fell in line
Just to avoid the unavoidable conflict
And criticisms of your delight.

You tossed me a core,
Which I humbly ate from
The crumbs of your conquest.
I ate and I never complained
Because it was your company I enjoyed.
I never want to be alone.

The solace I find in your presence.
The joy that is in our mutual struggle.
That’s what I loved most.
We were the mutual crutch that led us one step closer to hope.

But Silence ruined us.
If only we thought to speak truths that remained unknown.
“Speak now or forever hold your peace”
I never held my peace, I just ignored it.
seBi Nov 2012
I'd gladly strip down naked for you,
But I already have.
Beyond clothes, there's only so much
to take off.
At this point, I'll have to start shedding
parts of myself.
The things you don't want to see.
Beyond skin, beyond muscle, beyond bone.
Is this what you want?
Do you want the toxic?
The absurd?
The crazy?
I don't think you're prepared
for the train wreck that will ensue.
seBi Nov 2012
The seeds were already planted,
We just neglected to watch them grow.
Just when the buds began to
poke themselves through the black Earth,
You made the executive decision
to pluck them from the soil.
I never did see what they'd turn out to be
and you never did care,
But I still wonder what they would've looked like.
seBi May 2012
I sit patiently waiting to spoil.
The rays bouncing off emerald leaves
Cast tiny shadow displays
that synchronize with blades of grass
dancing in the summer wind.

They're coming.

Laughter is silenced by
the impending crash
and rumble of mechanical
horses travelling down their rails.

The cries overpower the ruckus.
Bodies surround me
like a zombie honing in on
its next fleshly morsel.
Yet I feel unthreatened.

But I feel alone.
Their joy draws out the sadness in me,
their fear my anger.
I am as empty as my bank account.
Sheltered by the elements of
social interaction.

Black bars all around me
It's a prison with tiny loopholes.
Only the intelligent may escape.

Dead trees are responsible
for holding the weight of
my body, yet I thank them
by stirring its slumber
and passing gas on the
twigs below me.

I hope they forgive me.
For I have nothing materialstic to give
but my heart, body, and soul.
Maybe sanity if that is still left.

I require the basics.
No more, no less.
But even that is too much to ask.
Where has humanity gone?
Stripped of its original nature
and replaced by dollar signs, profits, greed.
Take me back to the simpler times
So I can go back and read.

My life is no good here.
Let me spoil.
Written sitting in Wicker Park under a tree. Waiting for a friend to let me into their home, so I could shower and eat. I was homeless.
seBi Jun 2011
I tell the lies
For I fear the truth
That baffles and tricks and lies before me.

Today I just felt like
I had to tell you the truth.
I cheated.
I cried.
I lied.
I faked.
I built a wall to protect myself from you all.
I'm a highly addictive person.
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